Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) himaliniae, Kar & Karmakar, 2022

Kar, Anamika & Karmakar, Krishna, 2022, Description of nine new species of phytoseiid mites (Acari: Mesostigmata) from Sikkim, a north eastern States of India, Zootaxa 5182 (3), pp. 201-237 : 224-227

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Plazi (2022-09-06 07:32:30, last updated 2024-11-25 16:20:33)

scientific name

Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) himaliniae

sp. nov.

Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) himaliniae sp. nov.

( Figs. 36–42 View FIGURES 36–42 ; 79 View FIGURES 76–79 –81)

Diagnosis. Dorsum smooth; all dorsal setae pointed, long and serrated; ventrianal shield lightly reticulated with three pairs of preanal setae; fixed digit of chelicera with four teeth and movable digit with one; macroseta of SgeIV bulbous while macrosetae of StiIV and StaIV are pointed; spermatheca tubular with flower bud shaped atrium.

Description. Female (n = 3). Dorsum ( Fig. 36 View FIGURES 36–42 ). Dorsal shield 345 (342–350) long, 176 (175–180) wide, strongly reticulated, with five pairs of solenostomes (gd2, gd5, gd6, gd8 and gd9); 18 pairs of setae on dorsal shield and two pairs of setae on unsclerotised cuticle: j1 25 (24–27), j3 40 (38–41), j4 25 (24–27), j5 25 (24–27), j6 40 (39–42), J2 58 (56–59), J5 12 (10–13), z2 22 (21–24), z3 45 (44–46), z4 50 (49–51), z5 30 (29–31), Z4 65 (63–66), Z5 73 (70–74), s4 50 (49–51), s6 58 (57–59), S2 58 (56–58), S4 63 (60–64), S5 28 (27–30), r3 30 (30–32), R1 38 (37–40). All setae long and slightly serrated, with pointed tip.

Peritreme ( Fig. 36 View FIGURES 36–42 ). Extending to bases of j3.

Venter ( Fig. 37 View FIGURES 36–42 ). All shields almost smooth to faintly reticulated. Sternal shield 52 (50–53) long, 45 (44–46) wide at level of setae st1-st3 and st3-st3 respectively, with two pairs of setae and two pairs of lyrifissures; setae st3 off sternal shield and one pair of setae (st4) and a pair of lyrifissures on conspicuous metasternal shield; posterior margin of sternal shield indistinct. Distances between st2- st2 41 (40–43), st5-st5 48 (48–50). Genital shield, posterior margin straight and truncated. Two pairs of metapodal shields present, primary shield 25 (24–26) long, 4 (3–5) secondary shield small, 10 (8–10) long. Ventrianal shield broad, faintly reticulated, 105 (104–108) long, 72 (72–76) wide at level of ZV2 setae, and 53 (52–55) at anus level with three pairs of pre-anal setae JV1 12 (10–13), JV2 10 (10–13), ZV2 10 (10–13) and one pair of pre-anal pores. Membrane surrounding ventrianal shield with four pairs of setae ZV1 12 (12–15), ZV3 8 (7–9), JV4 10 (9–12) and JV5 55 (54–58), JV5 long and serrated with pointed tip.

Chelicera ( Fig. 38 View FIGURES 36–42 ). Fixed digit 26 (25–28) long with four teeth and distinct pilus dentilis, movable digit 25 (25–26) long with one tooth.

Spermatheca ( Fig. 39 View FIGURES 36–42 ). Calyx elongated, 28 (25–29) long, wider at base of vesicle, tubular terminating very conspicuous flower bud shaped atrium from where clearly visible minor duct and major duct arises.

Leg ( Fig. 40 View FIGURES 36–42 ). Length of leg I 350 (346–355), leg II 275 (270–278), leg III 270 (269–275) and leg IV 338 (336–342). Chaetotactic formula of Sge II 1-2/0 2/1-1 and Sge III 1-2/1 2/0-1. Leg IV with three macrosetae on genu, tibia and tarsus. All leg setae smooth; tips of macroseta on genu is bulbous while the remaining macrosetae are pointed and of following lengths: SgeIV 31 (31–33), StiIV 26 (25–30) and StaIV 45 (44–48).

Male (n = 2). Dorsum. Dorsal shield 295 (293–296) long, 155 (152–156) wide, smooth, with five pairs of solenostomes (gd2, gd5, gd6, gd8 and gd9); 18 pairs of setae on dorsal shield and two pairs of setae on unsclerotised cuticle: j1 25 (24–27), j3 35 (34–36), j4 28 (26–28), j5 30 (29–32), j6 43 (42–45), J2 53 (52–56), J5 10 (8–10), z2 25 (24–26), z3 38 (37–39), z4 43 (42–44), z5 28 (27–29), Z4 58 (57–59), Z5 65 (64–66), s4 53 (52–54), s6 58 (57–59), S2 58 (56–58), S4 53 (52–55), S5 28 (27–30), r3 25 (24–26), R1 32 (31–33). All setae long and slightly serrated, with pointed tip.

Peritreme. Extending to bases of j3.

Venter ( Fig. 41 View FIGURES 36–42 ). Sternogenital shield smooth, ventrianal shield striated. Sternogenital shield with five pairs of setae and three pairs of distinguishable lyrifissures. Ventrianal shield 115 (114–117) long, 114 (112–115) wide at level of ZV2 setae and 58 (56–60) wide at level of anus; with three pairs of pre-anal setae, JV1, JV2 and ZV2 arranged in a tangential line and one pair of large pre-anal pores. Membrane surrounding ventrianal shield with one pair of setae JV5; 30 (29–33) long and smooth.

Chelicera ( Fig. 42 View FIGURES 36–42 ). Spermatodactyl foot-shaped, shaft 10 (9–12) long and foot 8 (7–8) long.

Leg. Length of leg I 350 (346–355), leg II 275 (270–278), leg III 270 (269–275) and leg IV 338 (336–342). Chaetotactic formula of Sge II 1-2/0 2/1-1 and Sge III 1-2/1 2/0-1. Leg IV with three macrosetae on genu, tibia and tarsus and of following lengths: Sge IV 28 (26–28), Sti IV 22 (21–24) and Sta IV 36 (35–38).

Type specimens. Holotype female (Acarol.lab/ BCKV/8649/2021 ) deposited in the NZC, Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata, collected from Moss at East Sikkim: 27°22’52”N 88°38’15”E, 1732 m AMSL, East Sikkim, Sikkim on 29 th March, 2021. GoogleMaps 2 paratype females collected on 29 th March, 2021 (Acarol.lab/ BCKV/8649/2021 ) with same locality and host plant as holotype. GoogleMaps 2 paratype males collected on 25 th February, 2021 (Acarol.lab/ BCKV/8650– 51/2021 ) with same locality and host plant as holotype. GoogleMaps

Etymology. The specific name himaliniae dedicated to the name of Goddess Parvati, better half of God Shiva resides in the Great Himalaya.

Remarks. The T. (Anthoseius) himaliniae sp. nov. is close to T. (A.) gopali Gupta, 1969a ; T. (A.) orissaensis Gupta, 1977 ; T. (A.) xini ( Wu, 1983) and T. (A.) transvaalensis ( Nesbitt, 1951) by having similar type of dorsum and venter but differs from these close species by the length and form of dorsal setae; ventrianal shield; number of teeths in fixed and movable digit of chelicera; length and form of leg macrosetae. All the differences are presented in Table 8. View TABLE 8

Gupta, S. K. (1977) Some new and known species of Typhlodromus and Phytoseius (Acarina: Phytoseiidae) from western and northern India. Indian Journal of Acarology, 1, 11 - 18.

Nesbitt, H. H. J. (1951) A taxonomic study of the Phytoseiidae (Family Laelaptidae) predaceous upon Tetranychidae of economic importance. Zoology of Verhandl., The Netherlands, 12, 64 pp.

Wu, W. N. (1983) Two new species of Typhlodromus Scheuten (Acarina: Phytoseiidae) from China [in Chinese]. Zoological Research, China, 4 (1), 15 - 18.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 36–42. Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) himaliniae (female). 36. Dorsal view of idiosoma; 37. Ventral view of idiosoma; 38. Chelicera; 39. Spermatheca; 40. Genu, tibia and basitarsus of leg IV; 41. Male ventral surface; 42. Spermatodactyl

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FIGURES 76–79. Phytoseius ferrum (female). 76. Dorsal view of opisthosoma; 77-78. Genu, tibia and basitarsus of leg IV; 79. Spermatheca; 80–82. Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) himaliniae (female); 80. Dorsal view of idiosoma; 81. Chelicerae; 82. Spermatheca; 83–87. Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) kanchanjanghai; 83. Dorsal view of idiosoma (female); 84. Ventral view of idiosoma (male); 85. Chelicera (female); 86. Genu, tibia and basitarsus of leg IV (female). 87. Sparmatheca.