Munida agave Macpherson & Baba, 1993

Baba, Keiji, Macpherson, Enrique, Poore, Gary C. B., Ahyong, Shane T., Bermudez, Adriana, Cabezas, Patricia, Lin, Chia-Wei, Nizinski, Martha, Rodrigues, Celso & Schnabel, Kareen E., 2008, Catalogue of squat lobsters of the world (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura-families Chirostylidae, Galatheidae and Kiwaidae), Zootaxa 1905 (1), pp. 1-220 : 84-86

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.1905.1.1


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Munida agave Macpherson & Baba, 1993


Munida agave Macpherson & Baba, 1993

Munida agave Macpherson & Baba, 1993: 387 , figs 1, 2 ( Japan and Philippines, 89–187 m). — Macpherson, 1997: 603 ( Indonesia, 156–305 m). — Komai, 2000: 354 (list). — Baba, 2005: 89, 258 (key, synonymies, Sagami Bay, Japan, 549 m).

Type data: holotype, ovigerous female, MNHN Ga 3221 .

Type locality: Philippines, 13º32.3´N, 121º07.5´E, 130–137 m. GoogleMaps

Munida albiapicula Baba & Yu, 1987

Munida albiapicula Baba & Yu, 1987: 331 , figs 1, 2 (NE coast of Taiwan, 50–450 m). — Wu et al., 1998: 103, figs 17, 21D, E (Taiwan). — Komai, 2000: 354 (list). — Baba, 2005: 258 (key, synonymies).

Type data: holotype, male, NTOU .

Type locality: NE coast of Taiwan, 50–450 m.

Munida alia Baba, 1994

Munida alia Baba, 1994a: 6 , fig. 3 (off Central Queensland, 490–512 m). — Davie, 2002: 63 (no record). — Baba, 2005: 258 (key, synonymies).

Type data: holotype, ovigerous female, QM W19705

Type locality: off Central Queensland, 18°04.16´S, 147°17.17´E, 490–512 m. GoogleMaps

Munida alonsoi Macpherson, 1994

Munida alonsoi Macpherson, 1994: 443 , fig. 3 ( New Caledonia and Chesterfield Islands, 448–680 m). — Baba, 2005: 258 (key, synonymies). — Macpherson, 2006a: 297 ( French Polynesia, Austral Archipelago, 120–1200 m).

Type data: holotype, male, MNHN Ga 2547 .

Type locality: New Caledonia, 23°37.70´S, 167°41.50´E, 470 m. GoogleMaps

Munida amathea Macpherson & de Saint Laurent, 1991

Munida amathea Macpherson & de Saint Laurent, 1991: 389 , fig. 5 (Tuamotu and Tubuai Islands, 300–800 m). — Poupin, 1996b: 22, 23, fig. a (Austral Islands and Gambier Islands, Tuamotu Archipelago, 300– 800 m). — Baba, 2005: 258 (key, synonymies). —Macpherson, 2006a: 297 ( French Polynesia. Tuamotu and Austral Archipelagos, 212–1200 m).

Type data: holotype, male, MNHN Ga 1868 .

Type locality: Fangataufa , Tuamotu Islands, 22°15´S, 138°47.3´W, 600–800 m. GoogleMaps

Munida amblytes Macpherson, 1994

Munida amblytes Macpherson, 1994: 443 , fig. 4 ( New Caledonia, 525–1000 m). — Macpherson, 2004: 249 ( Tonga, 627–656 m). — Baba, 2005: 258 (key, synonymies).

Type data: holotype, male, MNHN Ga 2554 .

Type locality: New Caledonia, 22°58.00´S, 167°20.00´E, 530 m. GoogleMaps

Munida andamanica Alcock, 1894

Munida militaris var. andamanica Alcock, 1894: 321 (Andaman Sea, 344–403 m). — Alcock & Anderson, 1895: pl. 13, fig. 2 (no record).

Munida militaris var. curvirostris . — Henderson, 1888: 139 (part) (male from off Zamboanga taken in 458 m).

Munida andamanica . — Alcock, 1901: 242 (Andaman Sea and Arabian Sea in the neighborhood of the Laccadives and Maldives, 326–741 m). — Lloyd, 1907: 2 (Arabian Sea, 900–988 m). — Kemp & Sewell, 1912: 25 (SW India, 434 m). — Balss, 1913b: 17 (Sagami Bay, 800 m). — Doflein & Balss, 1913: 143 (W of Sumatra, off E coast of Somali Republic, 141–1079 m). — Parisi, 1917: 1 (Sagami Bay). — Yokoya, 1933: 63 (Bungo Strait, Tosa Bay, off Owase, and Suruga Bay, 180–457 m). — Takeda, 1982: 51, fig. 152 (no record). — Miyake, 1982: 149, pl. 50, fig. 1 (off Ashizuri-zaki, Tosa Bay, 500 m). — Baba, 1982a: 103 (Izu Shoto, Japan, 450 m). — Baba in Baba et al., 1986: 169, 289, fig. 119 (Tosa Bay, Kyushu-Palau Ridge, and Okinawa Trough, 200–520 m). — Baba, 1988: 85 (Philippine and Indonesia, 340–1360 m). — Tirmizi & Javed, 1993: 115, figs 50–53 (off S Mozambique, 600–665 m). — Komai, 2000: 354 (list). — Baba, 2005: 90, figs 33–35, 258 (key, synonymies, Java Sea E of Makassar, Moro Gulf off Zamboanga, off W Mindanao and Japan, 200–600 m). — Poore et al., 2008: 19 (SW Australia, 399–408 m).

Munida curvatura Benedict, 1902: 253 , fig. 5 (type locality: off Honshu , Japan [Manazuru Zaki, N. 8d, W. 4.5 M], 280 m) [holotype, female, USNM 25466 About USNM ]).

Munida curvirostris . — Baba & Macpherson, 1991: 538 (part) (reexamination of the “Challenger” material). — Baba, 1994a: 9 (off Central Queensland, 689–704 m) (not Munida curvirostris Henderson, 1885 ).

Not Munida andamanica . — Tirmizi, 1966: 198 (material from Zanzibar area, 640 m = M. africana Balss, 1913 ; the identity of the other material from the Gulf of Aden in 457–1022 m and Maldives in 456 m remains questionable; see Macpherson & de Saint Laurent, 2002: 467).

Type data: syntypes, ZSIC 6896–6900 View Materials /9.

Type locality: Andaman Sea, 344–403 m.


Institute of Marine Biology, National Taiwan Ocean University


Queensland Museum














Munida agave Macpherson & Baba, 1993

Baba, Keiji, Macpherson, Enrique, Poore, Gary C. B., Ahyong, Shane T., Bermudez, Adriana, Cabezas, Patricia, Lin, Chia-Wei, Nizinski, Martha, Rodrigues, Celso & Schnabel, Kareen E. 2008

Munida alia

Baba, K. 2005: 258
Davie, P. J. F. 2002: 63
Baba, K. 1994: 6

Munida alonsoi

Baba, K. 2005: 258
Macpherson, E. 1994: 443

Munida amblytes

Baba, K. 2005: 258
Macpherson, E. 2004: 249
Macpherson, E. 1994: 443

Munida agave Macpherson & Baba, 1993: 387

Baba, K. 2005: 89
Komai, T. 2000: 354
Macpherson, E. 1997: 603
Macpherson, E. & Baba, K. 1993: 387

Munida amathea

Baba, K. 2005: 258
Poupin, J. 1996: 22
de Saint Laurent, M. & Macpherson, E. 1991: 389

Munida albiapicula

Baba, K. 2005: 258
Komai, T. 2000: 354
Wu, M. F. & Chan, T. Y. & Yu, H. P. 1998: 103
Baba, K. & Yu, H. P. 1987: 331

Munida andamanica

Poore, G. C. B. & McCallum, A. W. & Taylor, J. 2008: 19
Baba, K. 2005: 90
Komai, T. 2000: 354
Tirmizi, N. M. & Javed, W. 1993: 115
Baba, K. & Hayashi, K. - I. & Toriyama, M. 1986: 169
Takeda, M. 1982: 51
Miyake, S. 1982: 149
Baba, K. 1982: 103
Yokoya, Y. 1933: 63
Parisi, B. 1917: 1
Balss, H. 1913: 17
Doflein, F. & Balss, H. 1913: 143
Kemp, S. W. & Sewell, R. B. S. 1912: 25
Lloyd, R. E. 1907: 2

Munida curvatura

Benedict, J. E. 1902: 253

Munida militaris var. curvirostris

Henderson, J. R. 1888: 139
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