Belgrandiella ovetensis Rolán, 1992a: 108–111

BOYKO, CHRISTOPHER B. & CORDEIRO, JAMES R., 2001, Catalog Of Recent Type Specimens In The Division Of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum Of Natural History. V. Mollusca, Part 2 (Class Gastropoda [Exclusive Opisthobranchia And Pulmonata With Supplements To Gastropoda [Opisthobranchia], And Bivalvia, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2001 (262), pp. 1-1 : 1-

publication ID 10.1206/0003-0090(2001)262<0001:CORTSI>2.0.CO;2

publication LSID

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Belgrandiella ovetensis Rolán, 1992a: 108–111


Belgrandiella ovetensis Rolán, 1992a: 108–111 View in CoL , Summers (F. Schilder, 1958: 85). This

pl. 1, figs. 5–6 View Figs View Figs ; pl. 3, fig. 1 View Figs ; pl. 4, fig. 5 View Figs ; pl. 5, considered a full species in the genus figs. 10 View Figs –19; pl. 6, fig. 6 View Figs . ra Iredale, 1930 (Lorenz and Hubert Paratype: AMNH 264682 (1 specimen, alcohol). 161).

Locality : Carrozo de Villaboa, Iberian Peninsula,

Spain, Atlantic Ocean. Bittiolum cerithioides ‘‘form’’

Collector : Unknown. Usticke, 1969: 12.

Lectotype: AMNH 195416.

Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The holotype is Locality : Altona Bay, St. Croix, U.S.

MNCN 15.05/1118, and additional paratypes lands, Atlantic Ocean.

are in the Museu de Ciencias Naturales de la Collector : Unknown.

Universidad de Santiago de Compostela ( Spain) Remarks: ex Usticke Collection #373A.

and the collections of H. Boeters and E. Rolán Usticke (1969: 12) cited this taxon (Rolán, 1992a: 109–110). ‘‘form,’’ he listed it as a ‘‘new s[ub] s Bellaspira acclivicosta McLean and Poorman, (1969: 12) and treated it subspecifically 1970: 6–7, figs. 9–11 View Figs View Figs . index (as Bittium [sic] cerithioides Paratype: AMNH 147999 (1 specimen). rmkeana). We consider this taxon to Locality : 15–20 fathoms, 27°56′N, 111°03′W, 1 subspecifically described. Usticke (

km south of the east point at the entrance to stated that this specimen (now AMNH

Bahia San Carlos, Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico, was the holotype. Because Usticke (

Pacific Ocean. did not designate a holotype, Usticke’s Collector : F. and R. Poorman, Dec. 1965 –April action constituted a lectotype designation 1967. repository of the paralectotypes is Remarks: ex Poorman Collection. The holotype is their existence is indicated by Usticke’s LACM 1193, and additional paratypes are 12) given size range for the taxon of ANSP 315788, CASIZ 13159, SDNHM 50000, length. This taxon was figured by

SU 9964, USNM 679183, and in the Poorman (1971: pl. 1, fig. 373) and is a synonym Collection (McLean and Poorman, 1970: 7). nella dubia (d’Orbigny, 1842) (Faber Benthovoluta claydoni Harasewych, 1987: 173– 93 ). 176, figs. 10 View Figs –18, 23–26. Bittium varium ‘‘form’ ’ turricula Usticke Paratype: AMNH 221361 (1 specimen). 11, pl. 2, fig. 370A.

Locality : 450 m, off Port Hedland , Western Aus­ Lectotype: AMNH 198491 ( LOST).

tralia, Australia, Pacific Ocean. Locality : Water Island, St. Thomas, U. Collector : Commercial prawn fishermen. Islands, Atlantic Ocean.

Remarks: The holotype is WAM 3252–83, and Collector : Unknown.

additional paratypes are in USNM and WAM Remarks: ex Usticke Collection #370A. (Harasewych, 1987: 176). Usticke (1969: 11) cited this taxon Bistolida (Blasicrura) pallidula summersi F. ‘‘form,’’ he listed it as a ‘‘new s[ub] Schilder, 1958: 85–87, fig. 6 View Figs . (1969: 11), treated it specifically in

Paratypes: AMNH 186628 (1 specimen), 186629 and called it ‘‘ Bittium turricula ’’ in

(1 specimen), 203879 (1 specimen), 213467 (1 caption. We consider this taxon to specimen). subspecifically described. Usticke (1969 Locality : Nukualofa, Tongatabu, Tonga, Pacific never designated a specimen as holotype Ocean. totype. Although the specimen figured Collector : J. M. Ostergaard, July 1926. ticke (1969: pl. 2, fig. 370A) was ‘‘

Remarks: ex Summers Collection (AMNH ly lost in a loan’’ (Faber, 1988: 91),

186628, 186629, 213467) and Cate Collection terest of stability, and because of

#2755 (AMNH 203879). The holotype was establishing the breadth of the type

Schilder Collection #8861 and an additional below), we designate Usticke’s (1969:

paratype was Schilder Collection #8862 (cur­ 370A) figured specimen as lectotype.

rent repository unknown) (F. Schilder, 1958: of ‘‘possible syntypes’’ [= possible


192875), ‘‘ Alabina ’’ turricula (AMNH Locality : Talasea, New Britain, Papua New

193137), and ‘‘ Cerithiodes turricula ’’ (AMNH ea, Pacific Ocean.

193146). Because Usticke often added material Collector : E. H. Schlosser, Aug. 1961.

to his type lots and kept very poor collection Remarks: ex Katsaras Collection (AMNH data, it is impossible to definitely assign any of Summers Collection (AMNH 105502,

these lots to the type series. The repository of 213443, 220727), Deynzer Collection (

the additional paralectotypes is unknown; their 162520), and Gray Collection (

existence is indicated by Usticke’s (1969: 11) 186632). The holotype was in the collection given size range for the taxon of 1.5– 3 mm F. A. Schilder #14616 (current repository length. Faber (1988: 91) suggested that this tax­ known), and an unspecified number of on name may not be applicable to the figured pes were in the collections of ‘‘Burgess shell and conspecific specimens. This conclu­ nohorsky, Gray, Kuroba, Schilder and sion is incorrect, because these are the type mers’’ (current repository unknown) (

specimens of the species and must be referred and Summers, 1963b: 69). The figured to by this name or that of a valid senior syno­ (Schilder and Summers, 1963b: 69, pls

nym. This taxon is placed in the genus Ittibit­ VII, figs. F–G) are also paratypes. A tium Houbrick, 1993, as I. turriculum (Faber, (ex Summers Collection) may be in CASIZ

1995: 64). Blasicrura (Derstolida) kieneri schneideri

Bizetiella shaskyi Radwin and D’Attilio, 1972 : M. Schilder, 1938b: 166. Syntypes: AMNH 186640 (2 specimens).

347–350, figs. 1d–e View Figs , 24.

Paratype: AMNH 179302 (1 specimen). Locality : Mope, northeast New Britain,

Locality : 3–8 ft, 00°22′20̎S, 90°34′30̎W, Som­ New Guinea, Pacific Ocean.

brero Chino Island, Galápagos Islands, Ecua­ Collector : Unknown.

dor, Pacific Ocean. Remarks: ex Schilder Collection via

Collector : Ameripagos Expedition, March 22–24, Collection. These specimens are probably

1971. the type lot, but because of F. and M.

Remarks: ex LACM. The holotype is SDSNM (1938b: 166) descriptive brevity and

56119, and additional paratypes are LACM 65– data, this is not completely certain. The

11, 65–12, 65–13, 65–15, SDSNH 34688, itory of additional syntypes is unknown

USNM 709237, and in the collection of D. taxon is a synonym of Bistolida kieneri

Shasky (Radwin and D’Attilio, 1972: 348–349; priesteri (Schilder, 1933) (Lorenz and

Finet, 1994: 48). 1993: 168). Blasicrura (Derstolida) ursellus amoeba

Blandiella reclusa Guppy, 1871: 309 View in CoL , pl. 17, figs. M. Schilder, 1938b: 167.

7–8. Syntypes: AMNH 186639 (2 specimens).

Paralectotypes: AMNH 16698 (4 specimens). Locality : Mope, northeast New Britain,

Locality : Oropuche Mountains, Trinidad, Trinidad New Guinea, Pacific Ocean.

and Tobago. Collector : Unknown.

Collector : R. Guppy. Remarks: ex Schilder Collection via

Remarks: ex Guppy via Crooke Collection. This Collection. These specimens are probably

taxon is the type of the genus Blandiella Gup­ the type lot, but because of F. and M.

py, 1871, by monotypy (Guppy, 1871: 309). (1938b: 167) descriptive brevity and

The lectotype (MCZ 175606) was selected and data, this is not completely certain. The

figured by Clench and Turner (1948c: 170, pl. itory of additional syntypes is unknown

23, fig. 9 View Figs ). The lectotype is MCZ 175606 taxon is a synonym of Bistolida ursellus (

(Clench and Turner, 1948c: 183, pl. 23, fig. 9 View Figs ). lin, 1791) (Lorenz and Hubert, 1993: 171














Belgrandiella ovetensis Rolán, 1992a: 108–111


Blandiella reclusa

Guppy 1871: 309
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