Munida militaris Henderson, 1885

McCallum, Anna W., Ahyong, Shane T. & Andreakis, Nikos, 2021, New species of squat lobsters of the genus Munida from Australia, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 80, pp. 113-152 : 147

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Munida militaris Henderson, 1885


Munida militaris Henderson, 1885 View in CoL

Figure 20B View Figure 20

Munida militaris Henderson, 1885: 410 View in CoL (type locality: off Mataku, Fiji Islands). — Baba, 2008: 108 View Cited Treatment (synonymies, type data). — Baba et al., 2009: 173, figs 153–155 (in part) ( Taiwan, 190–1183 m). — Poore et al., 2011: pl. 17E (colour).

Not Munida militaris Baba et al., 2009: 173 View in CoL (in part) (Taiwan) (= M. lanciaria Cabezas et al., 2011 View in CoL ).

Munida aff. Rubiesi — Poore et al., 2008, 20 (part), unnumbered fig.

Munida MoV 5183. — McEnnulty et al., 2011: app. 1, 2.

Material examined. Western Australia: NMV J55033 About NMV , 1 About NMV ovigerous female (cl 15.0 mm, pcl 9.4 mm), 31° 36.528' S 114° 58.86' E to 31° 37.038' S 114° 58.26' E, 329–370 m, SS10/2005/06, 19 November 2005 GoogleMaps ; NMV J55035 About NMV , 1 About NMV ovigerous female (cl 15.0 mm, pcl 10.2 mm), near Abrolhos islands , 28° 29.37' S 113° 25.14' E to 28° 30.06' S 113° 25.5' E, 416–431 m, SS10/2005/95, 4 December 2005 GoogleMaps .

Genetic data. Not available.

Colour. Carapace and somites 2–4 orange and white, somites 5–6 and telson white. Rostrum and supraocular spines orange on base and tips and white in the middle. Chela white and orange, and orange/red bands on distal half of fingers. P2–4 transparent white/orange with orange/red across the middle of propodus and tips of dactyli.

Remarks. The specimens here agree with the lectotype description of M. militaris by Baba and Macpherson (1991). Munida militaris closely resembles M. benguela de Saint Laurent and Macpherson, 1988 , but can be distinguished by the following features:

- moveable finger of the cheliped bears a single basomesial spine

- P2–4 dactyli with about 10 ventral spines, the untimate at the base of the unguis.

Our specimens differ slightly from the illustrated lectotype material from Fiji and Ambon. The lectotype has the distomesial spine of antenna article 2 described as occasionally overreaching the end of the peduncle, while in both our specimens, the distomesial spine distinctly overreaches the distal end of the peduncle .

Distribution. Taiwan, Indonesia, Queensland, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Wallis and Futuna, Fiji, T-onga, 190–1183 m. South-western Australia, 329– 431 m.


Museum Victoria














Munida militaris Henderson, 1885

McCallum, Anna W., Ahyong, Shane T. & Andreakis, Nikos 2021
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF