Pholcus clavatus Schenkel, 1936

Zhang, Feng & Zhu, Ming-Sheng, 2009, A review of the genus Pholcus (Araneae: Pholcidae) from China, Zootaxa 2037 (1), pp. 1-114 : 18-20

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scientific name

Pholcus clavatus Schenkel, 1936


Pholcus clavatus Schenkel, 1936 View in CoL

( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 )

Pholcus clavatus Schenkel 1936: 32 View in CoL , f. 8. Zhang 1987: 59, f. 43.1–6. Song Zhu & Chen 1999: 57. Hu 2001: 85, f. 9.1–6. Song, Zhu & Chen 2001: 75, f. 32A–G.

Pholcus sinicus Zhu & Wang 1963: 464 View in CoL , f. 11–17. Zhu, Tu & Shi 1986: 120, f. 3.1–7.

Pholcus sinensis Hu 1984: 78 , f. 72.1–3. Chen & Zhang 1991: 75, f. 66.1–3 (lapsus for P.sinicus View in CoL ).

Diagnosis. Very similar to P. qinghaiensis , but can be distinguished from it by the appendix with a longer branch centrally ( Fig. 5E View FIGURE 5 ); by the tip shape of the procursus ( Figs. 5H–J View FIGURE 5 ); and by the longer ventral apophysis of the trochanter ( Fig. 5I View FIGURE 5 ).

Redescription. Male (Mt. Huashan), body length: 5.2–5.7, one male total length 5.7: cephalothorax 1.5, long, 1.7 wide; abdomen 4.2 long, 1.8 wide. Leg I: 43.5 (10.4+0.6+10.9+18.7+2.9), tibia II: 7.7, tibia III: 6.0, tibia IV: 7.1; Tibia I L/D: 63. Prosoma shape as in Fig. 5C View FIGURE 5 . Carapace short, broad and almost circular, ochre, with pair of brown mark broadly connecting to ocular area. Cephalic region raised, clothed with short, erect and black hairs, without brown slender marks centrally, ocular area dark yellow. Clypeus 0.56, unmodified, slightly ochre, with yellow marks. Eyes ringed with black. Distance AME–AME 0.07. Diameter AME 0.10, ALE 0.18, PME 0.15, PLE 0.16. Chelicerae as in Fig. 5F View FIGURE 5 , with pair of black serrated apophyses distally, pair of unsclerotized thumb-shaped apophyses proximolaterally and pair of small unsclerotized rounded apophyses proximocentrally. Labium light yellow. Endites gray. Sternum dark ochre, with a central pale brown bar at the front margin and three pairs of distinct marginal pale spots on each side as in Fig. 5G View FIGURE 5 . Femora, patellae and tibiae ochre, with dark rings, metatarsi and tarsi brown. Abdomen cylindrical, pale ochre, dorsum with numerous brown spots as in Fig. 5C View FIGURE 5 . Venter pale brown. Palps as in Figs. 5I and 5J View FIGURE 5 , bulb with a broad uncus, elbow-shaped appendix with a pointed branch centrally, trochanter with a long ventral apophysis. Procursus as in Fig. 5H View FIGURE 5 . Tarsal organ capsulate.

Variation. Tibia I in other males: 9.8–10.8 (mean 10.4).

Female: in general very similar to male. Female (Mt. Huashan), total body length 6.6–7.5, one specimen total length 5.4: cephalothorax 1.5 long, 1.7 wide; abdomen 3.9 long, 1.7 wide. Tibia I in four females: 7.5, 6.8, 7.3, 7.0. Distance AME–AME 0.06. Diameter AME 0.09, ALE 0.17, PME 0.16, PLE 0.16. Epigynum roughly triangular as illustrated in Fig. 5A View FIGURE 5 , with a short finger-shaped apophysis on the top. Dorsal view as in Fig. 5B View FIGURE 5 , with a slightly M-shaped sclerotized arch anteriorly and a pair of oval pore plates.

Distribution. Known from several localities in northern China.

Material: Type material. Pholcus clavatus : type specimen one juvenile from Dangchang , Gansu Province, China, the type specimen may be lost; not examined. Pholcus sinicus : type specimens 7♂ 6♀ from Mt. Huashan, Shaanxi Province, June 1, 1957, No. 3024, leg. by C. D. Zhu ( BMU), not examined .

Material examined. CHINA: Shaanxi: Mt. Huashan, Qingkeping , May 11, 1981, leg. M. S. Zhu, 7♂, 4♀ ( MHBU) .

Note. This species was originally described by Schenkel (1936) based on a juvenile (holotype) specimen collected from Dangchang, Gansu Province, China; we did not examine it. Zhu & Wang (1963) described P. sinicus as new to science according to the specimens collected from Mt. Huashan, Shaanxi Province (June 1, 1957, No. 3024, By C. D. Zhu); later P. sinicus was synonymized by Zhang (1987) as P. clavatus . Judging from the specimens we collected (four females and seven males, Qingkeping, Mt. Huashan, Shaanxi Province, May 11, 1981), from the type locality of P. sinicus and which bear the same patterns and genital structures of P. sinicus , we think they are conspecific.

The species P. clavatus , P. dali sp. nov., P. harveyi sp. nov., P. huberi sp. nov., P. kangding sp. nov., P. kunming sp. nov., P. parayichengicus sp. nov., P. qingchengensis , P. qinghaiensis , P. saaristoi sp. nov., P. shangrila sp. nov., P. songi sp. nov., P. songxian sp. nov., P. subwuyiensis sp. nov., P. taibaiensis , P. yangi sp. nov., P. yichengicus , P. zhangae sp. nov. seem to form a species group within the genus Pholcus , all with the following characters: epigynum has a short (or long) club-shaped apophysis; male palpal procursus tip of nearly uniform type and palpal bulb with appendix; other similar characters including femur of male palp without retrolateral apophysis (except P. qingchengenisi and P. saaristoi sp. nov.); chelicerae have pair of apophyses distally, pair of apophyses proximolaterally and pair of apophyses proximocentrally; pattern of carapace is ‘butterfly’ or ‘Peking-opera-mask’ type.

All these species are mainly distributed in the south, central and west of China; from Sichuan Province P. kangding sp. nov., P. qingchengensis and P. zhangae sp. nov. are known, from Yunnan Province P. dali sp.nov., P. kunming sp. nov., P. saaristoi sp. nov., P. shangrila sp. nov. and P. yangi sp. nov., from Fujian Province P. subwuyiensis sp. nov., from Henan Province P. harveyi sp. nov., P. huberi sp. nov., P. parayichengicus sp. nov. and P. songxian sp. nov., from Hubei Province P. songi sp. nov., from Shanxi Province P. yichengicus , from Shaanxi Province P. taibaiensis , from Qinghai Province P. qinghaiensis , from both Shaanxi Province and Gansu Province P. clavatus . Since these species share both a morphology and geographic distribution, we believe they may have a relatively close phylogenetic relationship.

Chen, Z. F. & Zhang, Z. H. (1991) Fauna of Zhejiang: Araneida. Zhejiang Science and Technology Publishing House, Hangzhou, 356 pp.

Hu, J. L. (1984) The Chinese spiders collected from the fields and the forests. Tianjin Press of Science and Techniques, Tianjin, 482 pp.

Hu, J. L. (2001) Spiders in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of China. Henan Science and Technology Publishing House, Zhengzhou, 658 pp.

Schenkel, E. (1936) Schwedisch - chinesische wissenschaftliche Expedition nach den nordwestlichen Provinzen Chinas, unter Leitung von Dr. Sven Hedin und Prof. Su Ping-chang. Araneae gesammelt vom schwedischen Arzt der Expedition Dr. David Hummel 1927 - 1930. Arkiv for Zoologi, 29, 1 - 314.

Song, D. X., Zhu, M. S. & Chen, J. (2001) The Fauna of Hebei, China: Araneae. Hebei Science and Technology Publishing House, Shijiazhuang, 510 pp.

Wang, F. Z. & Zhu, C. D. (1963) A list of Chinese spiders. Journal of Jilin Medical University, 5, 381 - 459.

Zhang, W. S. (1987) Farm Spiders from Hebei Province. Hebei Science and Technology Publishing House, Shijiazhuang, 299 pp.

Zhu, M. S., Tu, H. S. & Shi, J. G. (1986) Spiders of the genus Pholcus (Araneae: Pholcidae) from Shanxi and Shaanxi Provinces, China, with description of a new species. Journal of Hebei Normal University, 118 - 124.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 5. Pholcus clavatus Schenkel, 1936. A. epigynum, ventral view. B. same, dorsal view. C. male body, dorsal view. D. trochanter of male left palp, dorsal view. E. tip of left appendix, retrolaterodorsal view. F. male left chelicera, frontal view. G. male sternum, ventral view. H. left procursus, dorsal view. I. left palp, prolateral view. J. same, retrolateral view. Scale lines: 1.0mm (C), 0.5mm (A, B, F–J), 0.2mm (D, E).











