Conus curralensis Rolán, 1986: 10–13

BOYKO, CHRISTOPHER B. & CORDEIRO, JAMES R., 2001, Catalog Of Recent Type Specimens In The Division Of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum Of Natural History. V. Mollusca, Part 2 (Class Gastropoda [Exclusive Opisthobranchia And Pulmonata With Supplements To Gastropoda [Opisthobranchia], And Bivalvia, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2001 (262), pp. 1-1 : 1-

publication ID 10.1206/0003-0090(2001)262<0001:CORTSI>2.0.CO;2

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persistent identifier

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scientific name

Conus curralensis Rolán, 1986: 10–13


Conus curralensis Rolán, 1986: 10–13 View in CoL , figs. 1b View Figs , Remarks: Additional paratypes are in

2d, 3d, 4d, 5b, 6b, 6d–e. (Hanna, 1963: 25).

Paratype: AMNH 238700 (1 specimen). Conus eversoni Petuch, 1987: 74 , pl. 10, figs Locality : Santa Luzia Island, Curral Bay, Cape 14.

Verde Islands, Portugal, Atlantic Ocean. Paratype: AMNH 237981 (1 specimen). Collector : F. Fernandes. Locality : 40 ft, Utila Bay Islands, Honduras Remarks: ex Rolán Collection #16727. The ho­ lantic Ocean.

lotype is MNCN 11–91–1010, and additional Collector : K. Sunderland.

paratypes are CZL G­1502 and in BMNH, Remarks: ex Sunderland Collection. The

MNCN, MNHN, the Museo de Cabo Verde, the is USNM 859878. An additional paratype Museo Galego do Mar de Vigo, and the collec­ the collection of W. Harland (Petuch, 1987 tions of M. Garrido, J. Messias, A. Monteiro,

I. Navarro, A. Ramalho, D. Röckel, E. Rolán, Conus evorai Monteiro, Fernandes , and and H. Trovão (Rolán, 1986: 11). 1995: 8–12, figs. 2–3 View Figs + 4 unnumbered text Paratype: AMNH 275361 (1 specimen).

Conus derrubado Rolán and Fernandes in Rolán, Locality : Praia Zeburaca, Boavista Island, 1990: 19–21, pl. 1, fig. 4 View Figs ; pl. 2, fig. 4 View Figs ; pl. 4, Verde Islands, Portugal, Atlantic Ocean.

fig. i; pl. 6, fig. f; pl. 8, fig. h. Collector : Unknown.

Paratype: AMNH 245394 (1 specimen). Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The holotype Locality : 1 m, Derrubado, Boavista Island, Cape MNCN 15.05/1858, and additional Verde Islands, Portugal, Atlantic Ocean. are in BMNH, MNHN, SMNS, and the Collector : E. Rolán. tions of J. Evora, C. Fernandes, R. Filmer Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The holotype is Monteiro, A. Ramalho, G. Raybaudi, E. MCNM 15.05–1087, and additional paratypes J. Rosado, R. Silva, and H. Trovão (are in BMNH, CZL, MIST, MNHN, ZMA, and et al., 1995: 10).

the collections of F. Fernandes, A. Monteiro, D.

Röckel, and E. Rolán (Rolán, 1990: 20). Conus explorator Vink, 1990a: 42–44 ,

(right), 4 (right), 38, unnumbered fig. on Conus diminutus Trovão and Rolán, 1986: 10 – Paratype: AMNH 232146 (1 specimen).

14, figs. 3 a–c View Figs . Locality : 14 m, Discovery Bay, Jamaica, Paratypes: AMNH 222921 (2 specimens). Ocean.

Locality : Sal Rei Bay, Boa Vista Island, Cape Collector : D. Vink, July 1983.

Verde Islands, Portugal, Atlantic Ocean. Remarks: The holotype is in MHNG.

Collector : E. Rolán, 1985. paratypes are in RMNH and the collection Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The holotype is in D. Vink (Vink, 1990a: 42).

MNCN, and additional paratypes are MNCN

11–91–1011, 11/91/1012, and in the Museu Conus felitae Rolán, 1990 , 45–47: pl. 1, Nacional de História Natural Universidade de pl. 2, fig. 18; pl. 3, fig. b; pl. 6, fig. d; Lisboa (Lisbon, Portugal), CPAS Lisbon, the fig. c.

Museu de Cabo Verde, BMNH, CZL, MNHN, Paratype: AMNH 245403 (1 specimen).

NHMV, USNM, ZMA, and the collections of J. Locality : 1 m, Rabo de Junco, Mordeira, Borges, A. da Motta, M. de Lanoy Meijer, G. land, Cape Verde Islands, Portugal,

Dionis, I. Felix Alves, C. Fernandes, F. Fernan­ Ocean.

des, M. Garrido, R. Gomez, J. Messias, A. Collector : E. Rolán.

Monteiro, I. Navarro, J. Otero­Schmitt, A. Ra­ Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The holotype malho, D. Röckel, E. Rolán, G. Soares, H. Tro­ MCNM 15.05–1099, and additional vão, and T. Whitehead (Trovão and Rolán, are in BMNH, CZL, MNHN, ZMA,

1986: 11–12). collections of F. Fernandes, A. Monteiro Röckel, and E. Rolán (Rolán, 1990: 46). Conus emersoni Hanna, 1963: 25 , pl. 1, fig. 2 View Figs .

Holotype: AMNH 105211. Conus filmeri Rolán and Röckel, 2000 : Locality : 300 fathoms, off Los Frailes, Cape San figs. 77–80.

Lucas, Baja California Sur, Mexico, Pacific Paratype: AMNH 297917 (1 specimen).


Collector : Unknown. 1982: 14). This taxon is a synonym of Remarks: The holotype is SMNS ZI 30493, and nus Linnaeus, 1758 (Röckel et al., additional paratypes are in BMNH, MNHN, USNM, and the collections of M. Filmer, G. R. Conus gabrielae Rolán and Röckel, 2000 Massilia, D. Röckel, E. Rolán, and P. Ryall figs. 67–71.

(Rolán and Röckel, 2000: 36). Paratype: AMNH 297914 (1 specimen). Locality : 1–3 m, Chapeu Armado, Angola Conus flavusalbus Rolán and Röckel, 2000: 38 – tic Ocean.

39, figs. 92–96. Collector : Unknown.

Paratype: AMNH 297918 (1 specimen). Remarks: The holotype is MNCN 15.05 Locality : 1–3 m, Pipas Bay, Angola, Atlantic and additional paratypes are in Ocean. MNHN, SMNS, USNM, and the Collector : Unknown. M. Filmer, G. R. Massilia, D. Röckel, Remarks: The holotype is MNCN 15.05/39753, and P. Ryall (Rolán and Röckel, 2000

and additional paratypes are in BMNH,

MNHN, SMNS, USNM, and the collections of Conus garciai da Motta, 1982: 18–19 , M. Filmer, G. R. Massilia, D. Röckel, E. Rolán, Paratypes: AMNH 206095 (2 specimens and P. Ryall (Rolán and Röckel, 2000: 38). (2 specimens).

Locality : 150 ft, off Caratasca Key Conus fontonae Rolán and Trovão in Rolán, 206095), 120 ft, off Punta Patuca

1990: 28–31, pl. 1, fig. 10 View Figs ; pl. 2, fig. 10 View Figs ; pl. 3, 206096), Honduras, Atlantic Ocean.

fig. 3 View Figs ; pl. 6, fig. c; pl. 8, fig. b. Collector : E. F. Garcia.

Paratype: AMNH 245398 (1 specimen). Remarks: ex A. da Motta. AMNH 206095 Locality : 1 m, Bahia de Fontona, Sal Island, Cape Motta’s (1982: 18) paratypes #1 Verde Islands, Portugal, Atlantic Ocean. AMNH 206096 is da Motta’s (1982: Collector : E. Rolán. types #2 and #5. The holotype is Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The holotype is 982.528, and the additional paratype MCNM 15.05–1091, and additional paratypes collection of A. da Motta (da Motta,

are in BMNH, CZL, MIST, MNHN, ZMA, and the collections of F. Fernandes, A. Monteiro, D. Conus gracianus da Motta and Blöcher Röckel, E. Rolán, and H. Trovão (Rolán, 1990: Motta, 1982: 16–17, fig. 15 View Figs .

29). Paratype: AMNH 213490 (1 specimen). Locality : Grand Recif, Tulear, Madagascar Conus franciscoi Rolán and Röckel, 2000: 36 – Ocean.

37, figs. 82–86.

Paratype: AMNH 297916 (1 specimen). Collector : Unknown.

Locality : 1–3 m, Chapeu Armado, Angola, Atlan­ Remarks: ex A. da Motta. AMNH 213490 tic Ocean. Motta’s (1982: 16) paratype #4. Collector : Unknown. taxon was not explicitly identified Remarks: The holotype is MNCN 15.05/39751, nov.’’ by da Motta and Blöcher in and additional paratypes are in BMNH, SMNS, (1982), that paper is the source of

USNM, and the collections of M. Filmer, G. R. for this taxon as evidenced by the

Massilia, D. Röckel, E. Rolán, and P. Ryall ‘‘the new species’’ on p. 17. The

(Rolán and Röckel, 2000: 36). MHNG 982.112, and the additional 5

are in the collection of A. da Motta ( Conus fulvobullatus da Motta, 1982: 13–14 , fig. 1982: 16). This taxon is a synonym

12. licus Linnaeus, 1758 (Röckel et al., Paratype: AMNH 213505 (1 specimen).

Locality : 200 m, Balut Island, Mindanao, Philip­ Conus gradatus thaanumi Schwengel ,

pines, Pacific Ocean. pl. 2, figs. 12–13 View Figs .

Collector : ‘‘Natives.’’ Syntype: AMNH 152392 (1 specimen). Remarks: ex A. da Motta. AMNH 213505 is da Locality : Bahia Salinas, Costa Rica

Motta’s (1982: 14) paratype #1. The holotype Ocean.

38 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO synonym of C. regularis Sowerby, 1833 (Keen, with invalid type designations (see Boyko 1871: 665). Rosenberg, 1999). This taxon is a synonym C. jaspideus Gmelin, 1791 (Abbott, 1974 Conus halli da Motta, 1983: 3–6 , figs. 1–8 View Figs View Figs . Paratype: AMNH 213523 (1 specimen). Conus hereditarius da Motta, 1987a : Locality : Pasir Putih, about 180 km east of Su­ unnumbered figs.

rabaya, Java, Pacific Ocean. Paratype: AMNH 222929 (1 specimen). Collector : Unknown. Locality : 40–80 ft, Raya Island, Thailand, Remarks: ex A. da Motta. AMNH 213523 is da Ocean.

Motta’s (1983: 5) paratype #7. The holotype is Collector : ‘‘Native divers.’’

MHNG 983.103, and the additional 17 paraty­ Remarks: The holotype is MHNG 987.107

pes are MHNG 983.104–983.109 and in the additional paratypes are in the collection collection of A. da Motta (da Motta, 1983: 5). da Motta (da Motta, 1987a: 27). This

This taxon is a synonym of C. hyaena Hwass a synonym of C. ammiralis Linnaeus ,

in Bruguière, 1792 (Röckel et al., 1995: 98). (Röckel et al., 1995: 180).

Conus harlandi Petuch, 1987: 74–75 , pl. 12, figs. Conus holemani Usticke, 1968: 21–22 , pl. 9–12. 1011.

Paratypes: AMNH 222919 (4 specimens), 253614 Lectotype: AMNH 195450.

(1 specimen), 259699 (2 specimens). Locality : St. Vincent, Atlantic Ocean.

Locality : 30–40 feet in sand (AMNH 253614), Collector : J. Holeman.

Utila Island, Bay Islands, Honduras, Atlantic Remarks: ex Usticke Collection #1011.

Ocean. (1971: 20) stated that this specimen was Collector : W. Harland, Nov. 1986 ( AMNH holotype. Because Usticke (1968: 21–22 222919) ; K. Sunderland ( AMNH 253614 ) ; un­ not designate a holotype, his 1971 action known, Nov. 1986 ( AMNH 259699 ). stituted a lectotype designation. Usticke (Remarks: ex Harland Collection ( AMNH 25 ) erroneously listed this subspecies as 222919), Sunderland Collection via Johnson from that paper. The repository of the Collection ( AMNH 253164 ), and Sunderland totypes is unknown ; their existence is Collection via Fleischner Collection ( AMNH by Usticke’s (1968: 21) given size range 259699). The holotype is USNM 859883 , and taxon of 60–65 mm length. This taxon is additional paratypes are USNM 859907 and in onym of C. cedonulli Linnaeus, 1758 (the collections of W. Harland, R. Kremer, and 1988: 81) .

K. Sunderland (Petuch, 1987: 74).

Conus (Profundiconus) ikedai Ninomiya , Conus havanensis Aguayo and Farfante, 1947: 7–12 , pl. 1, figs. 1–4 View Figs ; pl. 2, figs. 5–6. View Figs View Figs View Figs

11, fig. 1 View Figs . Paratype: AMNH 221813 (1 specimen). Paratypes: AMNH 186415 (1 specimen), 259702 Locality : 300 m, off Hayana, Sagami Bay,

(2 specimens). Pacific Ocean.

Locality : ‘‘La Puntilla,’’ La Chorrera, La Habana, Collector : Unknown.

Cuba, Atlantic Ocean. Remarks: The holotype is NSMT 64118, Collector : C. G. Aguayo and/or M. L. Jaume. ditional paratypes are NSMT 64119 and Remarks: ex SDMNH via Cate Collection collection of T. Ninomiya (Ninomiya, (AMNH 186415) and ex J. Donovan via Ed­ 8).

dison Collection (AMNH 259702). The holotype is MPUH 12133, and additional paratypes Conus infinitus Rolán, 1990 , 39–41: pl.

are MPUH 175241 (Aguayo and Farfante, 12; pl. 2, fig. 12 View Figs ; pl. 5, fig. p; pl. 7, fig.

1947: 11). Because Aguayo freely distributed 8, fig. i.

paratype material to other institutions and in­ Paratype: AMNH 245400 (1 specimen). dividuals, and the locality data are the same as Locality : 1 m, Bahia de Pau Seco, Maio for the type series, we consider the AMNH Cape Verde Islands, Portugal, Atlantic specimens as paratypes. However, it should be Collector : E. Rolán.

noted that some ex MPUH land snail specimens Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The holotype labeled as ‘‘paratypes’’ in American museums MCNM 15.05–1095, and additional 2001 BOYKO AND CORDEIRO: TYPE SPECIMENS: MOLLUSCA, PART 2

the collections of F. Fernandes, A. Monteiro, D. Conus kerstitchi Walls, 1978: 2–3 ,

Röckel, and E. Rolán (Rolán, 1990: 40). fig. on p. 6.

Paratype: AMNH 220848 (1 specimen).

Conus jaspideus branhamae Clench, 1953a : Locality : 250 ft, Sheppard’s Rock , Cabo 364–365, pl. 181, fig. 2 View Figs . cas, Baja California Sur, Mexico Holotype: AMNH 166926. Ocean.

Locality : Green Turtle Cay, Great Abaco, Baha­ Collector : A. Kerstitch, July 22, 1972.

mas, Atlantic Ocean. Remarks: ex Kerstitch Collection via

Collector : Unknown. lection. The holotype is in DMNH,

Remarks: ex Branham Collection. AMNH 166926 tional paratypes are in the collections is the holotype by monotypy. This taxon is a Cunningham and A. Kerstitch (Walls, synonym of C. jaspideus Gmelin, 1791 (Ab­ Conus kongaensis da Motta, 1984b

bott, 1974: 256). unnumbered figs.

Paratype: AMNH 213499 (1 specimen).

Conus kalafuti da Motta, 1987c: 42 , pl. 1, figs. Locality : Konga Island, off Larantuka,


Paratype: AMNH 225977 (1 specimen). Flores, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean.

Locality : Northwest Roatan Island, off Honduras, Collector : Unknown.

Remarks: ex A. da Motta. AMNH 213499 Atlantic Ocean. Motta’s (1984b: 8) paratype #2. The Collector : T. Kalafut. is MHNG 984.123, and the additional Remarks: The holotype is MHNG 987.111, and types are MHNG 984.124 and in the additional paratypes are in the collections of A. of A. da Motta (da Motta, 1984b: 8). da Motta and T. Kalafut (da Motta, 1987c: 42). is a synonym of C. wittigi Walls, 1977

Conus karinae Usticke, 1968: 9 View in CoL , pl. 2, fig. 992. et al., 1995: 193).

Lectotype: AMNH 195442. Conus (Leptoconus) korni Raybaudi View in CoL ,

Locality : North of Fredericksted, St. Croix, U.S. figs. 1–5 View Figs , 14–16 View Figs View Figs , 19.

Virgin Islands, Atlantic Ocean. Paratype: AMNH 232523 (1 specimen). Collector : G. W. N. Usticke. Locality : Gulf of Aden, Somalia, Indian Remarks: ex Usticke Collection #992. Usticke Collector : Fishermen, Dec. 1982.

(1971: 17) stated that this specimen was the Remarks: The holotype is SMNS ZI8844 holotype. Because Usticke (1968: 9) did not ditional paratypes are in NMC, ZMA designate a holotype, his 1971 action constitut­ collections of K. and M. Angioy, T. ed a lectotype designation. Usticke (1969: 21) Bozzetti, W. Korn, L. Luisi, G. Raybaudi erroneously listed this species as new from that silia, D. Röckel, and E. Rolán (

paper. The repository of the paralectotypes is 1993a: 24).

unknown; their existence is indicated by Usticke’s (1968: 9) given size range for the taxon Conus leobrerai da Motta and Martin ,

of 20–34 mm length. This taxon is a form of fig. 2 View Figs .

Paratype: AMNH 213500 (1 specimen). C. mindanus Hwass, 1792 (Coomans et al., Locality : 20–40 fathoms, Visayan Sea,

1979: 89). Malapascua and Bantayan Islands,

Conus kermadecensis Iredale, 1912: 227 View in CoL , pl. 9, Pacific Ocean.

Collector : Unknown.

figs. 15–16 View Figs .

Paratype: AMNH 101810 (1 specimen). Remarks: ex A. da Motta. AMNH 213500 Locality : Meyer (= Sunday) Island, Kermadec Is­ Motta and Martin’s (1982: 3) paratype lands, New Zealand, Pacific Ocean. holotype is MHNG 982.729, and the

3 paratypes are in the collection of A. Collector : T. Iredale, 1908. (da Motta and Martin, 1982: 3).

Remarks: ex Powell Collection. The holotype is in CMNZ, and additional paratypes are in AM Conus lienardi Bernardi and Crosse ,

(Iredale, 1912: 228). This taxon is a synonym 50, pl. 1, fig. 2 View Figs .


Collector : Unknown. and Bendersky Collection (AMNH

Remarks: ex Liénard Collection via Constable The holotype is Museu Nacional de Collection. This specimen matches the dimen­ Natural Universidade de Lisboa (Lisbon sions (45 X 18 mm) given by Bernardi and tugal) 15459, and additional paratypes Crosse (1861: 49) and is the basis of the orig­ BMNH 1986153, MNCN 11/19/1012, inal figure ( fig. 7 View Figs herein). The other syntype is ANSP, MNHN, and the collections of I.

in BMNH (Röckel et al., 1995: 111). Alves, F. Fernandes, M. Filmer, J. Messias Monteiro, I. Navarro, A. Ramalho, D. Conus (Asprella) lovellreevei Raybaudi, 1993b : E. Rolán, P. Ryall, and H. Trovão (Trovão 3, pl. 1, figs. 4–5 View Figs . al., 1990: 74, 78).

Paratype: AMNH 232522 (1 specimen).

Locality : Madras, India, Indian Ocean. Conus mayaguensis Usticke, 1968: 15 , pl. Collector : Unknown. 1003.

Remarks: The holotype is BMNH 1993025, and Lectotype: AMNH 195447.

additional paratypes are in NMC, SMNS, and Locality : Punta Guanajibos, Puerto Rico,

the collections of G. Biraghi, A. Delsaerdt, W. Ocean.

Korn, G. Raybaudi, D. Röckel, and the Mostra Collector : Unknown.

Mondiale Malacologia, Cupra, Italy (Raybaudi, Remarks: ex Usticke Collection #1003. We 1993b: 3). This taxon is a synonym of C. asia­ select Usticke’s (1968: pl. 2, fig. 1003)

ticus da Motta, 1985 (Röckel et al., 1995: 226). specimen as lectotype to fix the identity poorly defined taxon. Usticke (1969: 23) Conus luquei Rolán and Trovão in Rolán, 1990: neously listed the species as new from 50–52, pl. 1, fig. 2 View Figs ; pl. 2, fig. 2 View Figs ; pl. 4, fig. g.

Paratype: AMNH 245406 (1 specimen). per. The repository of the paralectotypes Locality : 3 m, Bahia de Gata, Boavista Island, known ; their existence is indicated by

Cape Verde Islands, Portugal, Atlantic Ocean. (1968: 15) given size range for the taxon Collector : E. Rolán. 37 mm length. This taxon is a subspecies Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The holotype is beddomei Sowerby III, 1901 (Coomans MCNM 15.05–1102, and additional paratypes 1982: 18).

are in BMNH, CZL, MIST, MNHN, ZMA, and Conus mcgintyi Pilsbry, 1955: 47 , pl. 3, figs

the collections of F. Fernandes, A. Monteiro, D. 11.

Röckel, and E. Rolán (Rolán, 1990: 51). Paratype: AMNH 169828 (1 specimen).

Conus maculospira bangladeshianus da Motta, Locality : Sta. 874, 75 fathoms, off Palm

1985a: 6–7, pl. 1, figs. 5a–b View Figs , 6a–b View Figs . Palm Beach Co., Florida, United States, Paratype: AMNH 213488 (1 specimen). tic Ocean.

Locality : Bay of Bengal, off Bangladesh, Indian Collector : T. L. McGinty on R/V ‘‘ Triton, Ocean. 7, 1952.

Collector : Unknown. Remarks: ex Holeman Collection. The holotype Remarks: ex A. da Motta. AMNH 213488 is da ANSP 193858, and additional paratypes Motta’s (1985a: 7) paratype #3. The holotype the collections of T. McGinty, J. is MHNG 984.595, and the additional 6 para­ and A. Thompson (Pilsbry, 1955: 47).

types are MHNG 984.596 and in the collection Conus messiasi Rolán and Fernandes in

of A. da Motta (da Motta, 1985a: 7). This taxon 1990: 17–19, pl. 1, fig. 6 View Figs ; pl. 2, fig. 6 View Figs ;

is a synonym of C. inscriptus Reeve, 1843 fig. h.

(Röckel et al., 1995: 194). Paratype: AMNH 245393 (1 specimen).

Conus maioensis Trovão, Rolán, and Félix­Alves, Locality : 2 m, Derrubado, Boavista Island, 1990: 71–75, figs. 2–3, 5 View Figs , 7, 9 View Figs , 11 View Figs . Verde Islands, Portugal, Atlantic Ocean. Paratypes: AMNH 226439 (1 specimen), 264674 Collector : E. Rolán.

(1 specimen). Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The holotype Locality : Baía do Navio Quebrado, Maio Island, MCNM 15.05–1086, and additional Cape Verde Islands, Portugal, Atlantic Ocean. are in BMNH, CZL, MIST, MNHN, ZMA Collector : E. Rolán. the collections of F. Fernandes, A. Monteiro Remarks: ex Rolán Collection (AMNH 226439) Röckel, and E. Rolán (Rolán, 1990: 18). 2001 BOYKO AND CORDEIRO: TYPE SPECIMENS: MOLLUSCA, PART 2


American Museum of Natural History














Conus curralensis Rolán, 1986: 10–13


Conus karinae

Usticke 1968: 9

Conus kermadecensis

Iredale 1912: 227
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