Arcyphysa crescentina, Wells & Contents, 2018

Wells, Alice & Contents, Arturs Neboiss Table Of, 2018, Australian Diplectroninae reviewed (Insecta: Trichoptera), with description of 21 new species, most referred to a new genus, Zootaxa 4415 (1), pp. 1-44 : 34

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scientific name

Arcyphysa crescentina

sp. nov.

Arcyphysa crescentina sp. nov.

( Figs 119–120, 166–167)

Material examined. Holotype ♂, NE Queensland, Tully Falls, S of Ravenshoe , 11.i.1977, M.S. & B.J. Moulds ( NMV [PT-1002; TRI-39438; WTH-0316]).

Paratypes, NE Queensland: 1♂, data as for holotype ( NMV [PT-1002]; 2♂, Kirrama State Forest, 24 km WNW of Kennedy , 28.i.1981, M.S. & B.J. Moulds ( NMV) ; 1♂, Bellenden Ker Range, 0.5 km S Cable Tower No. 7, 500 m, 25–31.x.1981, Earthwatch (QM [WTH 0460]) ; 1♂, Goodard Creek, Kirrama State Forest , 18°06'S 145°41'E, iv.1993, G. Theischinger [TRI-39453, WTH-1037] GoogleMaps ; 1♂, Canon Creek, Kirrama State For. , 17°50'S 145°35'E, iv.1993, G. Theischinger [TRI-39452; WTH-1160] GoogleMaps ; 1♂, Hutts Brook , 19.v.1010, M. Shackleton, MS 364 ; 1♂, Tully Gorge Rd , 2.9 km u/s power station 28.v 2011, J. Mynott & M. Shackleton [TRI-54710].

Other material examined. 1♂, Queensland, Tamborine [as Tamb ], Mar. 1963, K. Korboot (QM).

Diagnosis. This species groups with Arcyphysa sybillae, Arc. caldera, Arc. hugginsi , and Arc. carnarvona , all of which share the male genitalic feature of a pair of basal parameres on the phallus. Among these species it is most similar to Arc. caldera in having the apicolateral angles of abdominal segment IX produced into a divided process; in Arc. crescentina the longer dorsal process is heavily sclerotised and slightly flattened distally, the inner process is tightly crescent-shaped, in Arc. caldera the dorsal process is not flattened and the ventral process is more openly curved.

Description. Male. Length of each forewing: 8.5–9.0 mm (n = 7). Abdomen with internal membranous sacs about as long as one segment, slightly elongate.

Genitalia ( Figs 119–120, 166–167): Segment IX partly retracted into segment VIII; tergite IX slightly sclerotised, evenly rounded distally, fused dorsally with membranous segment X; sternite IX apicodorsal angle extended into black, somewhat twisted and flattened elongate dorsal process, also ventral crescentic process bearing band of dense setae; gonopods each with coxopodite rod-shaped, length almost 4x greatest width, harpago short, shallowly bifid to truncate apically; phallic apparatus slender, downturned apically, expanded basally with tiny acute paramere on each side.

Female. Unknown.

Distribution. Found in the Wet Tropics of north-eastern Queensland.

Remarks. Dean’s (1999) larva, Diplectrona sp. 7 (collected from Kirrama State Forest, 31 May 1971) is possibly this species, recognised by the upright black bristles covering the abdomen, narrow anterior margin of the frontoclypeus, the lateral extremities of which align closely with the inner mesal margins of the eyes.


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