Capobula infima ( Simon, 1896a ) Haddad & Jin & Platnick & Booysen, 2021

Haddad, Charles R., Jin, Chi, Platnick, Norman I. & Booysen, Ruan, 2021, Capobula gen. nov., a new Afrotropical dark sac spider genus related to Orthobula Simon, 1897 (Araneae: Trachelidae), Zootaxa 4942 (1), pp. 41-71 : 54-56

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4942.1.2

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Capobula infima ( Simon, 1896a )

comb. nov.

Capobula infima ( Simon, 1896a) View in CoL comb. nov.

Figs 5, 6 View FIGURES 3–10 , 11–53 View FIGURES 11–19 View FIGURES 20–29 View FIGURES 30–38 View FIGURES 39–46 View FIGURES 47–53 , 59–64 View FIGURES 59–64

Orthobula infima Simon, 1896a: 402 View in CoL (Description of juvenile in generic nomen nudum; holotype juvenile: “Prom. Bonae Spei” {per original description, “ Cap!” on label}, = Cape of Good Hope , MNHN 16457 About MNHN ; examined).

Remarks. This species was described from a juvenile specimen from the Cape of Good Hope (Prom. Bonae Spei), i.e. the vicinity of modern-day Cape Town. Only a single species of Capobula has been sampled from this part of the Western Cape, and these specimens are presented here as the previously undescribed adults of C. infima comb. nov.

Additional material examined. SOUTH AFRICA: Western Cape: Brenton-on-Sea , 34°04’S, 23°02’E, 17.XI.1998, leg. H.G. Robertson (butterfly site, Winkler sample #4), 1♀ ( SAMC ENW-C006112 ) GoogleMaps ; Same locality, 19.XI.1998, leg. H.G. Robertson (forest site, Winkler sample #6), 1♀ ( SAMC ENW-C006114 ) ; Same locality, 23.XI.1998, leg. H.G. Robertson (Old Strandveld site, Winkler sample #16), 1♀ ( SAMC ENW-C006115 ) ; Cape Flats Nature Reserve [33°56’S, 18°37’E], III.1993, leg. A. Fortuin & M. Hendricks (pitfalls), 1♀ ( SAMC C3217 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve, Olifantsbos nr Skaife Centre , Teeberg , Strandveld Mountain , 34°15.76’S, 18°23.13’E, X.1998, leg. H.G. Robertson (Winkler bag leaf litter, fynbos ecotone-dense bush), 1♀ ( SAMC ENW- C005373 ), 1♀ ( SAMC ENW-C005374 ) GoogleMaps ; Same locality, X.1998, leg. H.G. Robertson (Winkler bag leaf litter, mesic mountain fynbos), 1♀ ( SAMC ENW-C005371 ), 2♀ ( SAMC ENW-C005372 ) ; Same locality, Smitswinkelvlakte , 34°15.6’S, 18°27.6’E, X.1998, leg. H.G. Robertson (Winkler bag leaf litter, mesic mountain fynbos on low-lying flat land), 1♂ (SAM-ENW-C005375) GoogleMaps ; Cape Town, Robben Island [33°48’S, 18°22’E], 20.VIII.2004, leg. University of GoogleMaps Cape Town (open range), 1♀ ( NCA 2005 /2001) ; De Hoop Nature Reserve , De Hoop Vlei, 34°29.425’S, 20°25.762’E, 8. IV.2004, leg. C. Haddad (milkwood leaf litter), 5♂ 14♀ ( NCA 2008 /1903) GoogleMaps ; Same locality, Koppie Alleen , 34°28.534’S, 20°30.349’E, 5. IV.2004, leg. C. Haddad, 1♀ ( SAMC ENW-C005351 ) GoogleMaps ; Same locality, Lekkerwater road, 34°24.002’S, 20°33.151’E, 26.IX.2007, leg. C. Haddad (under Thamnochortis), 1♀ ( NCA 2007 /3654) GoogleMaps ; Same locality, Potberg , Eucalyptus forest 34°22.237’S, 20°32.482’E, 8. IV.2004, leg. C. Haddad (leaf litter and creepers), 3♂ 2♀ ( MHBU) GoogleMaps ; Same data as previous but hand collecting, 2♂ 4♀ ( MHBU) GoogleMaps ; Fernkloof Nature Reserve, 2.81 km 43º NE of Hermanus, 34°23.677’S, 19°15.967’E, 97 m a.s.l., 12.X.2011, leg. L. Almeida (hand sorting of concentrated leaf litter from fynbos and riparian vegetation), 2♀ ( CAS, CASENT 9043228 , SA11-120 ) GoogleMaps ; Same locality, 4.18 km 92º E of Hermanus , 34°24.857’S, 19°17.445’E, 13 m a.s.l., 13.X.2011, leg. L. Almeida & C. Griswold (general collecting in coastal white milkwood forest and bushes), 1♀ ( CAS, CASENT 9043214 , SA11-125 ) GoogleMaps ; Fisherhaven, near Hermanus , 34°21.430’S, 19°07.557’E, 30.IX.2007, leg. R. Lyle & C. Haddad (sifting leaf litter), 3♀ ( NCA 2008 /219) GoogleMaps ; Same locality, 19. III.2004, leg. C. Haddad (sifting leaf litter), 2♂ 2♀ ( SAMC ENW-C005352 ) ; Same locality, 24. VI.2019, leg. C. Haddad (base of Restio spp. in fynbos), 4♀ ( NCA 2019 /429) ; Hartenbos, Bolandpark , 34°09.807’S, 22°06.388’E, 4.XII.2012, leg. J.A. Neethling (leaf litter, coastal fynbos), 1♀ ( NCA 2019 /1001) GoogleMaps ; Langeberge, Grootvadersbosch, Honeywood Farm , 34°00.38’S, 20°49.69’E, 5–6.I.2013, leg. D. Ubick, 1♀ ( CAS, CASENT 9055435 ) GoogleMaps ; Table Mountain National Park, Cecilia, Rooikat , 33°59’S, 18°25’E, 4.X.2008, leg. C. Uys (site 10, leaf litter, fynbos), 1♀ ( NCA 2011 /879) GoogleMaps ; Table Mountain National Park, Cecilia , Spilhaus, 34°00’S, 18°25’E, 23.I.2009, leg. C. Uys (site 14, pitfall trap, fynbos), 1♀ ( NCA 2011 /878) GoogleMaps ; Table Mountain National Park, Kirstenbosch , 33°59’S, 18°25’E, 12.IX.2008, leg. C. Uys (site 6, leaf litter, fynbos), 1imm. 1♀ ( NCA 2011 /851) GoogleMaps ; Table Mountain National Park, Newlands , 33°58’S, 18°26’E, 15.I.2009, leg. C. Uys (site 2, sugar-baited ant trap, pine plantation), 1♀ ( NCA 2011 /875) GoogleMaps ; Same locality, 15.I.2009, leg. C. Uys (site 2, pitfall trap, pine plantation), 1♀ ( NCA 2011 /883) ; Same locality, 12.IX.2008, leg. C. Uys (site 4, leaf litter, pine plantation), 1♀ ( NCA 2011 /873) ; Table Mountain National Park, Orange Kloof , 34°05’S, 18°14’E, 18.XI.2008, leg. C. Uys (site 22, leaf litter, pine plantation), 1♀ ( NCA 2011 /850) GoogleMaps ; Same locality, 28.I.2009, leg. C. Uys (site 23, pitfall traps, felled pine), 1♀ ( NCA 2011 /874) ; Table Mountain National Park, Tokai South , 34°04’S, 18°24’E, 9.I.2009, leg. C. Uys (site 30, pitfall trap, fynbos), 1♀ ( NCA 2011 /877) GoogleMaps ; Same locality, 19.I.2009, leg. C. Uys (site 32, pitfall trap, felled pine), 1♀ ( NCA 2011 /876) .

Diagnosis. Females have a similar epigyne to C. montana spec. nov. and C. neethlingi spec. nov., but the initial 2/3 of the copulatory ducts are heavily sclerotized and much darker than the posterior 1/3, while in the other two species only the initial 1/3 of the copulatory ducts is heavily sclerotized. Further, the anterior margin of the ridges incorporating the copulatory openings is in the same transverse plane as the anterior margin of the primary spermathecae, while more posteriorly positioned in the other two species (compare Fig. 59 View FIGURES 59–64 with Figs 65 View FIGURES 65–70 and 71 View FIGURES 71–74 ). Males of C. infima comb. nov. can be distinguished from C. capensis spec. nov. and C. montana spec. nov. by the considerably longer and more strongly curved distal section of the embolus (compare Fig. 62 View FIGURES 59–64 with Figs 57 View FIGURES 54–58 and 68 View FIGURES 65–70 ).

Female (De Hoop, NCA 2008/1903). Measurements: CL 0.90, CW 0.70, AL 1.19, AW 1.02, TL 2.25 (1.70– 2.25), PERW 0.30, MOQAW 0.13, MOQPW 0.18, MOQL 0.17. Length of leg segments: I 0.63 + 0.24 + 0.56 + 0.48 + 0.28 = 2.19; II 0.57 + 0.24 + 0.44 + 0.41 + 0.25 = 1.91; III 0.50 + 0.22 + 0.38 + 0.40 + 0.23 = 1.73; IV 0.62 + 0.24 + 0.51 + 0.57 + 0.29 = 2.23.

Colour: carapace deep orange-brown, pits slightly darker, lateral margins brown; chelicerae orange-brown; endites and labium yellow-brown proximally, distal ends cream; sternum yellow-orange, pits slightly darker, lateral margins yellow-brown; palps pale yellow-brown; legs with femora and tibiae I and II pale orange-brown, other segments yellow; legs III and IV yellow, distal segments slightly paler than proximal; abdomen dark grey dorsally and laterally, with cream spots at setal bases, dorsally with eight fine cream chevrons in posterior half to spinnerets; venter paler mottled grey medially; spinnerets cream.

Leg spination: femora and patellae: spineless; tibiae: I plv 6 rlv 5, II plv 5 rlv 4; metatarsi: I plv 4 rlv 4, II plv 4 rlv 4; tarsi: I plv 3 rlv 3, II plv 3 rlv 2.

Epigyne with copulatory openings in large J-shaped epigynal ridges ( Fig. 59 View FIGURES 59–64 ); copulatory ducts relatively thick, initially curving mesally, then directed posteriorly along midline, looping dorsally and laterally before entering lateral teardrop-shaped primary spermathecae along their interior margin; bursae oval, similar in size to primary spermathecae ( Fig. 60 View FIGURES 59–64 ).

Male (De Hoop, NCA 2008/1903). Measurements: CL 0.89, CW 0.67, AL 0.83, AW 0.62, TL 1.78 (1.75–1.90), PERW 0.29, MOQAW 0.12, MOQPW 0.17, MOQL 0.16. Length of leg segments: I 0.62 + 0.24 + 0.52 + 0.43 + 0.26 = 2.07; II 0.52 + 0.23 + 0.41 + 0.40 + 0.25 = 1.81; III 0.44 + 0.19 + 0.35 + 0.37 + 0.23 = 1.58; IV 0.59 + 0.23 + 0.48 + 0.52 + 0.27 = 2.09.

Colour: carapace deep orange-brown, pits and lateral margins brown; chelicerae dark yellow-brown; endites pale yellow-brown medially, cream distally; labium yellow-brown, darker than endites, cream at distal end; sternum bright yellow-orange, pit margins orange, lateral margins orange-brown; palps yellow-brown; legs with femora and tibiae I and II pale orange-brown, patellae and metatarsi yellow-brown, tarsi creamy-yellow; legs III and IV pale yellow-brown, progressively paler distally; abdomen with bright yellow dorsal scutum covered in dark grey mottling, cream with grey mottling laterally; venter with creamy-yellow epigastric and ventral sclerites, latter covered in grey mottling; spinnerets cream.

Leg spination: femora and patellae: spineless; tibiae: I plv 6 rlv 5, II plv 6 rlv 5; metatarsi: I plv 5-7 rlv 4, II plv 5 rlv 4; tarsi: I plv 4 rlv 3, II plv 4 rlv 2-3.

Palpal femur with stout thumb tip-like ventral apophysis; patella with small subtriangular retrolateral ridge; tibia with tibial apophysis short and triangular in ventral view, broad and ridge-like in retrolateral view; embolus larger than in congeners, S-shaped, width larger than ½ width of tegulum at midpoint, tip curved and directed retrolaterally ( Figs 61–63 View FIGURES 59–64 ).

Habitat and biology. Commonly found in leaf litter in fynbos habitats, particularly in litter of broadleaved plants such as milkwood ( Sideroxylon inerme ) and dune guarri ( Euclea racemosa ) in coastal regions and Protea spp. away from coastal habitats.

Distribution. Only known from the Western Cape Province of South Africa ( Fig. 75 View FIGURE 75 ).


Iziko Museums of Cape Town


California Academy of Sciences


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute














Capobula infima ( Simon, 1896a )

Haddad, Charles R., Jin, Chi, Platnick, Norman I. & Booysen, Ruan 2021

Orthobula infima

Simon, E. 1896: 402
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