Lycenchelys maculata Toyoshima, 1985

Pladdys, John, 2022, Taxonomic Review of the Rare Deep-sea Eelpout, Lycenchelys maculata (Pisces, Zoarcidae), Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science. Series A, Zoology (London, England) 48 (4), pp. 215-227 : 216-223

publication ID 10.50826/bnmnszool.48.4_215

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Lycenchelys maculata Toyoshima, 1985


Lycenchelys maculata Toyoshima, 1985 View in CoL

[Japanese name: Korobuchi-hebigenge]

( Figs. 2–7 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig ; Table 1)

Lycenchelys sp. : Toyoshima, 1984a: 293, pl.274-D (brief description with new Japanese name, Onahama); Toyoshima, 1984b: 307, pl.274-D (brief description, Onahama); Toyoshima, 1988a: 293, pl.274-D (brief description with new Japanese name, Onahama); Toyoshima, 1988b: 307 (brief description, Onahama)

Lycenchelys maculatus Toyoshima, 1985: 149 View in CoL , figs. 8–9 (original description, Onahama); Hatooka, 1993: 904, unnumbered fig. (key, Onahama); Imamura, 1998: 31 (list, Onahama); Shinohara et al., 2009: 723 (list)

Lycenchelys maculata View in CoL : Anderson, 1994: 117 (list); Hatooka, 2000: 1035, unnumbered fig. (key, Onahama); Hatooka, 2002: 1035, unnumbered fig. (key, Onahama); Anderson and Fedorov, 2004: 17 (list, Onahama); Shinohara and Anderson, 2007: 64 (key); Balushkin et al., 2011: 980 (list, Pacific Ocean off Kuril Islands and Japan); Hatooka, 2013: 1229, unnumbered fig. (key, Onahama); Kawarada et al., 2020: 19 (redescription, Pacific off Fukushima and Ibaraki prefec- tures and Kuril Islands)

Description. Counts and measurements are provided in Table 1.

Body elongated, cross section oval anteriorly, compressed laterally near tail. Snout length larger than eye diameter. Eye oval, not included to dorsal profile of head. Interorbital space nar- row, its width less than 1/2 eye diameter. Nostril single, its tube short, not reaching upper lip when depressed. Mouth subterminal. Posterior end of upper jaw reaching below eye. Labial lobe present in lower jaw. Teeth on jaws, vomer and palatine. Gill slit not reaching to lower end of pectoral fin base. Opercular flap present. Gill rakers short, triangular. Pseudobranch filaments present. Lateral line single, positioned ventrally, incomplete, terminating above middle of anal fin base. Cycloid scales covering nape, body, tail and basal half of vertical fins. Dorsal fin origin above pectoral fin base. Pectoral fin reaching to middle of abdomen. Pelvic fins present or absent.

Osteology and dentition. Suborbital bones 6: 1st bone large and long, articulating with palatine; others tubelike. Suborbital bone configura- tion L-shaped pattern (sensu Anderson, 1994). Supraorbital canal developed on nasal and frontal; postorbital canal on pterotic; temporal canal on parietal. Parietal small and squarish, both side bones separated by supraoccipital. Parasphenoid wing reaching mid-height of trigeminofacialis foramen, attached to frontal and pterosphenoid. Vomer with conical teeth ( Fig. 4C View Fig ). Posttemporal ventral ramus well developed. Maxilla long, slender; its posterior end slightly expanded. Premaxilla with developed ascending process, its alveolar process with conical teeth in single row ventrally ( Fig. 4C View Fig ). Groove supporting mandibular canal system developed on dentary and anguloarticular. Dentary with conical teeth dorsally; teeth arranged in 2 rows anteriorly and single row in middle and posteriorly. Hyomandibular with 2 articular heads for cranium dorsally, one for opercle posteriorly. Metapterygoid firmly attached to hyomandibular and symplectic posteriorly and to quadrate ventrally. Palatopterygoid series (mesopterygoid and ectopterygoid) slightly reduced. Palatine with conical teeth in single row ventrally ( Fig. 4C View Fig ). Preopercle largest and opercle 2nd largest in opercular bones. Preopercular foramina for 7th preoperculomandibular pore at mid-height and 8th below dorsal edge. Ceratohyal-epihyal articulation smooth. Four branchiostegal rays on ceratohyal, 1 on ceratohyal-epihyal junction, and 1 on epihyal. Lower pharyngeal teeth developed. Upper pharyngeals with 3 tooth patches, associated with gill arches 2–4. First epibranchial rod-like. Scapular not attached to coracoid. Postcleithrum single, thin, rod-like. Actinosts 4: uppermost smallest. Pelvis attached to inside of cleithrum, supporting 0–2 rays. First dorsal fin pterygiophore associated with 3rd vertebra. Epineurals and ribs present. First neural spine small.

Color when fresh based on color photographs of NSMT-P 109687 and KPM-NR 121359–121360. Ground color of head and body light grayish ( Fig. 2 View Fig ). Dorsal half of head dark brown with dark gray around eyes and in postorbital region. Occipital region slightly reddish brown. Head pores whitish on dorsal half of head. Black ocellus dorsally on opercle. Body with dark grayish irregular blotches dorsally and laterally but not on belly and anal fin base. Outer margin of dorsal fin dark brown. Upper lobe of pectoral fin dark near its base.

Color in alcohol. Head and body uniformly light to dark brownish. Outer margin of dorsal fin dark. Upper lobe of pectoral fin dark near its base. Branchial cavities light brown. Peritoneum dark brown. Dark irregular blotches present on head and body dorsally and laterally except for largest specimen (body color darkened) from Simushir Island ( Fig. 7A View Fig ) and the smallest specimen (body color faded) from Kakegawa ( Fig. 7J View Fig ), which lack prominent blotches. Some of specimens from Kuril Islands ( Fig. 7A–D View Fig ) with pale tail.

Distribution. Known from Pacific off Simushir and Urup islands and off Onahama (Fukushima Prefecture), Nakoso (Fukushima), Choshi (Chiba) and Kakegawa (Shizuoka) at depths of 200– 489 m.












Lycenchelys maculata Toyoshima, 1985

Pladdys, John 2022

Lycenchelys maculata

Kawarada, S. & H. Imamura & Y. Narimatsu & G. Shinohara 2020: 19
Hatooka, K. 2013: 1229
Balushkin, A. V. & B. A. Sheiko & V. V. Fedorov 2011: 980
Shinohara, G. & M. E. Anderson 2007: 64
Anderson, M. E. & V. V. Fedorov 2004: 17
Hatooka, K. 2002: 1035
Hatooka, K. 2000: 1035
Anderson, M. E. 1994: 117

Lycenchelys maculatus

Shinohara, G. & Y. Narimatsu & T. Hattori & M. Ito & Y. Takata & K. Matsuura 2009: 723
Imamura, H. 1998: 31
Hatooka, K. 1993: 904
Toyoshima, M. 1985: 149

Lycenchelys sp.

Toyoshima, M. 1988: 293
Toyoshima, M. 1988: 307
Toyoshima, M. 1984: 293
Toyoshima, M. 1984: 307
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