Aleochara (Aleochara) verecunda, Sharp, 1876

Caron, Edilson & Santos, Rodrigo Souza, 2023, Aleochara verecunda Sharp, 1876 Rediscovered from the Brazilian Amazon (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae), The Coleopterists Bulletin 77 (1), pp. 153-158 : 153-157

publication ID 10.1649/0010-065X-77.1.153

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scientific name

Aleochara (Aleochara) verecunda


ALEOCHaRa (Aleochara) VERECUNDa Sharp, 1876 View in CoL ( Figs. 1–13 View Figs View Figs )

Aleochara verecunda Sharp 1876: 69 View in CoL (description, type locality: “Tapajós”). Duvivier 1883: 101 (catalog). Bernhauer and Scheerpeltz 1926: 779 ( Fig. 3 View Figs ): 1 mm. Images in Figs. 1–2 View Figs by Keita Matsumoto, © Natural History Museum, London.

(catalog). Blackwelder 1944: 167 (checklist). Caron et al. 2008: 833 (checklist). Fery 2013: 81 (checklist). Caron et al. 2019: 28 (mention as species inquirenda).

Type Specimen. Studied via photos ( Figs. 1, 2 View Figs ). Holotype, determined as female by Sharp (1876: 70), deposited in BMNH, with the following labels: (1) “ Aleochara \ verecunda \ amazons. Type\ D. S.” [white label, handwritten]; (2) “Holo\Type” [circular label, white with red border, the first line handwritten and second printed in black]; (3) “Tapajós” [circular label, green, handwritten]; (4) “ S. America:” [white label with median longitudinal line in green, printed in black]; (5) “Sharp Coll\1905- 313.” [white label, printed in black]; (6) “ A. verecunda \Type D. S.” [white label, handwritten]; (7) “ Holotype \ Aleochara \ verecunda Sharp \det. R. G. Booth 2014” [white label, the three first lines handwritten, the last line printed in black]; (8) “(QR Code)\ NHMUK 015009704”. Note: Sharp described the species based on a female.

Additional Specimens (8). CESP: Brazil: three specimens: (1) “BRASIL: Acre, Rio \ Branco , 10°01′49.8′′S;\ 67°41′00.5′′W, PiTfaLL com\coração boi, 06. GoogleMaps V.2016, W. P.\SUTiL & F. A. OLiveira\(LeG.)”. One specimen: (1) “ BRASIL: Acre, Rio \ Branco , 10°01′49.8′′S;\ 67°41′00.5′′W, PiTfaLL com\coração boi, 20. GoogleMaps VI.2016, W. P.\SUTiL & F. A. OLiveira\(LeG.)”. One specimen: (1) “ BRASIL: Acre, Rio \ Branco , 10°01′49.8′′S;\ 67°41′00.5′′W, PiTfaLL com\coração boi, 13. GoogleMaps VI.2016, W. P.\SUTiL & F. A. OLiveira\(LeG.)”. Two specimens: (1) “ BRASIL: Acre, Rio \ Branco , 10°01′49.8′′S;\ 67°41′00.5′′W, PiTfaLL com\banana, 04.VII.2016 GoogleMaps , W. P.\SUTiL & F. A. OLiveira (LeG.)”. One specimen: (1) “ BRASIL: Acre, Rio \ Branco , 10°01′49.8′′S;\ 67°41′00.5′′W, PiTfaLL com\feZes, 05.VIII.2016 GoogleMaps , W. P.\SUTiL & F. A. OLiveira (LeG.)”.

Diagnosis. Aleochara verecunda differs from other Brazilian species of Aleochara by the two first antennomeres (scape and pedicel) distinctly lighter than the others; apex of median lobe of aedeagus strongly curved, directed ventrad, and with apical margin large and truncate; capsule of spermatheca half the length of chamber, and without apical invagination.

Redescription. Maximum body length: 4.5 mm. Maximum elytral width: 1.5 mm. Body ( Fig. 3 View Figs ) brown to dark brown, with elytra, appendices, and apical part of the abdomen (posterior half of segment VII to X) light brown to rusty brown.Antennae with two first antennomeres lighter than the others, 5 to 10 darker than 3 and 4. Head somewhat darker than the pronotum. Elytron with a distinct darker spot on the outer apical angle, spot of same color as pronotum. Dorsal surface glossy and covered with fine golden setae, setigerous pores impressed. Head with setigerous punctation, disc with sparse pubescence directed anteriad. Antennomere 2 half the length and slightly narrower than first; 3 longer than 2; 4 transverse; 5–10 similar in shape, each distinctly transverse; 11 approximately twice as long as 10, semi-triangular. Antennomeres 1–4 glossy with long, sparse, black setae; 5–11 dull and covered by short, white setae, with long, sparse, black setae on apex of each one, 11 with black macrosetae on a transverse circular line in the middle of the antennomere. Pronotum with setigerous punctation, setae directed posteriad at middle of disc and directed posteriad and laterad elsewhere. Mesoventral process somewhat truncate and almost reaching the apex of mesocoxae. Elytra shorter than pronotum; with setigerous punctation, denser than that on pronotum; setae directed posteriad.Abdomen narrowed posteriorly; terga with coarse setigerous punctation, tergal and sternal pubescence directed posteriad. Male: tergum VIII as long as wide; posterior margin slightly emarginate at middle ( Fig. 4 View Figs ). Sternum VIII as long as wide; posterior margin broadly rounded ( Fig. 6 View Figs ). Tergum IX with asymmetrical ventral struts, similar in length, the left with one short accessory arm directed laterad ( Fig. 7 View Figs , arrow). Tergum X with posterior margin emarginate at the middle ( Fig. 7 View Figs ). Sternum IX three times longer than wide ( Fig. 12 View Figs ).Aedeagus: median lobe elongate with base somewhat bulbous ( Fig. 10 View Figs ); apex strongly curved, directed ventrad, apical face large and truncate ( Fig. 11 View Figs ). Lateral lobe short ( Fig. 13 View Figs ).

Female: similar to male, except tergum VIII with posterior margin truncate ( Fig. 5 View Figs ). Tergum IX with ventral anterior margin acute at median angle ( Fig. 8 View Figs , arrow). Tergum X with anterior and posterior margin truncate to slightly rounded ( Fig. 8 View Figs ). Sternum VIII with short setae restricted to posterior margin. Spermatheca long, L-shaped, capsule half chamber length, and without apical invagination ( Fig. 9 View Figs ).

Geographical Records. The only previous record of A. (A.) verecunda was from Brazil (Pará, the type locality) ( Caron et al. 2019). This is the first report of this species in Acre, another Brazilian state .

Remarks. Sharp (1876) described the species as similar to Aleochara prisca Sharp, 1876 , which can be separated from A. verecunda by the “pale basal joints of the antennae”.

Natural History. Specimens from Acre were collected from May to August using three different baits (decaying bovine heart, banana, and human feces). The study was carried out in a forest patch located in the Experimental Field of Embrapa Acre, 10°01′49.8′′S, 67°41′00.5′′W, aLTiTUde of 143 m ( Figs. 14, 15 View Figs ). The forest remnant is characterized as an open ombrophilous forest (Amazon biome), with an area of approximately 800 ha bordered by two properties with pastures. The phytophysionomy of this forest is predominantly open, with the presence of bamboo ( Guadua sp. ; Poaceae ), palm trees ( Arecaceae ), and vines. The climate is Aw (Köppen classification), a hot and humid monsoon climate, with a well-differentiated dry season between the months of June and October ( FUNTAC 1989; Oliveira 1994; Oliveira and Braz 1998).

KEY TO BRAZILIAN SPECIES OF ALEOCHARA (ALEOCHARA) View in CoL [modified from Caron et al. (2019) (“C19”) to include A. verecunda View in CoL ]

1. Head distinctly darker than pronotum (C19: fig. 1A) ........................................................... 2

1′. Head and pronoTUm of The same coLor, someTimes head slightly darker than pronotum (C19: fig. 3A) ........................................................... 4

2. Antennae distinctly lighter than head; median lobe of aedeagus with hook-like apical tooth (directed dorso-posteriad) (C19: fig. 22); female abdominal tergum X truncate apically (C19: fig. 25) .......................... A. mUNDaNa Sharp, 1876 View in CoL

2′. AnTennae of The same coLor or sLiGhTLy LiGhTer than head; apex of median lobe of aedeagus toothless; female abdominal tergum X emarginate apically ..................................................... 3

3. Male tergum X with anterior margin truncate (C19: fig. 28); female ventral anterior margin of tergum IX with weakly sclerotized area and rounded median angle (C19: fig. 34) ........ ......................... A. pRisCa Sharp, 1876 View in CoL (in part)

3′. MaLe TerGUm X wiTh anTerior marGin sTronGLy arcuate (C19: fig. 10); female ventral anterior margin of tergum IX without weakly sclerotized area and acute median angle (C19: fig. 16) ..... ................................. A. aURiCOma Sharp, 1876 View in CoL

4. Abdominal tergum VIII two times wider than long (C19: fig. 26); apex of median lobe of aedeagus toothless and curved on apical third in lateral view (directed ventrad) (C19: fig. 31); female ventral anterior margin of tergum IX with weakly sclerotized area and rounded median angle (C19: fig. 34) ............. A. pRisCa View in CoL (in part)

4′. AbdominaL TerGUm VIII as wide as LonG, or slightly transverse; apex of median lobe of aedeagus with a tooth (directed dorsad or ventrad) or, if toothless, apical one-third of ventral median lobe straight in lateral view; female ventral anterior margin of tergum IX with sclerotized area and with acute median angle .................. 5

5. Elytra yellowish brown to rusty brown with a distinct darker spot on the external and apical angle, spot of the same color as pronotum (C19: fig. 5) .............................................................. 6

5′. ELyTra enTireLy reddish To bLack (C19: fiG. 6), sometimes with very weak darker spot on the external and apical angle (C19: fig. 7) ........... 8

6. Median lobe of aedeagus curved on apical third (directed dorsad) (C19: fig. 40); capsule of spermatheca narrow apically and with one elongate apical invagination (C19: fig. 44) .................... ................................ A. bUgNiONi Fauvel, 1901 View in CoL

6′. Median Lobe of aedeaGUs TooThLess, or if TooThed, apex strongly curved directed ventrad; capsule of spermatheca without apical invagination ... 7

7. Median lobe of aedeagus straight on apical third (not curved) (C19: fig. 50); capsule of spermatheca very long, similar in length to the chamber (C19: fig. 54) .................. A. LUstRiCa Say, 1832 View in CoL

7′. Median Lobe of aedeaGUs wiTh apex sTronGLy curved, directed ventrad, apical surface large and truncate ( Fig. 11 View Figs ); capsule of spermatheca onehalf length of chamber ( Fig. 9 View Figs ) ........................ ................................ A. VERECUNDa Sharp, 1876 View in CoL

8. Male tergum VIII distinctly serrate apically, bearing about 13 teeth (C19: fig. 55), apex of median lobe of aedeagus with short tooth (direct- ed ventrad) (C19: fig. 60); capsule of spermatheca elongate (C19: fig. 64) ................................. ....................... A. CHRysORRHOa Erichson, 1839 View in CoL

8′. MaLe TerGUm VIII GenTLy serraTe apicaLLy, wiTh more than 20 very short teeth (C19: fig. 65), apex of median lobe of aedeagus toothless (C19:

fig. 70); capsule of spermatheca globose (C19: fig. 74) ................ A. bONaRiENsis Lynch, 1884 View in CoL


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


Natural History Museum, London


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Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute














Aleochara (Aleochara) verecunda

Caron, Edilson & Santos, Rodrigo Souza 2023

Aleochara verecunda Sharp 1876: 69

Duvivier, A. 1883: 101
Sharp, D. 1876: 69
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF