Prodalmanniini Aczél, 1956

Korneyev, V. A., 2016, New Taxa And Synonymy In The Family Pyrgotidae (Diptera, Tephritoidea). I. Tribes Prodalmanniini And Toxopyrgotini, Vestnik Zoologii 50 (1), pp. 39-48 : 40

publication ID 10.1515/vzoo-2016-0005

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Prodalmanniini Aczél, 1956


Tribe Prodalmanniini Aczél, 1956

Aczél, 1956: 3.

Type genus: Prodalmannia Bezzi, 1929 .

D i a g n o s i s. Ocelli present or absent; frontal setae lacking; antennae very short, pedicel with deep incision (P); face with short, partly fused antennal grooves; epistome very high, weakly sclerotized (P); wing with subcostal vein entire and reaching costal vein at acute angle (?A); costal vein with humeral and subcostal break (P); abdomen with sternites 1 and 2 fused ( SA with other Pyrgotinae ) with visible seam (P); male genitalia: phallic guide not developed (P); epandrium densely setose dorsally (P); inner surstylus with prensisetae (2–4 thickened setae) (P); female: oviscape on ventral side with a tongue-like comb of thickened setae (A); eversible membrane with one pair of taeniae (P); aculeus moderately large, twice as long as oviscape width at aperture (P), with setulose sternite 6 (P) and well developed anal slit (P); ventral receptacle scepter-like ( SA with other Pyrgotinae ).

This tribe is believed to be represented by a single species of its type genus, Prodalmannia variabilis Bezzi, 1929 , which occurs only in Australia. Another undescribed new species of an undescribed new genus is known to me from Mt. Magnet , Western Australia, in the ANIC .

T a x o n o m i c p o s i t i o n. Prodalmanniini have fused sternites 1+2 (synapomorphy with the Toxurini and Pyrgotini) and thus belong in the subfamily Pyrgotinae , differing from the two latter tribes by having prensisetae on inner surstylus of males (setulose or microtrichose, without setae or prensisetae in the Toxurini and Pyrgotini) and aculeus with well-developed, setulose sternite 8 of females (“ventral lobes of the aculeus”) (almost entirely membranous, without setulae in the Toxopyrgotini trib. n., Toxurini and Pyrgotini) and well-developed anal slit on the dorsal side of cercal unit of female (no visible anal aperture in the Toxopyrgotini trib. n., Toxurini and Pyrgotini; rectum apparently opening within tergosternite 8 forming a cloaca).

Prodalmanniini form the basalmost branch of the Pyrgotinae , opposite to the Toxopyrgotini trib. n. + Toxurini + Pyrgotini lineage.

Genus Prodalmannia Bezzi, 1929 View in CoL

Type species: Prodalmannia variabilis Bezzi, 1929 (by original designation).

D i a g n o s i s. The genus can be distinguished from other pyrgotids by the combination of the tribal characters (see above) and the ocelli lacking (apomorphy, apparently lost independently from most other tribes of the Pyrgotinae ); body densely and long setulose, subshining, not microtrichose ( fig. 1–3 View Fig ); high, poorly sclerotized epistome, gena as high as eye, the subocular sclerite not developed, the proboscis elongate, geniculate; the femora not swollen, without femoral organ, long and densely setulose, without short spinulae; and wing with vein R 4+5 bearing 4–5 setae basally on dorsal side and lacking pattern; aculeus wide, with narrow and pointed cercal unit.

R e m a r k s. A monotypic genus known only from Australia. (Korneyev, in preparation).


Museum national d'Histoire Naturelle, Laboratiore de Paleontologie


Prodalmanniini Aczél, 1956

Korneyev, V. A. 2016


Bezzi 1929
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF