Hymenodora glacialis, Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean Martin, 2003

Martin, Joel W. & Haney, Todd A., 2005, Decapod crustaceans from hydrothermal vents and cold seeps: a review through 2005, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 145 (4), pp. 445-522 : 472

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Diego (2021-08-31 18:10:01, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-06 11:23:18)

scientific name

Hymenodora glacialis



Type locality: Arctic Ocean , off Greenland, north of Jan Mayen Island; ∼ 74°N, 7°W.

Known range: Reported from the Sea of Okhotsk and the Bering Sea south to the Gulf of Panama in the Pacific, and from the Arctic Ocean and North Atlantic in the Atlantic; recorded depths range from near the surface in polar seas to 5610 m in the Pacific and to approximately 3900 m in the Atlantic ( Havens & Rork, 1969; Butler, 1980; Hendrickx & Estrada Navarrete, 1996; Wicksten, 2002). Rathbun (1904) reported records further south, including off Ecuador in the Pacific, but it is unclear if these reports were discounted by Butler (1980), who noted that this species has been confused often in the past with H. gracilis (see Wasmer, 1972; Butler, 1980). Wicksten (2002) additionally lists the western South Atlantic, Chile, the subantarctic Pacific and the south-western Indian Ocean (see Martin, 2003).

Occurrence at vents or seeps: limited to a single report from a slow spreading centre (the Gakkel Ridge) in the Arctic Ocean ( Martin, 2003).

Material: Arctic Ocean, Gakkel Ridge; 4365–4456 m; joint US –German expedition, U. S. C. G. C. Healy; 24 August 2001; dredging; LACM CR 2001-027.1, vial 1F, sample HLY 01-02-D36, ‘Moss Landing sample’ (1 male). –same site; 3132–3282 m; U. S. C. G. C. Healy; 17 August 2001; dredge; LACM CR 2002-028.1, vial 2F, sample HLY 01-02-D22, ‘Moss Landing sample’ (1 male) ( Edmonds et al., 2003; Martin, 2003).

Remarks: Martin (2003) reported this species from Arctic hydrothermal vents (Gakkel Ridge), though he noted that in light of the method of collection, association with actual vent sites was open to question. The record of Hymenodora frontalis Rathbun, 1902 , from the Gorda Ridge axial valley ( Carey et al., 1987), may represent an additional vent-associated species of the genus, though specific ecological information is unknown; as with H. glacialis , there is no firm indication that the species is associated with active venting.

Buchholz R. 1874. Crustaceen. Die zweite deutsche Nordpolarfahrt in den Jahren 1869 und 1870, unter Fuhrung des Kapitan Karl Koldewey 2: 262 - 399 + pl. 1 - 15.

Butler TH. 1980. Shrimps of the Pacific Coast of Canada. Canadian Bulletin of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 202: 1 - 280.

Carey AG Jr, Taghon GL, Stein DL, Rona PA. 1987. Distributional ecology of benthic megaepifauna and fishes in Gorda Ridge Axial Valley. In: McMurray GR, ed. Gorda Ridge: a seafloor spreading center in the United States' Exclusive Economic Zone. New York: Springer-Verlag, 225 - 240.

Edmonds HN, Michael PJ, Baker ET, Connelly DP, Snow JE, Langmuir CH, Dick HJB, Muhe R, German CR, Graham DW. 2003. Discovery of abundant hydrothermal venting on the ultraslow-spreading Gakkel Ridge in the Arctic Ocean. Nature 421: 252 - 256.

Havens AD, Rork WL. 1969. Hymenodora glacialis (Decapoda: Natantia) from the Arctic Basin. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 68: 19 - 29.

Hendrickx ME, Estrada Navarrete FD. 1996. Los camarones pelagicos del Pacifico Mexicano (Dendrobranchiata y Caridea). Instituto de Ciencias de Mar y Limnologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.

Martin JW. 2003. Oplophorid shrimp (Decapoda, Caridea) from an Arctic hydrothermal vent. Crustaceana 76: 871 - 878.

Rathbun MJ. 1902. Descriptions of new decapod crustaceans from the west coast of North America. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 24: 885 - 905.

Rathbun MJ. 1904. Decapod crustaceans of the northwest coast of North America. In: Hart Merriam C, ed., Harriman Alaska series (Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.), 10, Crustaceans: 3 - 190.

Wasmer RA. 1972. A new species of Hymenodora (Decapoda, Oplophoridae) from the northeastern Pacific. Crustaceana 22: 87 - 91.

Wicksten MK. 2002. Midwater decapods of the northeastern Pacific. Contributions to the Study of East Pacific Crustaceans 1: 127 - 144.


Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County