Cybister sugillatus Erichson, 1834

Hendrich, Lars & Balke, Michael, 2004, Aquatic Coleoptera Of Singapore: Species Richness, Ecology And Conservation #, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 52 (1), pp. 97-145 : 121

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Felipe (2024-08-06 18:50:50, last updated 2024-08-06 20:19:05)

scientific name

Cybister sugillatus Erichson, 1834


Cybister sugillatus Erichson, 1834 View in CoL

( Fig. 24 View Figs )

Cybister sugillatus Erichson, 1834: 227 View in CoL . Cybister bisignatus Aubé, 1838: 88 . Cybister notasicus Aubé, 1838: 90 . Cybister olivaceus Boheman, 1858: 21 . Cybister sugillatus Erichson View in CoL - Régimbart, 1899: 355; Fernando,

1964: 82, 86, 88; Vazirani, 1977: 89; Nilsson, 1995: 78, and references therein; 2001: 93.

Material known. – Number? - One old record: “ Singapour ” cited in Régimbart (1899). Specimens not seen. Possibly deposited in MNHN.

Distribution. – This species is widespread in the Oriental Region, where it is known from Sri Lanka, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and North to the Ryukyu Islands and China ( Régimbart, 1899; Nilsson, 1995).

Ecology. – Cybister sugillatus has been collected in various types of mostly shaded, perennial standing waters, such as forest pools, ponds, shallow lakes, ditches and slow flowing streams. Also in blackwater habitats in freshwater swamp forests (Selangor, West Malaysia, specimens deposited in ZRC) .

Aube, C., 1838. Hydrocanthares et Gyriniens. In: Dejean, A. P. (ed.), Species general des Coleopteres de la collection de M. le Comte Dejean. Vol. 6 - Paris, XVI + 804 pp.

Boheman, C. H., 1858. Coleoptera. In: Virgin, C. A. (ed.), Kongliga svenska fregatten Eugenies resa omkring jorden. Stockholm, Norstedt, 217 pp., 2 pl.

Erichson G. W., 1834. Mayens Beitrage zur Zoologie, gesammelt auf einer Reise um die Erde, u. W. Erichson u. H. Burmeisters Beschreibungen u. Abbildungen der auf dieser Reise gesammelten Insecten. Nova Acta Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Germanicae Naturae Curiosorum, 16, Supplement 1: 219 - 284, 41 pl.

Fernando, C. H., 1964. Notes on aquatic insects colonizing an isolated pond in Mawai, Johore. Bulletin of the National Museum, Singapore, 30: 19 - 31.

Regimbart, M., 1899. Revision des Dytiscidae de la region indosino-malaise. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, 68: 186 - 367.

Vazirani, T. G., 1977. Catalogue of Oriental Dytiscidae. Records of the Zoological Survey of India, Occasional Paper, 6: ii + 111 pp.

Gallery Image

Figs. 24-30. 24. Cybister sugillatus Erichsin, 1834 (Fam. Dytiscidae, 22.0 mm); 25 Hydrocanthus indicus Wehncke, 1876 (Fam. Noteridae, 4.5 mm); 26. Spercheus stangli Schwarz & Barber, 1917 (Fam. Spercheidae, 4.2 mm); 27. Berosus fairmairei Zaitzev, 1908 (Fam. Hydrophilidae, 4.5 mm); 28. Amphiops mater sumatrensis (Sharp, 1873) (Fam. Hydrophilidae, 3.5 mm); 29. Helochares pallens (MacLeay, 1825) (Fam. Hydrophilidae, 3.1 mm);30. Hydrophilus cavisternum Bedel, 1891 (Fam. Hydrophilidae, 32.0 mm).


Zoological Reference Collection, National University of Singapore











