Crous, Hernández-Restrepo & Groenewald & Crous, 2015

Hernández-Restrepo, Margarita, Groenewald, Johannes Z. & Crous, Pedro W., 2015, Neocordana gen. nov., the causal organism of Cordana leaf spot on banana, Phytotaxa 205 (4), pp. 229-238 : 236

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.205.4.2

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scientific name


ord. nov.

Neocordana musicola M. Hern. View in CoL -Rest. & Crous , sp. nov. MycoBank MB811107, Figure 4 View FIGURE 4 .

Etymology: Named after the host from which it was isolated, Musa .

Diagnosis: Conidiophores up to 125 × 4–5.4 μm, conidiogenous cells 15–37.6 × 4.2–56 μm, conidia oblong to obovoid, 1–septate, 14.5–20 × 6.5–9.5 μm, base 0.9–1.2 μm diam.

Mycelium superficial and immersed, hyphae smooth, hyaline to brown; intracellular hyphae hyaline to brown. Conidiophores brown, smooth, 35–125 × 4–5.4 μm. Conidiogenous cells polyblastic, terminal and intercalary, 15–37.6 × 4.2–56 μm, denticulate; denticles up to 1.5 μm long, 0.6–1 μm wide. Conidia oblong to obovoid, 14.5–20 × 6.5–9.5 μm, 1-septate, thick-walled, pale brown, base darker, flat, 0.9–1.2 μm wide.

Culture characteristics:—Colonies on MEA after 1 week attaining 20 mm, cottony, aerial mycelium white, mouse grey towards the edge (sporulation), and margin diffuse; reverse fuscous black in the centre, luteous at the edge. On OA colonies very similar to that observed in MEA.

Type:— MAURITIUS. 15 June 2004, on Musa sp. , Yasmina Jaufeerally-Fakim, (holotype CBS H-22055!, culture ex-type CBS 139316 = CPC 11225 = S 1024).

Additional cultures examined:— MAURITIUS. 15 June 2004, on Musa sp. , Yasmina Jaufeerally-Fakim, CPC 11228. MEXICO. Tecoman, Colima, INIFAB, 30 October 2008, on Musa sp. , Maria de J. Yarez Morales, CPC 15987 = CBS 139317.

Distribution:— MAURITIUS and MEXICO.

Notes:— Neocordana musicola is represented by three strains, two of them collected from Mauritius and the third from Mexico. N. musicola can be differentiated from the other species in the genus by their narrower obovoid to oblong conidia. N. musae has obovoid to pyriform conidia, 11–20 × 8–11.5 μm, while those of N. johnstonii are broadly ellipsoidal, 20–30 × 12–18 μm, and conidia of N. versicolor (see below) are 15–25 × 10–15 μm. Molecular data based on the ITS sequences show 2.5% differences between N. musae (CPC 18127) and N. musicola sp. nov. (CPC 11225).

Neocordana versicolor (D.J. Soares & R.W. Barreto) M. Hern. -Rest & Crous , comb. nov. MycoBank MB811114 Basionym : Cordana versicolor D.J. Soares & R.W. Barreto , Fungal Diver. 18: 148 (2005)

Description and illustration: Soares et al. (2005).

Type:— BRAZIL. Minas Gerais, Viçosa, Associacao Atletica Banco do Brasil, 02 May 1999, on living leaves of Canna denudata, R.W. Barreto (holotype VIC 22157).


Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, Fungal and Yeast Collection


Culture collection of Pedro Crous


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


University of the Witwatersrand


Universidade Federal de Viçosa





Hernández-Restrepo, Margarita, Groenewald, Johannes Z. & Crous, Pedro W. 2015

Cordana versicolor D.J. Soares & R.W. Barreto

D. J. Soares & R. W. Barreto 2005: 148
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