Limnocoris burmeisteri De Carlo, 1967

Rodrigues, Higor D. D. & Sites, Robert W., 2023, Revision of Limnocoris Stål (Heteroptera: Nepomorpha: Naucoridae) of the Guiana Shield and Amazon regions, Zootaxa 5284 (1), pp. 44-76 : 51-53

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5284.1.2

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scientific name

Limnocoris burmeisteri De Carlo, 1967


Limnocoris burmeisteri De Carlo, 1967 View in CoL View at ENA

( Figs. 3 View FIGURE 3 , 6C–D View FIGURE 6 , 13B View FIGURE 13 )

Limnocoris burmeisteri De Carlo, 1967: 197–198 View in CoL (original description).

Limnocoris bachmanni De Carlo, 1967: 198–199 View in CoL (original description) (synon. by Nieser & López-Ruf 2001: 320).

Limnocoris lautereri Nieser, Chen & Melo, 2013: 336–341 View in CoL (original description) (new synonym).

Limnocoris burmeisteri: La Rivers 1971: 75 View in CoL (catalog); Nieser & López-Ruf 2001: 318 (catalog); Cunha et al. 2015: 427 (new record); Moreira et al. 2016: 20 View Cited Treatment (new records).

Limnocoris bachmanni: Nieser 1975: 64–66 View in CoL (redescription).

Diagnosis. Body length 5.65–7.40, body width 4.00–5.30. The shagreened area of the propleuron extends posteriorly halfway along the length of the lateral margin ( Fig. 3D View FIGURE 3 ). The mesosternal carina has a short anterior projection and the rounded to elliptical fossa contains short golden hairs along the inner margin of the rim; the median ridge is straight ( Fig. 3D View FIGURE 3 ) and the posterior margin after the fossa is excavated in lateral view ( Fig. 3G View FIGURE 3 ). The lateral margin of the embolium is shallowly convex, widening to a broadly rounded inflection at the posterior third, and the margin is almost straight to shallowly concave posteriorly. The lateral margins of the abdominal terga are serrated and tergum V has 19–23 teeth ( Fig. 3E View FIGURE 3 ). Male abdominal tergum VII has the posterior margin shallowly concave medially, with a pair of small lobes laterally ( Fig. 6C View FIGURE 6 ). The female subgenital plate is rounded to narrowly rounded posteriorly ( Fig. 3F View FIGURE 3 ).

Supplemental description. Antenna not exceeding lateral margin of eye; flagellomeres slender, not partially fused, with long setae. Maxillary plate broad basally, anterior edge triangular. Labrum with distal margin tapered to apex. Posteroventral margin of head with postgenal tubercle. Propleuron with shagreened area extending posteriorly halfway along length of lateral margin ( Fig. 3D View FIGURE 3 ); posterior margin convex at mid-length; posteromesal corner near prosternellum deflexed ventrally as a papilla. Region between mesobasisternum and mesoepisternum with longitudinal row of elongate golden setae. Mesosternal carina with short anterior projection and rounded to elliptical fossa containing short golden hairs inside rim; median ridge straight, and posterior margin after fossa excavated in lateral view. Metasternal carina oval to teardrop-shaped, slightly tapered posteriorly ( Fig. 3D View FIGURE 3 ); posterior margin excavated in lateral view ( Fig. 3G View FIGURE 3 ). Sternum II with sinuous row of elongate golden setae; sterna with elongate golden setae generally dispersed, concentrated near midline ( Fig. 3F View FIGURE 3 ). Male: mediotergite VI with accessory genitalic process narrowly rounded; posterior margin with small, sometimes indistinct, notch on left side; posterior margin of mediotergite VII shallowly convex medially, with pair of small lobes laterally ( Fig. 6C View FIGURE 6 ); lateral lobe of tergum VIII with lateral margin straight in anterior half; left medial lobe with posteromesal corner rounded, poorly angled laterally at apex; right medial lobe slightly twisted in apical third ( Fig. 6D View FIGURE 6 ). Female: lateral margins of female subgenital plate with a tuft of elongate golden setae, posterior margin rounded to narrowly rounded ( Fig. 3F View FIGURE 3 ).

Comparative notes. This species has the shape of the mesosternal carina and the serrated lateral margin of the abdomen similar to those of L. fittkaui , L. inflatus n. sp., L. menkei , L. minutus , L. moreirai n. sp., and L. surinamensis n. stat. The number of teeth in the serrated lateral margin varies among species. In L. burmeisteri , L. inflatus , and L. moreirai , abdominal tergum V of males and females has 19 or more teeth, whereas in the other species the number of teeth reaches at most 19.

Limnocoris burmeisteri and L. inflatus are differentiated from L. moreirai by the presence of the longitudinal row of elongate golden setae on the mesosternum ( Figs. 3D View FIGURE 3 , 7D View FIGURE 7 ) and by the hemelytra without reduction after the embolium ( Figs. 3A, 3C View FIGURE 3 , 7A View FIGURE 7 ); whereas in L. moreirai , the longitudinal row of golden setae on the mesosternum is absent ( Fig. 9C View FIGURE 9 ) and the hemelytra is distinctly reduced after the embolium ( Fig. 9A View FIGURE 9 ). Limnocoris burmeisteri differs from L. inflatus by the curvature of the embolium and by the shape of the median carina of abdominal sternum II. In L. burmeisteri , the lateral margin of the embolium is shallowly convex, widening to a broadly rounded inflection in the posterior third ( Fig. 3A, 3C View FIGURE 3 ); whereas in L. inflatus , the lateral margin of the embolium is mostly straight in the anterior 2/3 and dramatically widened in the posterior third ( Fig. 7A View FIGURE 7 ).

Discussion. Limnocoris lautereri Nieser, Chen & Melo was described from Presidente Figueiredo, northern Brazil, and the authors compared it with L. illiesi and L. pusillus based mainly on the total length of the body ( Nieser et al. 2013). After examining the holotypes and paratypes of L. burmeisteri , L. bachmanni De Carlo and L. lautereri , only small differences were evident in body color and embolium curvature, while all other important features were similar among the three species. Thus, L. lautereri is proposed here as a junior synonym of L. burmeisteri . We also maintain L. bachmanni as a junior synonym for L. burmeisteri , an act proposed by Nieser & López-Ruf (2001).

Distribution. This species is distributed from the Guiana Shield to central-western Brazil, in the states of Mato Grosso and Tocantins ( Fig. 13B View FIGURE 13 ).

Published records. Brazil: Amazonas and Pará ( De Carlo 1967; Pereira & Melo 2007; Nieser et al. 2013; Cunha et al. 2015). Suriname: Brokopondo, Marowijne, Saramacca, and Suriname ( Nieser 1975). Venezuela: Bolívar ( Moreira et al. 2016).

Type material examined. All specimens brachypterous. HOLOTYPE of L. burmeisteri , ♁ ( ZSMC), BRAZIL, Amazonas, Amazonasgebiet, Ob. Rio Negro, Jandia-Ig., 19.9.52, leg. H. Sioli, S266-b, Holotypus, Limnocoris burmeisteri De Carlo. PARATYPES of L. burmeisteri : same data as holotype (2♁ INPA, Hemip009–010; 2♁, 1♀ ‘allotype’ ZSMC). HOLOTYPE of L. bachmanni , ♁ ( ZSMC), BRAZIL, Pará,Amazonasgebiet, Belém, Ig. Benfica, 13.12.60, leg. W. Sattler, Sa875, Holotypus, Limnocoris bachmanni De Carlo. PARATYPES of L. bachmanni : same data as holotype (1♀ ‘allotype’ ZSMC; 1♁, 1♀ INPA, Hemip002–003). HOLOTYPE of L. lautereri , ♁ ( DPIC), BRAZIL, Amazonas, Pitinga, 00°47’28.7”S, 60°04’12.2”W, Estande de Tiros, 02.IV.2000, D.L.V. Pereira col. PARATYPE of L. lautereri : same data as holotype (1♀ DPIC).

Additional material examined. BRAZIL, Roraima: Parque Indígena Auaris , igarapé do posto, 2475, 05.III.1994, V. Py-Daniel, U. Barbosa & Orlando col. (3♁, 2♀ brachypterous MZUSP) ; Serra de Surucucu , igarapé sem nome, G-3, 1989, 27.XI.1991, V. Py-Daniel & U. Barbosa col. (1♁ brachypterous MZUSP) . Amazonas: Rio Negro , Ig. Jandiá, 19.IX.1952, S266-6, leg. H. Sioli (1♁, 1♀ brachypterous USNM) ; São Gabriel da Cachoeira, BR-307, igarapé no Km 9, 26.VIII.2011, R. Ferreira-Keppler, P.V. Cruz, A. Fernandes & E.A Reis col. (4♁, 1♀ brachypterous MZUSP) ; Médio Puruz , 01.VII.1979, J. Campbell (1♁ brachypterous INPA) . Pará: Belém , 21–23.IX.1937 (1♁, 2♀ brachypterous USNM) ; Monte Dourado, Balneário ATAJ, 09.IV.2002, B.M. Mascarenhas col. (1♁, 2♀ brachypterous MPEG) ; Ourém, Fazenda Gavião Real , 02.V.1992, B.M. Mascarenhas (3♁ brachypterous MPEG) ; Tucuruí , Rio Tocantins, bagagem 21.VI.1984, B. Mascarenhas (1♀ brachypterous MPEG) ; Tucuruí , margem esq. Ig. Saúde, 22.VI.1984, B. Mascarenhas (1♁ brachypterous MPEG) ; Serra Norte, N 1 Cachoeira , 11.IX.1983, R.B. Neto col., 14000410 (1♀ MPEG) ; Carajás , Buritizal II, riacho principal, cascalho e areia, 08.IX.2006, N. Ferreira-Jr & L.L. Dumas leg. (2♁ macropterous DZRJ) ; Canaã dos Carajás , 10.I.2010, J.A.M. Fernandes col. (14♁, 7♀ brachypterous MZUSP) ; Cametá, Rodovia Transcameta , igarapé sem nome, 1719, 08.VI.1988, U.C. Barbosa col. (2♁, 2♀ brachypterous MZUSP) ; same data, except 1720 (1♀ brachypterous MZUSP) ; Rio Trombetas , estirão da fumaça, igarapé da praia, 1486, 14.X.1991, V. Py-Daniel & U. Barbosa col. (1♀ brachypterous MZUSP) ; Terra do Meio , 2012270401, 19010150, C.R.M. Santos col. (1♁ brachypterous MPEG) ; São Geraldo do Araguaia, Serra das Andorinhas , 28.X.2011, 19010145, J.M.F. Ribeiro & C.R.M. Santos (1♀ macropterous MPEG) ; same data, except 19010143 (1♁ MPEG) . Rondônia: Porto Velbo [=Porto Velho], Bolivia [=Brasil], 31.VIII.1937, H.E. Hinton collector (6♁, 3♀ brachypterous USNM) ; Porto Velho, Ig. R. Grande, m. esq. R. Mad. [=Igarapé Rio Grande, marquem esquerda do Rio Madeira], 23.V.1984, R.B. Neto (5♀ brachypterous MPEG) ; Ouro Preto do Oeste, Res. INPA, 03.IX.1986, B. Mascarenhas (1♁ brachypterous MPEG) ; BR-421, igarapé Boa Vista , 1338, 31.VII.1985, V. Py-Daniel & L. Aquino col. (1♁, 1♀ macropterous MZUSP) ; Bacia do Rio Jaci-Paraná , igarapé 13:10, 209, 17.VIII.1985, V. Py-Daniel & U. Barbosa col. (1♁, 3♀ macropterous MZUSP) ; Bacia do Rio Jaci-Paraná , igarapé 13:10, 203, 17.VIII.1985, V. Py-Daniel & L. Aquino col. (1♀ brachypterous MZUSP) ; Bacia do Rio Jaciparaná , igarapé 11:50, 1516, 16.VIII.1985, V. Py-Daniel & L. Aquino col. (1♁, 1♀ brachypterous MZUSP) ; Bacia do Rio Candeias , igarapé 12:42, 1790, 11.VIII.1985, V. Py-Daniel & U. Barbosa (2♁, 1♀ brachypterous MZUSP) ; Bacia do Rio Candeias , igarapé 9:33, 1508, 11.VIII.1985, V. Py-Daniel & L. Aquino col. (1♁ brachypterous MZUSP) ; Bacia do Rio Mutum-Paraná, Igarapé 15:15, 216, 12.VIII.1985, V. Py-Daniel & U. Barbosa col. (2♁, 5♀ brachypterous MZUSP) . Tocantins: creek, 1 km S. Escola Brasil, 15 km W Porto Nacional , 05.II.2003, D.J. Cavan (1♀ macropterous USNM) . Mato Grosso: Guarant „ do Norte, drenagem Teles Pires, riacho sob ponte de madeira em estrada de terra, 54˚45’37”W, 09˚37’52”S, 407 m, 06.VIII.2015, P. Camelier col. (5♀ brachypterous, 1♀ macropterous MZUSP) ; Cuiabá, P.N. Chapada dos Guimarães, Córrego Independência , Cach. do Pulo , 15˚24’59.80”S, 55˚50’29.10”W, 529 m, 19.VII.2013, A.L.H. Oliveira, B.H.L. Sampaio, B. Clarkson & N. Ferreira-Jr. (2♀ macropterous DZRJ) ; Chapada dos Guimarães, 10.XI.2013, Cachoeirinha, C. Floriano col. (5♁, 6♀ macropterous UNESP) ; same data, except Casa de Pedra (7♁, 4♀ macropterous UNESP) ; same data, except Cachoeira do Marimbondo , 11.XI.2013 (1♀ macropterous UNESP) ; same data, except Córrego Zelito (1♁, 1♀ macropterous UNESP) . FRENCH GUIANA: ca. 8 km NNW of Saül, Crique a l’Est , 03˚39’46.04”N, 53˚13’24.78”W, gravel riffles & veg. margins, L-1956, R.W. Sites col. (2♁, 2♀ brachypterous MZUSP) . SURINAME, Saramacca: Frecelicreeksystem , 18.XII.1969, SN 280, N. Nieser col. (1♁ brachypterous MACN) . Paramáribo: Paramaribo, 20.I.1909, C. Heller. (1♀ brachypterous CAS) . Unknown district: Dutch Guiana, Wilh. , Mts. Line , 1 Km 62e Kamp , Sandcreek , 19.VIII.1943, D.C. Geiskcs (1♁, 2♀ brachypterous UMC) ; Dutch Guiana, line II, Km 5.7, busacreek, 16.IX.1943, D.C. Geiskcs (1♁ UMC) ; N. Nieser col. (1♀ brachypterous MACN) ; Sargmacco R., 20.Nov.1969, N. Nieser (1♁, 1♀ brachypterous USNM) . VENEZUELA, Amazonas: stream at Puente Pulda , 16 km N of Tobogan jct., 26. January. 1989, CL-2387, J.T. Polhemus (1♁, 5♀ brachypterous USNM) ; Dpto Atures, Puente Guayabal , 44 km S. Puerto Ayacucho, 21.I.1989, C.B. Barr (1♀ brachypterous EMEC) ; W Communidad La Danta , 15.I.2009, Short & Camacho leg., VZ09- 0115-04A, kick netting, SM0844455, KUNHM-ENT (1♁ macropterous UMC) . Bolívar: El Pauji , 1.100 m, 100 km O. S. Helena, 05.IV.1980, Bordon leg. (2♁ brachypterous USNM) ; Chivaton, near Kavanayen , 4500’, 29. June. 1987, R.S. Miller colr. (1♁ brachypterous UMC) ; La Gran Sabana, Rd to Kavanayen , 29.Jun.1987, Chivaton Hotel, 1370 m, M.A. Ivie, at light (1♀ brachypterous UMC) ; Mpio Gran Sabana, San Francisco de Yuruaní , 28–29.VIII.2003, 05°03’21”N / 61°05’54”W, colectores J. Camacho, J. Perozo, A. Orellana, P. Loreto (1♁, 1♀ brachypterous UMC) GoogleMaps ; Gran Sabana , btw Santa Elena & Pauji, stream margin, 04°36’51.1812”, -6123’30.1776”, 895 m, 03.VIII.2008, A.E. Short, AS-08- 070 (3♁, 1♀ brachypterous UMC) ; Gran Sabana , unnamed river, hwy 10, 05°40’24.801”, -61°24’11.2932”, 1330 m, 02. August. 2008, A.E. Short coll., rocky stream, AS-08-066 (1♀ brachypterous UMC) ; Rio Toron, side road, 12 km of rd to Kavanayen , AS-08-064, 05°43’30.9”N, 61°36’35.8”W, 1385 m, A. Short, M. García, L. Joly leg., SM0828914, KUNHM-ENT, collection date 01.VIII.2008 (1♀ brachypterous UMC) GoogleMaps .


Zoologische Staatssammlung


Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia


Belo Horizonte, Instituto de Ciencias Biologicas


Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi


Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia


California Academy of Sciences


Essig Museum of Entomology
















Limnocoris burmeisteri De Carlo, 1967

Rodrigues, Higor D. D. & Sites, Robert W. 2023

Limnocoris lautereri

Nieser, N. & Chen, P. P. & Melo, A. L. 2013: 341

Limnocoris bachmanni:

Nieser, N. 1975: 66

Limnocoris burmeisteri:

Moreira, F. F. F. & Rodrigues, H. D. D. & Barbosa, J. F. & Klementova, B. R. & Svitok, M. 2016: 20
Cunha, E. J. & Montag, L. F. A. & Juen, L. 2015: 427
Nieser, N. & Lopez-Ruf, M. 2001: 318
La Rivers, I. 1971: 75

Limnocoris burmeisteri

De Carlo, J. A. 1967: 198

Limnocoris bachmanni

Nieser, N. & Lopez-Ruf, M. 2001: 320
De Carlo, J. A. 1967: 199
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