Ptycta pallawahensis, Schmidt & New, 2008

Schmidt, Evan R. & New, Timothy R., 2008, The Psocoptera (Insecta) of Tasmania, Australia, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 65, pp. 71-152 : 141

publication ID 10.24199/j.mmv.2008.65.7

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scientific name

Ptycta pallawahensis

sp. nov.

Ptycta pallawahensis View in CoL sp. nov.

Figures 222–30 View Figures 222-230

Ptycta sp. H . Coy et al., 1993: 77.

Material examined. Holotype: Tasmania, Daisy Dell, Nothofagus cunninghamii , 2 Mar 1987. Two nymphs, 1 and 3 paratypes: same data as holotype. Additional records: many individuals collected from January to May.

Description of male. Coloration (after ca 4.5 years in alcohol). Ground colour of head buff, with the following exceptions: patches on back of vertex, dorsal to eyes and along median epicranial suture; ring surrounding antennae base; central stirrup mark on frons; parallel striae on postclypeus, becoming obsolete anteriorly except at midline; two basal segments of maxillary palp; antenna. Eyes black. Ocelli pale, internally bordered black. Labrum and anteclypeus colourless. Antedorsum and anterior half of mesothoracic dorsa buff, remainder of thorax dark brown with pale sutural areas. Legs buff except coxa of meso- and meta-thoracic legs dark brown, femora with broad brown apical band, tibiae merging brown apically, tarsal segments dark brown. Fore wing pigmented (fig. 222). Hind wing hyaline (fig. 223). Abdomen grey-brown, terminal segments dark brown.

Morphology. IO:D = 1.3. General morphology similar to Ptycta freycineti (above) with following exceptions: antenna sensory placoids: 2 at base f 1, 1 at apices f 2, f 4, f 6 and f 10; small spur-vein from pterostigma. Epiproct (fig. 224). Paraproct (fig. 224) with sclerotised region basal to round field of 42 trichobothria. Hypandrium (fig. 225) with asymmetrical tongue, bearing row of bluntly pointed teeth along margin. Phallosome (fig. 226).

Dimensions. B 3.3, FW 4.87, HW 3.75, F 0.92, T 1.96, t


0.569, t


0.221, rt 2.6:1, ct 25,5, f


0.979, f



Description of female. Coloration (after ca 4.5 years in alcohol). As male, with the following exceptions: apical segment of maxillary palp brown, apex darker; scape, pedicel and three quarters of basal flagellar segment of antenna buff, apical quarter merging brown, remaining segments dark brown; tibia wholly buff. Fore wing (fig. 227).

Morphology. IO:D = 2.4. Postclypeal striae less distinct than in male. General morphology similar to Ptycta freycineti (above). Epiproct and paraproct (fig. 228), latter with round field of 29 trichobothria. Subgenital plate (fig. 229, torn at apex) lobe bearing row of long marginal setae, thickening of the internal membrane near posterior margin elongate. Gonapophyses (fig. 230): ventral valve slender; dorsal valve broad with long narrow process; external valve transverse, setose. Spermathecal plate (fig. 230).

Dimensions. B 3.9, FW 4.28, HW 3.36, F 0.86, T 1.75, t


0.474, t


0.205, rt 2.3:1, ct 23,3, f


0.798, f



Remarks. This species is closely related to P. australis , P. glossoptera and P. freycineti (all above). The pterostigma of the fore wing of P. glossoptera is pigmented in the apical third, and basally does not extend beyond the apex where the spur-vein originates. P. australis is smaller than the other species, the males having very small eyes. Some specimens of P. pallawahensis have traces of the mauve pigmentation mentioned in the description of P. freycineti , however this is slight and lacking in the majority of specimens collected. The fascia of the fore wing is broader and more extensively pigmented in females of P. pallawahensis . The scape, pedicel and basal flagella segment of the antennae are buff in females of this species, compared to brown in P. freycineti . Males of P. pallawahensis are larger than those of P. freycineti . The extent of the spur-vein from the pterostigma on the fore wing varies in males, from small to absent; in females it appears always to be present. Wing length varies marginally, 4.3–4.5 mm (), 4.7–5.0 mm (). This widespread species was taken from Nothofagus and in wet scrub.

Etymology. In reference to pallawah, an indigenous term of self reference, and the former name of the type locality prior to it being named Daisy Dell.


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Ptycta pallawahensis

Schmidt, Evan R. & New, Timothy R. 2008

Ptycta sp. H

Coy, R. & Greenslade, P. & Rounsevell, D. 1993: 77
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