Punjuba killipii BrittOn, 1936

Soares, Marcos Vinicius Batista, Guerra, Ethiéne, Morim, Marli Pires & Iganci, João Ricardo Vieira, 2024, Taxonomic revision of the genus Punjuba (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae), Phytotaxa 659 (1), pp. 41-55 : 47

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.659.1.3



persistent identifier


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scientific name

Punjuba killipii BrittOn


4. Punjuba killipii BrittOn View in CoL & ROsE Ex BrittOn & Killip (1936, 127)

Pithecellobium killipii (Britton & Rose ex Britton

& Killip) C. BarbOsa (1986: 191-192) ≡ Abarema killipii (Britton & Killip) Barneby & J.W.Grimes (1996: 89) .

Type:— COLOMBIA. Open hills, Salento, Caldas [W foothills of Nevado de Tolima at ± 4°40’ N], 1700–1900 m elevation, 25–31 Jul 1922, E.P. Killip 9043 (holotype: NY!, isotype: GH!, PH!, US!).

Figure 1 View FIGURE 1

Trees and shrubs 1.5–23 m tall; branches with puberulous indumentum. Leaves 1–3 pairs of pinnae; petiole 1–5.5 cm, glabrous to puberulent; nectaries at the tip of the leaflet stalk and smaller ones between all but the first leaflet pair, pateliform; leaflets 3–6 pairs, 3.5–16 × 2–6 cm, oblong to ovate, apex acute to acuminate, rare caudate, base cuneate to rounded, margin plane, concolor, glabrous to minutely puberulent along the central vein of the adaxial surface only, venation brochidodromous. Inflorescence spiciform, peduncle 2–6.5 cm, floral axis 4.5–16 cm, both puberulent. Flowers white or greenish, puberulent, sessile; calyx tubular, 0.1–0.25 cm, corolla tubular, 0.5–0.7 cm; filaments of the staminal tube white; ovary glabrous ca. 0.1 cm. Pods linear to recurved. Seeds unseen.

Distribution and habitat: — Punjuba killipii occurs along the Andean montane and premontane forests, and moist secondary woods, in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, between 1400 and 2500 m elevation. This species presents the largest continuous geographic distribution within the genus, from the north of Peru, up to the Andean valeys of Antioquia, in Colombia ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ).

Phenology: —Flowering from January to April, and July to December; fruiting from February, March, and August.

Notes: — Punjuba killipii is morphologically similar to P. lehmannii by the leaves with 1–3 pairs of pinnae, and the spiciform inflorescence, but differs by the leaflets 3-6 per pinnae, concolor, with plain margin (vs. leaflets 5-7 per pinnae, discolour, with revolute margin in P. lehmannii ).

Conservation status: —The species presents an Extent of Occurrence (EOO) of 373,696.868 km ², and an Area of Occupancy (AOO) of 88 km ². The species was assessed as Least Concern (LC) by Lopez-Gallego & Morales (2023). Here, we confirm the assession as Least Concern (LC), according to the IUCN Red List categories and criteria (2022). The assession as LC was mainly by the range of distribution and the occurrence of Punjuba killipii in different protected areas in Colombia and Equador. However, we highlight the ecosystem conversion, agriculture, residential and commercial development as threats to the species ( Lopez-Gallego & Morales 2023). Thus, we reinforce the need for further studies on the distribution, ecology and conservation actions for the species.

Specimens Examined:— COLOMBIA. ANTIOQUIA: Mun. Cocorná, Vereda el diablo, antigua escuela, entre torres 105 e 106, [06°05’N, 75°13’W], 2200 m, 28 Oct 1999, Gil, A. et al. 282 ( HUA, JAUM) GoogleMaps ; Mun. Frontino, km 11 of road Frontino-Nutibara (20.5 km before Nutibara ), [06°43’00”N, 76°12’00”W], 1690 m, 26 Sep 1987 (fl), Zarucchi, J.L. et al. 5842 ( MO, HUA, COL) GoogleMaps ; Mun. Medellín, corregimiento de Santa Elena, Parque ecológico Piedras Blancas , 2300 m, 17 Dec 2007, Vélez, P.D. 11 ( HUA) . CALDAS: Mun. Aguadas, Vereda encimadas, 2450 m, 20 Mar 1999 (fl), Rodriguez, W. & Parra, J.D. 1286 ( HUA) ; Mun. Aguadas, Vereda encimadas, 2460 m, 24 Mar 1999 (fr), Rodriguez, W. et al. 1349 ( HUA) . QUINDIO: Mun. Filandia, vereda Bambuco Alto, Finca la Esperanza , 1780 m, 30 Jul 1987 (fl), Arbeláez, G. S. et al. 2195 ( MO, COL) . RISARALDA: Mun. Mistrató , alto de Serna, cordillera occidental, 2050 m, 19 Sep 1980, Camargo, L.A. & Londoño, A. 7400 ( COL) . SANTANDER: Mun. Floridablanca , [07°04’00’’N, 73°05’00’’W], 1800 m, 25 Nov 2009 (fl), Ávila, A. et al. 1349 ( COL). VALLE: Mun. Versalles, bocatomas acueducto municipal, al suroeste de Versalles, 1950 m, 12 Aug 1983 (fl/fr), Devia , W. 266 ( COL, MO, QCNE) GoogleMaps . VALLE DEL CAUCA: Cali, San Antonio , 1500-1900 m, Sep 2011 (fl), Vargas, W.G. 23720 ( COL) .— ECUADOR. AZUAY CAÑAR: Manta Real: Río Patul, sur de la carretera la Troncal-Zhud , camino entre Zhucay y río Patul al base de los Andes [02°33’S, 79°20’W], 600-1100 m, 11 Jul 1991, Yánez, A.P. & Foster, R. 273 ( QCA) GoogleMaps . MORONA-SANTIAGO: Oeste de general Plaza - Via Cuenca [02°58’S, 78°36’W], 2100, 12 Oct 1975 (fl), Little, E.L. et al. 672 ( COL, QAME, QCNE, US) GoogleMaps ; Limón Indanza, cordillera del condor, comunidad Shur Warints, cumbre del cerro Paatin Naint [03°13’59”S, 78°16’15”W], 1400 m, 11 Oct 2002 (fl), Toasa, G. 8977 ( MO, QCNE) GoogleMaps . NAPO: Parque Nacional Sumaco, sector Orquídeas , 1769 m, 10 Aug 2011 (fl), Morales, C. et al. 1782 ( QCA) ; Cantón Chaco, parroquia Sta. Rosa, caseiro las palmas, sendero los Tayos , propriedad de la familia Mejia-veja , entre los rios Osayacu-Caca Pishco [00°13’ S, 77°44’W], 1600 m, 18 Dec 2008, Cerón, C.E. et al. 63846 ( QAP) GoogleMaps ; El Chaco cantón, tres cruces, entre los rios Santa Rosa y el Salado [00°12’00”S, 77°42’00”W], 1600 m, 14 Oct 1990 (fl), Palacios, W.A. 6252 ( MO, NY, QCNE, F) GoogleMaps . ZAMORA-CHINCHIPE: Chinchipe cantón, P.N. Podocarpus, la Esmeralda ( Cooperativa San Francisco de Numbala Alto ) [04°22’S, 79°03’W], 2300 m, Jan 1995 (fl), Palacios, W.A. & M. Tirado 13100 ( NY, MO, QCNE) GoogleMaps ; El Pangui Cantón, cordillera del Condor. [03°37’53”S, 78°24’07”W], 1750 m, 16 Dec 2000 (fl), Ramírez, W. et al. 93 ( MO, QCNE) GoogleMaps ; ibidem [03°38’32”S, 78°23’36”W], 2000 m, 15 Dec 2000 (fl), Cerna , M. & et al. 422 ( QCNE) GoogleMaps ; ibidem [03°38’44”S, 78°23’44”W], 1970 m, 7 Sep 2003 (fl), Neill, D.A. et al. 14446 ( MO, QCNE, NY) GoogleMaps ; Estacion Científica San Francisco, ca. 30 km from Loja [03°58’00”S, 79°04’00”W], 26 Mar 2000 (fl), Homeier, J. 359 ( MO, QCNE) GoogleMaps ; Estacion Científica San Francisco, km 30 de la via Loja-Zamora [03°58’91”S, 79° 04’ 33”W], 2100 m, 3 Feb 2002 (fl/fr), Chimbo, C. & Chamba, C. 86 ( MO, QCNE) ; Nangaritza Cantón, Cerro colorado [04°07’10”S, 78°46’40”W], 2450 m, 21 Feb 2002 (fl), Neill, D.A. et al. 13852 ( MO, QCNE) GoogleMaps ; P.N. Podocarpus, new road Loja-Zamora, E. of the pass. Montane forest [03°57’00”S, 79°06’00”W], 2500–3000 m, 26 Sep 1989 (fl), Madsen, J.E. 86181 ( AAU, MO, QCA, QCNE) GoogleMaps ; Sabanilla (carretera de Loja a Zamora ), matorral, [03°52’13’’S, 79°03’08’’W], 1890 m, 22 Apr 1996, Eynden, V.V. & Cabrera , O. 725 ( QCA) GoogleMaps ; in the vicinity of the mining camp at the rio Tundaime [03°37’31”S, 78°26’26”W], 1400–1500 m, 11 Nov 2004 (fl), Van der Werff, H. et al. 19498 ( MO, F, NY, QCNE) GoogleMaps ; Zamora Cantón, Estacion científica San Francisco [03°58’35”S, 79°04’14”W], 2100 m, 20 Apr 2000 (fl), Neill, D.A. et al. 12868 ( MO, QCNE) GoogleMaps ; ibidem [03°58’S, 79°04’W], 2100 m, 20 Apr 2000 (fl), Fernandez, D.M. 263 ( QCNE) GoogleMaps ; Zamora, P.N. Podocarpus, Carretera Loja-Zamora, San Francisco [03°59’00”S, 79°06’00”W], 2250 m, Jan 1995, Palacios, W.A. & M. Tirado 13437 ( MO, QCNE) GoogleMaps ; Zamora, región de la Cordillera del Condor, Parroquia San Carlos de las Minas , Nambija , Campamento Minero Gribipe [04°04’20”S, 78°46’54”W], 2100 m, 25 Jan 2005 (fl), Quizhpe, W. et al. 736 ( QCNE, LOJA, MO, NY) GoogleMaps .— PERU. AMAZONAS: Luya district, Camporedondo, Tullanya , base cerro, Huicsocunga : La Laguna [06°06’33”S, 78°20’55”W], 2080 m, 1 Dec 1996 (fl), Díaz, C. S. & Peña, A. 8749 ( MO, QCNE). GoogleMaps CAJAMARCA: San Ignacio, San José de Lourdes , Localidad de Picorana [04°58’00”S, 78°53’01”W], 2250–2300 m, 2 Dec 1998 (Fl), Campos, J. et al. 5877 (F, MO, NY, QCNE) GoogleMaps .


Universidad de Antioquia


Jardín Botánico Joaquín Antonio Uribe


Missouri Botanical Garden


Universidad Nacional de Colombia


Museo Ecuatoriano de Ciencias Naturales


Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador


Dirección Nacional Forestal, Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería


University of Stellenbosch


Universidad Central


William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden


Addis Ababa University, Department of Biology













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