Vetosmylus tentus, Ma & Shih & Ren & Wang, 2020

Ma, Yiming, Shih, Chungkun, Ren, Dong & Wang, Yongjie, 2020, A new genus of lance lacewings from the Middle Jurassic of Inner Mongolia, China, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 65 (2), pp. 363-369 : 365-366

publication ID 10.4202/app.00691.2019

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scientific name

Vetosmylus tentus

sp. nov.

Vetosmylus tentus sp. nov.

Fig. 1 View Fig .

Zoobank LSID:

Etymology: From Latin tentus , outstretched; refers to the spreaded four wings of the new species.

Holotype: CNU-NEU-NN2019001P/C, a completely preserved male specimen with fully spreaded wings and visible structures ( Fig. 1A 1 View Fig , A 2 View Fig ). Type locality: Daohugou Village , Shantou Township, Ningcheng County, Inner Mongolia, China.

Type horizon: Jiulongshan Formation, Aalenian–Bajocian boundary, Middle Jurassic.

Diagnosis.—Forewing with many scattered fuscous spots; CuP about three-fourths of CuA, forming neatly arranged pectinate branches; anal region well-developed, 2–3 cross-veins between A2 and A3; A3 single; hind wing speckless; cross-veins in radial sector arranged irregularly, only the outer gradate series present; A1 well-developed, parallel with posterior margin, pectinately branched.

Description.—Head laterally compressed and deformed; antenna filiform and incompletely preserved;presence of thorax and abdomen well-developed; four wings spreaded. Forewing about 28.18 mm long as preserved, 9.53 mm wide. Hind wing about 28.36 mm long as preserved, 8.59 mm wide.

Forewing ( Fig. 1A View Fig 3 View Fig , A 4): Elongate with rather rounded apex; nygmata undetected; pterostigma fuscous; trichosors well-defined along the entire margin; subcostal veinlets forked distally, becoming denser towards trichosors; crossvein sc-ra single and oblique; cross-veins ra-rp numerous, forming many square cells; RP with more than 15 branches, each broadly curved toward margin, with complicated distal forks; M forked close to the wing base, MA and MP forming several simple branches distally; CuA forked near the middle of the wing; CuP with 7–9 pectinate branches; A1 long, with 8–10 pectinate branches; A2 with 7 distal pectinate branches.

Hind wing ( Fig. 1E View Fig ): Without any large fuscous spots; trichosors well-developed along the entire margin; subcostal veinlets simple, with few forks; sc-ra single; presence of sigmoid vein joined the base of RP; the region between MA and MP expanded obviously, with one row of cells; MA forming simple distal branches; MP with 4–5 distal pectinate branches; CuA long, forming 9 pectinate branches; CuP with 10 pectinate branches; A2 and A3 poorly preserved.

Remarks.— Vetosmylus tentus is separated from the other species by the following characters: forewing with many fragmentary fuscous spots, and the hind wing immaculate rather than distributed with large spots; the outer gradate series present in forewing; MP forming several pectinate distal branches instead of simple branches in forewing.

Stratigraphic and geographic range.— Jiulongshan Formation, Middle Jurassic; Daohugou Village, Shantou Township, Ningcheng County, Inner Mongolia, China.













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