Tetralycosa halophila, Framenau & Hudson, 2017

Framenau, Volker W. & Hudson, Peter, 2017, Taxonomy, systematics and biology of the Australian halotolerant wolf spider genus Tetralycosa (Araneae: Lycosidae: Artoriinae), European Journal of Taxonomy 335, pp. 1-72 : 56-59

publication ID


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scientific name

Tetralycosa halophila

sp. nov.

Tetralycosa halophila sp. nov.


Figs 26 View Fig A–D; 27A–D; 29


The male of T. halophila sp. nov. differs from all other species of Tetralycosa by protrusion on the retrolateral part of the tegulum that opposes the tip of the tegular apophysis. This protrusion is rounded in T. halophila sp. nov., whereas it is pointy in all other species of Tetralycosa . Females cannot be separated with certainty from other species in the eyrei -group (see ‘Diagnosis’ of T. adarca sp. nov.).


The specific epithet is an adjective in apposition derived from the Greek ‘ halos ’, salt, and ‘ phileo ’, preferring, regarding as friend.

Type material


AUSTRALIA: ♂, South Australia, Lake Everard , 31°36′00″ S, 135°25′30″ E, 3 Mar. 1993, P. Hudson leg. ( SAM NN21734 ).



AUSTRALIA: 1 ♀, same data as for holotype ( NN 21735); 1 ♀, location as holotype, 4 March 1993, P. Hudson leg. ( SAM NN21733).


MEASUREMENTS. ♂ holotype, SAM NN21734 (♀ paratype, SAM NN21733): TL 19.08 (21.15), CL 9.49 (10.34), CW 7.05 (7.61). Eyes: AME 0.75 (0.56), ALE 0.42 (0.38), PME 1.50 (1.22), PLE 1.32 (1.03). Row of eyes: AE 3.10 (2.68), PME 4.14 (3.48), PLE 5.73 (4.94). Sternum length/width: 4.32/3.38 (4.23/3.48). Labium length/width: 1.88/1.68 (1.60/1.50). AL 8.84 (11.19), AW 6.77 (9.12). Legs: Lengths of segments (femur + patella/tibia + metatarsus + tarsus = total length): Pedipalp 4.32+4.65+ – +3.38 = 12.35, I 8.37+9.31+8.18+2.82 = 28.68, II 8.46+9.21+8.46+2.82 = 28.95, III 8.46+9.12+8.84+3.01 = 29.43, IV 9.59+10.62+10.81+3.29 = 34.31 (Pedipalp 3.85+4.04+ – +1695 = 9.58, I 8.18+8.93+7.14+2.56 = 26.79, II 8.18+8.93+7.52+2.54 = 27.17, III 8.18+8.84+8.18+2.54 = 27.74, IV 9.02+10.06+10.34+3.01 = 32.43).

VARIATION. This species is only known from the holotype male and two paratype females (second female, SAM NN21735: TL 22.50, CL 11.25, CW 9.00).

Male (based on holotype, SAM NN21734)

CARAPACE ( Fig. 26A View Fig ). Cephalic area highest in lateral view and steep vertical slopes in frontal view; uniformly dark reddish-brown with very indistinct radial pattern; covered with grey and black setae, white setae towards margins and in eye region; light brown macrosetae around PE; ten long bristles below AE; one long bristle between AME.

EYES. Row of AE shorter than row of PME; row of AE strongly procurved.

CHELICERAE. Reddish-brown; covered with grey setae in basal half; brown macrosetae medially and mainly in apical half; three promarginal teeth with the median largest; four retromarginal teeth of similar size.

STERNUM ( Fig. 26B View Fig ). Orange-brown, margins brown; covered with few white setae and longer brown macrosetae that increase in length towards margins.

LABIUM. Dark brown, apically light brown; front end truncate and white.

PEDIPALPS ( Fig. 27 View Fig A–B). Tegular apophysis bent to point retrolaterally; retrolateral tegular protrusion a rounded lobe ( Fig. 27A View Fig ); terminal apophysis not dissected, as only known from single male.

ABDOMEN. Dorsally yellow-brown, anteriorly with indistinct grey mottled pattern in which there is an indistinct lighter lanceolate heart mark; covered with light brown setae. Ventrally yellow-brown with greyish central patch formed by grey setae; this patch light yellow in centre; otherwise white setae. Spinnerets light brown.

LEGS. Leg formula IV>III>II>I; brown. Femora with two dark ventral annulations; metatarsi and tarsi of legs I and II dark reddish-brown. Spination of leg I: femur: three dorsal, two apicoprolateral, four retrolateral; patella: one prolateral, one retrolateral; tibia: two dorsal, three ventral pairs, two prolateral, two retrolateral; metatarsus: three ventral pairs, two prolateral, two retrolateral, one apicoventral, one apicoprolateral, one apicoretrolateral.

Female (based on paratype, SAM NN21733)

CARAPACE ( Fig. 26C View Fig ). As male, but with indistinct light brown margins.

EYES. As male.

CHELICERAE. Very dark reddish-brown; setae and dentition as male.

STERNUM ( Fig. 26D View Fig ). Orange-brown with dark grey pigmentation; setae as male.

LABIUM. As male.

ABDOMEN. Dorsally as male, but dark mottled pattern and heart mark more distinct ( Fig. 26C View Fig ). Venter as male, but grey patch larger and more distinct and not lighter centrally. Spinnerets as male ( Fig. 26D View Fig ).

EPIGYNE. Ventral view ( Fig. 27C View Fig ): wider than long with two anterior lobes. Dorsal view ( Fig. 27D View Fig ): spermathecal heads oval, spermathecal heads indistinct and short.

LEGS. Leg formula IV>III>II>I. As male, dorsal and ventral annulations on femora of leg III and IV only; metatarsi and tarsi of leg I dark reddish-brown; metatarsi and tarsi of legs I and II with white scopulous setae. Spination of leg I: femur: three dorsal, two apicoprolateral, one apicoretrolateral; patella: one prolateral, one retrolateral; tibia: one dorsal, three ventral pairs, two prolateral, two retrolateral; metatarsus: three ventral pairs, two prolateral, two retrolateral, one apicoventral; one apicoprolateral; one apicoretrolateral.

Life history pattern and habitat preferences

All spiders were found in March on a salt lake.


Currently only known from type locality, Lake Everard in South Australia ( Fig. 29 View Fig ).


South African Museum













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