Alvinocaris stactophila, A.B.Williams, 1988

Martin, Joel W. & Haney, Todd A., 2005, Decapod crustaceans from hydrothermal vents and cold seeps: a review through 2005, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 145 (4), pp. 445-522 : 463

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Diego (2021-08-31 18:10:01, last updated 2021-09-04 04:15:41)

scientific name

Alvinocaris stactophila



Type locality: Gulf of Mexico, 129 km S of Louisiana, from Bush Hill hydrocarbon seep; 27°46.94′N, 91°30.34′W; 534 m. GoogleMaps

Known range: limited to type locality. Material: type locality; Minerals Management Service Northern Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Slope ( MMS / NGOMCS) Regional Office Project , Johnson- Sea-Link dive 1879; 534 m; 28 September 1986; USNM 234291 About USNM (holotype, male). USNM 234292 About USNM (allotype, female), USNM 234293 About USNM (paratypes, 5 males, 2 females) ( Williams, 1988) .

Remarks: This species was reported also by Bergquist et al. (2003) from the upper continental slope off Louisiana and has been seen on the Florida Escarpment and Alaminos Canyon in the Gulf of Mexico (S. Hourdez, pers. comm.). The allotype of A. stactophila apparently is a separate, undescribed species ( T. Komai, pers. comm.).

Bergquist DC, Ward T, Cordes EE, McNelis T, Kosoff R, Hourdez S, Carney R, Fisher CR. 2003. Community structure of vestimentiferan-generated habitat islands from upper Louisiana slope cold seeps. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 289 (2): 197 - 222.

Williams AB. 1988. New marine decapod crustaceans from waters influenced by hydrothermal discharge, brine, and hydrocarbon seepage. Fishery Bulletin 86: 263 - 287.


Montshire Museum of Science


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics