Dissomphalus irupe Colombo & Azevedo, 2018

Colombo, Wesley D., Alencar, Isabel D. C. C., Limeira-De-Oliveira, Francisco & Azevedo, Celso O., 2018, New species and records of Dissomphalus Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) from Cerrado, Caatinga and relicts of the Atlantic Forest from northeastern Brazil, Zootaxa 4462 (1), pp. 1-40 : 17

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Dissomphalus irupe Colombo & Azevedo

sp. nov.

Dissomphalus irupe Colombo & Azevedo sp. nov.

( Figs 25–29 View FIGURES 17–29 )

Description. Male. Head and mesosoma black; metasoma dark castaneous. Mandible with four apical teeth; median clypeal lobe trapezoidal, broadly like duckbill, high in lateral view, median tooth rounded; frons coriaceous, punctate; eyes glabrous; antenna with moniliform flagellomeres; gena with one pair of spines. Notauli absent; pronotal disc weakly coriaceous; metasomal tergite II with tergal process with subrounded lateral depression, tuft of setae, most lateral one directed outward, distinctly longer than others. Posterior hypopygeal margin straight. Genitalia: paramere with rounded apex, strongly arched inward, very constricted, very wide basally, higher than the basiparamere, few, long bristles present; aedeagal ventral ramus shorter than dorsal body, apex narrow, laminar; aedeagal dorsal body with one pair of apical lobe, long, weakly curved dorsally, ventral margin weakly serrated, membranous; basal process absent; apodeme not extending beyond genital ring. Female unknown.

Remarks. This species belongs to the gilvipes species-group by having metasomal tergite II with a lateral tergal process, the tufts of this tergal process have most lateral setae distinctly longer than the others. It is not similar to other species of its species-group. This species is mainly different because it has the median clypeal lobe trapezoidal, broadly like a duckbill, the gena with one pair of spines, and the paramere with a rounded apex, that is strongly arched inward and very constricted.

Material examined. Holotype ♂, BRAZIL, MA[ranhão], Mirador, Parq[ue] Estadual Mirador, Base da Geraldina, 06°37'25''S 45°52'08''W, 11–16.I.2013, Armadilha Malaise, LS Santos, JT Câmara, LLM Santos cols. ( CZMA) GoogleMaps . Paratypes, 1♂ same data of holotype, except 06°37'48''S 45°52'49''W, Armadilha Suspensa , 01– 10.XI.2013, F Limeira-de-Oliveira, LLM Santos, TL Rocha cols. ( CZMA) GoogleMaps ; 1♂ Carolina , PN Chapada das Mesas, Riacho Sucuruiu, 07°06'44.2''S 47°17'56.8''W, 240m, 01–15.VII.2013, Armadilha Malaise, JA Rafael, F Limeirade-Oliveira, TTA Silva cols. ( CZMA) GoogleMaps ; 1♂ 225m, 01–10.VIII.2013, Suspensa lâmina d'água (CZMA).

Etymology. The epithet irupe from Guarani refers to a Brazilian indigenous myth, in which an indigenous woman becomes the aquatic plant victoria regia (common name) when she falls in the river. Treat as a noun in apposition.

Distribution. Brazil (Maranhão).













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