Paraparatrechina subtilis ( Santschi, 1920 )

Lapolla, John S., Cheng, Chiu H. & Fisher, Brian L., 2010, Taxonomic revision of the ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) genus Paraparatrechina in the Afrotropical and Malagasy Regions, Zootaxa 2387, pp. 1-27 : 13-14

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.193808


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Paraparatrechina subtilis ( Santschi, 1920 )


Paraparatrechina subtilis ( Santschi, 1920)

( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 , 16 View FIGURE 16 , 17 View FIGURE 17 )

Prenolepis (Nylanderia) subtilis Santschi, 1920: 174 (worker described). Holotypeworker, SENEGAL: Casamance (C. Paveau) (NHMB) [examined]. Emery, 1925: 218, combination in Paratrechina (Nylanderia) ; LaPolla et al., 2010: 128, combination in Paraparatrechina .

Prenolepis (Nylanderia) subtilis termitophila Santschi, 1921: 122 View Cited Treatment (worker described). Holotype worker?, CAMEROON: Douala (von Rothkirch) (depository unknown, not in NHMB) [not examined]. Emery, 1925: 218, combination in Paratrechina (Nylanderia) ; LaPolla et al., 2010: 128, combination in Paraparatrechina . SYN. NOV.

Worker diagnosis: metanotal area distinct, with raised metanotal spiracles; head and scapes with decumbent pubescence; cephalic pubescence longer lateroposteriorly.

Compare with: P. oreias

WORKER. Measurements (n=10): TL: 1.45–1.65; HW: 0.37–0.42; HL: 0.46–0.50; EL: 0.08–0.11; SL: 0.43–0.48; PW: 0.27–0.29; WL: 0.49–0.54; PDH: 0.22–0.25; PrFL:0.35–0.39; PrFW: 0.1–0.11; GL: 0.46–0.7. Indices: CI: 77–87; REL: 17–22; SI: 110–122; FI: 25–32

Head yellow to light brown; cuticular surface shining. Short, decumbent pubescence covers head, especially lateroposteriorly, where it is longer than remainder of head. Scapes surpass posterior margin by about the length of the first funicular segment. Scapes covered in short, decumbent pubescence across their length. Mesosoma yellow to light brown and compact; fine pubescence covers entire mesosomal dorsum, although pubescence sparser on dorsal face of propodeum. Pronotum rises very steeply from anterior margin to dorsum. Mesonotal area distinct, with prominent mesonotal spiracles. Dorsal face of propodeum short, gently rounded, with longer declivitous face. Legs same color as remainder of the body; gaster yellow, covered in a dense layer of pubescence.

Non-type material examined: DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO: Epulu, 28° 35’ E, 1° 23’ N, xi.1995, elev. 750 m (S.D.Torti); GABON: Prov. Ogooue-Maritime, Res. Monts Doudou, 25.2 km 304° NW Doussala, 10° 23.67’ E, 2° 13.63’ S, 15.iii.2000, elev. 660 m (S. van Noort); RWANDA: Rangiro, i.1976, elev. 1800 m (P. Werner); Rangiro, ix.1976 (P. Werner)

Notes. This is a light colored species that can be distinguished by the presence of short, decumbent pubescence on the head and scapes, an uncommon character state for Paraparatrechina species. P. umbranatis also has decumbent pubescence on the head and scapes (although the pubescence is not as long), but can easily be distinguished from P. subtilis by the dark gaster contrasting with the lighter head and mesosoma. Unfortunately, type specimens of P. subtilis termitophila could not be located for this study (they were not found in NHMB by curator Daniel Burckhardt, pers. comm.). Based on the written description by Santschi (1921) there seems to be little to distinguish it from P. subtilis , thus our placement as a synonym.


Naturhistorisches Museum, Basel














Paraparatrechina subtilis ( Santschi, 1920 )

Lapolla, John S., Cheng, Chiu H. & Fisher, Brian L. 2010

Prenolepis (Nylanderia) subtilis termitophila

LaPolla 2010: 128
Emery 1925: 218
Santschi 1921: 122

Prenolepis (Nylanderia) subtilis

LaPolla 2010: 128
Emery 1925: 218
Santschi 1920: 174
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