
Ronkay, L., 2005, Revision Of The Genus Lophoterges Hampson, 1906 (S. L.) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Cuculliinae). Part Ii. The Genus Lophoterges S. Str., Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 51 (1), pp. 1-57 : 38

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12586551

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Key to species of Fibigerges based on the male genitalia

1 Distal parts of valva narrowly bar-shaped, long, without spatulate cucullus ( Figs 51, 52 View Figs 51–53 ) mariannae

– Distal parts of valva shorter, cucullus spatulate, sitting on shorter or longer, narrow neck ( Figs 54, 55 View Figs 54–55 , 57, 58 View Figs 57–58 , 62, 63 View Figs 62–63 , 65 View Figs 64–66 ) 2

2 Socii only slightly asymmetrical, apically bifid ( Figs 54, 55 View Figs 54–55 ) hoerhammeri View in CoL

– Socii strongly asymmetrical, terminated in long, thorn-like (single) process ( Figs 57, 58 View Figs 57–58 , 62, 63 View Figs 62–63 , 65 View Figs 64–66 ) 3

3 Valvae narrower, saccular part proportionally longer, distal part arched, forming rather narrow, less separated cucullus ( Figs 57, 58 View Figs 57–58 ) atlas View in CoL

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