Thiotricha villosa, Lee & Li, 2024

Lee, Ga-Eun & Li, Houhun, 2024, A taxonomic review of Thiotricha Meyrick, 1886 (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae, Thiotrichinae) from China, with descriptions of 84 new species, Zootaxa 5449 (1), pp. 1-222 : 145-146

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5449.1.1

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scientific name

Thiotricha villosa

sp. nov.

Thiotricha villosa sp. nov.

( Figs 20E, F View FIGURE 20 , 27L View FIGURE 27 , 44B View FIGURE 44 , 61A View FIGURE 61 )

Type material. Holotype ♂, CHINA, Xizang Autonomous Region , Motuo County, 80 K (29.66°N, 95.49°E), 2076 m, 8.viii.2018, leg. Mujie Qi, genitalia slide no. LGE18631 GoogleMaps . Paratypes. CHINA: Hainan Province: 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Bawangling (19.12°N, 109.08°E), 161 m, Changjiang County, 21.vii.2014, leg. Peixin Cong, Linjie Liu and Sha Hu, genitalia slide nos. LGE 18411m, LGE18807f GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂, Hongkan (19.08°N, 109.50°E), 508 m, Yinggeling ,, leg. Peixin Cong, Linjie Liu and Sha Hu, genitalia slide no. LGE18799 GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂, Bawangling (19.08°N, 109.10°E), 261 m, 21.vii.2015, leg. Qingyun Wang, Suran Li and Mengting Chen GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀, Bawangling Nature Reserves (19.12°N, 109.08°E), 161 m, 11.iii.2016, leg. Qingyun Wang, Suran Li and Shengnan Zhao, genitalia slide no. LGE18793 GoogleMaps ; Xizang Autonomous Region : 2 ♂♂, Rima (28.43°N, 97.05°E), 1447 m, Xiazayu Town , 16.v.2015, leg. Huilin Han, Chao Zhang and Ye Chen, genitalia slide no. LGE18787 GoogleMaps ; Yunnan Province: 1 ♀, Wenquan (24.97°N, 103.01°E), Kunming , 1900 m, 30.viii.2005, leg. Yingdang Ren, genitalia slide no. LGE18796 GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀, Mengyuan (21.72°N, 101.39°E), 640 m, Mengla County, Xishuangbanna , 14.viii.2010, leg. Yinghui Sun and Lixia Li, genitalia slide no. LGE18798 GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀, Nanlahe (21.59°N, 101.58°E), 652 m, Bubang Town , Mengla County, 15.vii.2013, leg. Shurong Liu, Yuqi Wang and Kaijian Teng, genitalia slide no. LGE18806 GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀, Taiyanghe Nature Reserves (22.79°N, 100.98°E), 1450 m, 16.v.2014, leg. Zhenguo Zhang, genitalia slide no. LGE18781 GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂, Yexianggu (22.17°N, 100.87°E), 762 m, Xishuangbanna , 13.vii.2015, leg. Kaijian Teng and Xia Bai, genitalia slide no. LGE18780 GoogleMaps ; VIETNAM: 4 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, Cuc Phuong National Park , 300 m, 30.iv−2.v.2005, leg. K. T. Park & S. R. Kim, genitalia slide no. LGE22106 ( KNA) .

Diagnosis. This species is unique in the genus as the males have a long expansible scale-tuft on the hindwing ( Fig. 20F View FIGURE 20 ). Also, the antennae of males are thicker than those of females. The male and female genitalia are similar to those of T. apicidisca , and the differences are stated under the latter species. The male sternum VIII of T. villosa is more deeply bifid compared to that of T. apicidisca .

Description. Adult ( Figs 20E, F View FIGURE 20 ). Wingspan 7.0−9.0 mm. Head white. Labial palpus white, segment III as long as II, black-tipped. Antenna with scape white; flagellum dark fuscous except base of dorsal surface white; thicker in male, cilia slightly shorter than dimeter. Thorax white except anterior margin fuscous to black. Tegula white. Forewing glossy white, anterior edge of costa black in basal 1/3 or 1/2, markings dark fuscous to black: a wedge-shaped costal streak from between distal 1/4 and 1/3 of wing, attenuated distally, outwardly oblique toward apex, often reaching apical spot; beyond this a shorter costal streak from distal 1/5 of wing, running toward apical spot and confluent with former streak distally; beyond this mixed white and fuscous or sometimes light brown before apex, often forming a triangular patch; apical spot round, edged white anteriorly, broadly suffused with dark fuscous inwardly and posteriorly along termen; a slender streak arising from inner margin of apical spot, obliquely running toward wing base, meeting fold at distal 1/3 of wing and broadened, curved toward dorsum along fold forming an inwardly directed V-shaped marking; fringe on apical area grey at base, white at middle and black terminally, produced downwards and bifurcate; fringe on termen white except near apex with a row of coarse metallic fuscous ciliation distally; fringe on dorsum greyish white. Hindwing grey except near apex white; very long, creamy scale-tuft along basal 1/3 of costa, exceeding costa of forewing when unfolded; fringe mixed grey and white except apical area white with a terminal black band. Legs white; fore femur, tibia and tarsus black on outer surface except basal 1/3 of femur; mid and hind tibiae with a short black streak near apex and at apex, respectively; mid tarsus with outer surface of tarsomere I broadly black at middle, tarsomeres II-III black in basal half, tarsomere V black; hind tarsus with outer surface of tarsomere I broadly black at middle, tarsomere II black in basal half, inner surface of tarsomeres III-V black.

Abdominal segments ( Fig. 27L View FIGURE 27 ). In male and female, tergum I with a pair of lines extended from anterior margin of lateral rod to spiracle, somewhat weaker in female, setose along the line; in male, sternum VIII 1/4 length of abdomen, abruptly narrowed after base, then gradually narrowing toward posterior apex; posterior 1/5 or 1/6 bifid, each tine sharply pointed.

Male genitalia ( Fig. 44B View FIGURE 44 ). Uncus sub-rectangular, slightly narrowed at base, ventral surface with stiff setae. Gnathos hook moderately long, sharply pointed at apex. Tegumen approximately 4 times as long as uncus. Valva slender, uniformly elongate from base to near apex, ventral margin sometimes slightly convex at middle, distal 1/3 densely setose, distal 1/5 of costa with a flap-like extension, rounded at apex. Anellus lobe oval, 1/4 or 1/5 length of valva, with a row of long setae along outer margin; apical bristle 1/2 or 1/3 length of anellus lobe, hooked. Juxta broad, rounded, distal 1/3 sometimes shortly produced. Vinculum simple. Saccus broad, sub-triangular, slightly exceeding tegumen pedunculus, blunt at apex.Aedeagus with basal 2/5 dilated, cylindrical at middle, then gradually narrowing to apex, dorsal margin with two short teeth before apex, sharply pointed apically.

Female genitalia ( Fig. 61A View FIGURE 61 ). Papillae anales weakly sclerotized. Apophyses anteriores slightly longer than half length of apophyses posteriores. Tergum VIII with posterior margin concave, with a narrowly U-shaped line anteriorly. Sternum VIII longer than tergum, strongly produced anteriorly in U-shape, with a longitudinal cleft near ostium bursae. Ostium bursae opening at anterior margin of sternum VIII, covered with a spinous intersegmental membrane. Ductus bursae with a short sclerite at base, slightly broadened near corpus bursae; ductus seminalis arising from posterior 1/3. Corpus bursae ovate, as long as ductus bursae; signum rounded, consisting of minute denticles, placed at anterior 2/5.

Distribution. China (Hainan, Xizang, Yunnan), Vietnam.

Etymology. The species name is from Latin, villosus (long soft hairs), referring to the long scale-tuft on the hindwing costa.













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