Cerapachys Smith, 1857

The, In, Esteves, Flávia A., Brandão, Carlos Roberto F. & Prado, Lívia P., 2011, The Type Specimens Of “ Dorylomorph ” Ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae: Aenictinae, Ecitoninae, Cerapachyinae, Leptanilloidinae) Deposited In The Museu De Zoologia Da Universidade De São Paulo, Brazil, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 51 (22), pp. 341-357 : 341-357

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1590/S0031-10492011002200001

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scientific name

Cerapachys Smith


Genus Cerapachys Smith View in CoL

Cerapachys splendens Borgmeier, 1957: 107. Type [holotype]: 1 w. Cotypes [paratypes]: 6 w. Brasilien [ Brazil], [Santa Catarina], Nova Teutonia, 27°11’, 52°23’, vi and x.1954, Fritz Plaumann col. Paratype: one worker disarticulated L1 and L4, another worker disarticulated L1, L4 and head View in CoL .

Subfamily Ecitoninae View in CoL Tribe Ecitonini View in CoL

Genus Eciton Latreille

Eciton vagans subsp. allognathum Borgmei- er, 1955: 239. Cotypes [paratypes]: 2 m. Venez[uela], Caracas, 1921, [A.J.] Carranza, Rojas leg. One male missing left wings, other male disarticulated head, gaster, petiole, missing L1 and wings. Paratype: 1 w. (s.). Venez[uela], Puerto Cabello, 6.x.[18]93, Sievers leg., Georg Ges. det.

Eciton amazona Santschi, 1923b: 68 . Types [paratypes]: 13 w. (3 s.), Brazil, Pará, Monte Alegre, 1923, Reichensperger leg. One worker missing head and L1, L2, L4 and L5 (femur), other worker missing head, L1 and L4 (tarsi), other missing L1 (femur) and L4 (tarsi), one soldier missing L5 (femur) and two others missing L1 (femur). Junior synonym of Eciton hamatum Fabricius View in CoL : Borgmeier, 1953: 14. Comment: We found five workers (1 s.) (all on same pin) from the type locality labelled as “Types” by Santschi, 1925, bearing a label saying “ Eciton amazona v. lividior ”, a name not listed in Borgmeier (1953) or in Bolton, 1995. We do not consider these specimens as types.

Eciton mexicanum subsp. argentinum Borgmeier, 1955: 259. Cotype [paratype]: 1 w. (1 s.). [ Argentina], R [oque] S[áenz] Peña, Chaco, [no date, col. illegible] View in CoL .

Eciton bellicosum Santschi, 1921: 90 . Syntypes: 3 w. (2 s.). Guyane Française, S[ain]t Jean du Maroni, 1914, R. Benoist col., Museum Paris, # 7284. One soldier missing L3 (tarsi), other soldier missing A2 (funiculus) and one worker missing L2 (tarsi), L4 (claw), L6 (claw) and disarticulated L5 (tarsi). Junior synonym of Eciton drepanophorum Smith View in CoL : Borgmeier, 1936: 52.

Eciton (Eciton) conquistador Weber, 1949: 3 . Syntypes: 5 w. (2 s.). Panamá, Pequeni R [iver], 15.xii.[19]47, Schneirla [col.], # 84. One work- er missing L5. Considered as subspecies Eciton lucanoides conquistador View in CoL : Borgmeier, 1955: 264 .

Eciton dulcius subsp. crassinode Borgmeier, 1955: 209. Cotype [paratype]: 1 w. (1 s.). [ Panama], Barro Col[olorado] Isl[and, Canal Zone], 4.iii.[19]55, Schneirla leg. Comment: In the MZSP collection there are three workers (2 s.) with same data labeled as nidotypes .

Eciton vagans subsp. dispar Borgmeier, 1955: 244. Cotypes [paratypes]: 2 m., 1 w. (1 s.). [ Brazil], S[ão] P[aulo], Pindamonhangaba, 3.vii.[19]40, Schwarzmaier leg. One male missing wings, and another with disarticulated gaster, head and genitalia dissociated. Cotype [paratype]: 1 m. [ Brazil, Rio de Janeiro], Itatiaya [ Itatiaia], 13.iv. [19]29, J.F. Zikán leg. Missing genitalia. Paratype: 1 m. [ Brazil], Esp[írito] S[anto], S[anta] Teresa, [v. 28], O. Conde [leg.], # 4962. Right wings disarticulated View in CoL .

Eciton vagans var. francanum Santschi, 1923a: 1260 . Cotype [syntype]: 1 w. [ Brazil], S[ão] P[aulo], Franca, MP # 15768, # 1877. Junior synonym of Eciton vagans dubitatum Emery View in CoL : Borgmeier 1955: 229.

Eciton vagans fur Borgmeier, 1955: 245 View in CoL . Type [holotype]: 1 m. Paratypes: 1 m., 2 w. (1 s.). [ Brazil], Pernambuco, Tapera , xi.1929, Pickel leg. Holotype: disarticulated right wings. Paratype: One male disarticulated gaster and head, genitalia dissociated, missing left forewings and L4 .

Eciton mexicanum subsp. goianum Borgmeier, 1955: 258 View in CoL . Types [paratypes]: 1 g., 1 w. (1 s.). Brasil, Goiás, Campinas [Goiânia], [26. xi.1935], Schwarzmaier [col.], Coll. Borgmeier, nr. 5553 .

Eciton burchelli jeanae Weber, 1941: 329 . Cotypes [syntypes]: 3 w. (1 s.). B[ritish] Guiana, Oronoque R [iver], 02°42’[N], 21.vii.1936, N.A. Weber, [#] 582. Junior synonym of Eciton burchelli st. cupiens Santschi : Borgmeier, 1955: 178.

Eciton lucanoides Emery, 1894: 176. Syntype: 1 w. Peru, Cumbasa, [no date, no col.]. Missing L 1, disarticulated L2 View in CoL .

Eciton hamatum var. mattogrossensis Luederwaldt, 1920: 4 . Cotypes [syntypes]: 2 w. [ Brazil], Mato Grosso, S[ão] L[uiz de] Cáceres, [no date, E. Garbe leg.], [#] 19608. Junior synonym of Eciton hamatum Fabricius View in CoL : Borgmeier, 1953: 10.

Eciton vagans subsp. mutatum Borgmeier, 1955: 242 View in CoL . Holotype: 1 g. C[osta] R [ica], S[na] José, H. Schmidt, coll. Borgm[eier], # 5948. Paratypes: 1 g., 2 m., 3 w. (1 s.). Costa Rica, Hamburg Farm , [no date, no col], Nevermann leg. One male missing wings, one worker missing L1. Types [paratypes]: 1 m., 1 w. (1 s.) . Costa Rica, San José, [no date, no col.]. One worker disarticulated head. One male missing wings. Comment: There is one pupa on the same pin of the worker, but it is not mentioned in the original publication. We do not consider it a type.

Eciton mexicanum subsp. panamense Borgmeier, 1955: 257 View in CoL . Types [paratypes]: 1 w., 1 g. [ Panama], Barro Col[orado] Is[land], 29.iii.[19]46, [Schneirla col.], Cotypes [paratypes]: 3 w. (1 s.). Panamá, Pequeni River , 16.xii.[19]47, R. Schneirla col.

Eciton pittieri Forel, 1899: 24 . Cotype [syntype]: 1 w. Costa Rica, Buenos Ayres [Aires, no date], Pittier [leg.], coll. Forel. Missing L5. Combination in Eciton (Labidus) : Emery, 1910: 23; in Eciton (Holcopone) : Santschi: 1925: 11. Junior synonym of Eciton hamatum Fabricius View in CoL : Borgmeier, 1953: 9.

Eciton setigaster Borgmeier, 1953: 22. Paratypes: 3 m. Bolívia, Tropical region, Chaparé, 400 m, 5.xii.1949, Zischka leg. View in CoL , nr. 11864. One male missing head. Paratype: 1 m. Peru, Tingo Maria , Rio Huallaga, 700 m., 1940, leg. Weyrauch. Paratype: 1 m. Peru, Tingo Maria , 670 m., [no date], leg. Weyrauch.

Eciton uncinatum Borgmeier, 1953: 21. Holotype: 1 m. Ecuador, Chimbo [razo], sept.[ix].[18]94, Rosenberg [leg.], 99-104. Male missing W3 and W4. View in CoL

Eciton burchelli r. urichi Forel, 1899: 24 . Syntypes: 3 w. Trinidad, [no date], Urichi col. Junior synonym of Eciton foreli : Borgmeier, 1930: 404. Revived from synonymy as subspecies of Eciton burchellii urichi Forel, Weber, 1941: 329 View in CoL .

Eciton vagans Oliver, 1792: 501 View in CoL . Cotypes [syntypes]: 8 w. (2 s.). Costa Rica, San José, H. Schmidt [col.], R. Reichensperger leg., coll. Borgmeier, nr. 5948 .

Eciton velutatus Menozzi, 1926: 30 . Cotype [syntype]: 1 m. Costa Rica, Orosi. Missing left wings and torn right wings, disarticulated L3, gaster and petiole. Junior synonym of Eciton jansoni Forel View in CoL : Borgmeier 1953: 11.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


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Cerapachys Smith

The, In, Esteves, Flávia A., Brandão, Carlos Roberto F. & Prado, Lívia P. 2011

Cerapachys splendens

BORGMEIER, T. 1957: 107

Eciton mexicanum subsp. argentinum

BORGMEIER, T. 1955: 259

Eciton dulcius subsp. crassinode

BORGMEIER, T. 1955: 209

Eciton vagans subsp. dispar

BORGMEIER, T. 1955: 244

Eciton vagans fur

BORGMEIER, T. 1955: 245

Eciton mexicanum subsp. goianum

BORGMEIER, T. 1955: 258

Eciton vagans subsp. mutatum

BORGMEIER, T. 1955: 242

Eciton mexicanum subsp. panamense

BORGMEIER, T. 1955: 257

Eciton setigaster

BORGMEIER, T. 1953: 22

Eciton uncinatum

BORGMEIER, T. 1953: 21

Eciton (Eciton) conquistador

BORGMEIER, T. 1955: 264
WEBER, N. A. 1949: 3

Eciton burchelli jeanae

BORGMEIER, T. 1955: 178
WEBER, N. A. 1941: 329

Eciton velutatus

BORGMEIER, T. 1953: 11
MENOZZI, C. 1926: 30

Eciton amazona

BORGMEIER, T. 1953: 14
SANTSCHI, F. 1923: 68

Eciton vagans var. francanum Santschi, 1923a: 1260

BORGMEIER, T. 1955: 229
SANTSCHI, F. 1923: 1260

Eciton bellicosum

BORGMEIER, T. 1936: 52
SANTSCHI, F. 1921: 90

Eciton hamatum var. mattogrossensis

BORGMEIER, T. 1953: 10

Eciton pittieri

BORGMEIER, T. 1953: 9
EMERY, C. 1910: 23
FOREL, A. 1899: 24

Eciton burchelli r. urichi

WEBER, N. A. 1941: 329
BORGMEIER, T. 1930: 404
FOREL, A. 1899: 24

Eciton lucanoides

EMERY, C. 1894: 176
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