Pseudonannolene spelaea Iniesta & Ferreira

Iniesta, Luiz Felipe Moretti & Ferreira, Rodrigo Lopes, 2013, The first troglobitic Pseudonannolene from Brazilian iron ore caves (Spirostreptida: Pseudonannolenidae), Zootaxa 3669 (1), pp. 85-95 : 86-91

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Plazi (2016-04-14 10:21:11, last updated 2024-11-29 17:03:25)

scientific name

Pseudonannolene spelaea Iniesta & Ferreira

sp. nov.

Pseudonannolene spelaea Iniesta & Ferreira View in CoL , new species

( Fig. 2–6 View FIGURE 2. P. s p e l a e a n View FIGURE 3. P. s p e l a e a n View FIGURE 4. P. s p e l a e a n View FIGURE 5. P. s p e l a e a n View FIGURE 6 )

Material examined. Holotype: 1 Male (fragmented) ( ISLA 3797) from GEM – 1770 cave, Parauapebas/PA, Brazil, 21/X/2010, Oliveira, M.P. coll.

Paratypes: 1 Male (fragmented) ( ISLA 3796) from GEM—1744 cave, Parauapebas/PA, Brazil, 20/IX/2010, Oliveira, M.P. coll.; 2 Female ( ISLA 3794, ISLA 3795) from GEM—1712 cave, Parauapebas/PA, Brazil, 30/X/ 2010, Oliveira, M.P. coll.

Etymology. Name given in apposition as a reference to the Latin word spelaea , meaning “cave”.

Diagnosis. Distinct from all previously known species of the genus due to depigmented body and eyes (the eyes with few ocelli, between 10–15) and in the details of the gonopods.

Live specimens can be seen in Figure 6 View FIGURE 6 .

Description of Adults. Measurements: The measurements can be seen in Table 1 View TABLE 1 .

Colour: translucent white.

Body Head Collum Head ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2. P. s p e l a e a n ): Head glabrous and depigmented. Three small labral teeth (not modified), a row of 15 labral setae and above a row of 6 supralabral setae. Mandibles depigmented, glabrous and with 2 external teeth above, 4 internal teeth and 6 rows on pectinate lamellae. Eyes depigmented with 10 to 15 ocelli, very difficult to see.

Antennae depigmented and densely setose. Four terminal sensorial cones. First antennomere small, with setae exclusively positioned on the distal edge. Second and third antennomeres of similar sizes. Fourth antennomere a little longer than the fifth, and this possesses a wider, curved distal border. Sixth antennomere longer and wider than the fourth and fifth. Groups of basiconic sensilla measuring 15 µm, on the edge of the fifth and sixth antennomeres.

Gnathochilarium ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3. P. s p e l a e a n ): The structure of the gnathochilarium is similar to that observed in other species of the genus Pseudonnanolene with few differences in relation to the disposition of the setae. Basal gula (Gu) with setae. Rounded mentum (Me) with small setae on the distal portion. Stipes (St) with basally and distally rounded lateral borders. Promentum (Pme) with triangular aspect, divided in midline and with dispersed setae throughout the whole surface. Lamellae linguales (Ll) entirely separated by promentum.

Trunk: Body with 60 to 65 rings. Collum (apodous ring) glabrous and depigmented ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4. P. s p e l a e a n A). Transverse lateral striae present. Terga with prozonite and metazonite distinct only by a transverse suture. Metazonite with striae in lateral region, being more closely spaced in the anterior region due to the smaller width of trunk ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4. P. s p e l a e a n B) (sutures variable among individuals). Opening of the repugnatorial glands starting from the fifth ring. Limbus smooth. Pre-anal ring depigmented ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4. P. s p e l a e a n C) with dorsal projection covering part of the anal valve; this with few setae on the opening.

First Male Leg Pair ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5. P. s p e l a e a n A): The first leg pair is modified. Sternum reduced and not extending between the coxae (Cx). The coxae larger in comparison with the remaining legs. Pre-femur (Prf) with oral process parallel (P) to the coxae. Sensory bristles in the mesal region of process and small lobes on the surface of the anterior margin. The length of femur (F) is about 2 times longer than width. Post-femur (Psf) and tibia (Tb) with width similar to length. Tarsus with width 1.5 times shorter than length. Terminal claw not modified.

Gonopod ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5. P. s p e l a e a n B): Structure is typical of the genus, composed of a reduced coxal part separated from telopodite by a rather vague lateral sulcus; telopodite terminating in two well-developed processes, one a seminal branch (solenomere, S) with a micro-squamate region, the other an internal branch (Ib), the latter densely setose. Gonopods relatively short and stout, about 2 times longer than wide, with a glabrous basal section (Bs) and a process (P) next to the sternal region, P supporting a seta. Basal section beset with papillae (Bb) extending onto a membranous area between coxal part and distal portion. The latter section (Ds) is 1.75 times longer than basal width and about 2.5 times shorter than Bs together with coxal part. Ds divided into a complex S and a digitiform Ib, both separated by a concave region (Sg, seminal groove?). S flattened and rounded, with a micro-squamate anteromedian face. Smooth region basal to S with a lateral lobe like a small shoulder (Sh). Ib somewhat shorter than S, with setae, presumably sensory ones, both at apex and lateral margin.

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FIGURE 6. Pseudonannolene spelaea n. sp., live specimens.

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FIGURE 2. P. s p e l a e a n. sp., paratype female (ISLA 3794) detail of anterior region.

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FIGURE 3. P. s p e l a e a n. sp., holotype male (ISLA 3797), micrographic images. Detail of Gnatochilarium. Abbreviations: Gu = gula; Me = mentum; St = stipes; Pme = pro- mentum; Ll = laminae linguales; Op = outer palp; Ip = inner palp. Scale bars: 10 µm.

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FIGURE 4. P. s p e l a e a n. sp., paratype female (ISLA 3794), Schematic drawings. A: Collum; B: Anterior segment; C: Anal segment. Scale bars: A = 500 µm; B = 500 µm; C = 500 µm.

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FIGURE 5. P. s p e l a e a n. sp., holotype male (ISLA 3797), stereoscope images. A: Schematic drawing of the first male leg pair; B: Schematic drawing of the gonopod (oral view). Abbreviations: Prf = pre-femur; P = process; F = femur; Cx = coxa; Bs = basal section; Ds = distal section; Sh = shoulder; Bb = basiconic bristles; P = process; Ib = internal branch; S = solenomere; Sg = seminal groove. Scale bars: 200 µm.

TABLE 1. Measurements (in mm.) and ratios of selected body parts in relation to midbody vertical diameter (in parentheses) of P. sp elaea n. sp. Abbreviations: Leng. = length; Diam; = midbody vertical diameter; A. S. = anal segment; L. = legs; T. C. = tarsal claw; Ant. = antennae.

  Body rings Leng. Diam. Leng. Wid. Leng. Wid. A.S. L. T.C. Ant.
Holotype 65 28 1.88 0.96 (0.51x) 1.12 (0.59x) 0.80 (0.43x) 1.40 (0.74x) 0.96 (0.51x) 1.12 (0.59) 0.12 (0.06x) 1.76 (0.94x)
Paratype 3 60 26 1.74 0.88 (0.51x) 1.12 (0.64x) 0.96 (0.55x) 1.46 (0.84x) 0.84 (0.48x) 1.14 (0.64x) 0.10 (0.06x) 1.84 (1.06x)
Paratype Ƥ 1 64 31 1.88 0.86 (0.46x) 1.20 (0.64x) 0.88 (0.47x) 1.40 (0.74x) 0.81 (0.43x) 1.04 (0.55x) 0.12 (0.06x) 1.94 (1.03x)
Paratype Ƥ 2 62 25 1.88 0.80 (0.43x) 1.04 (0.55x) 0.80 (0.43x) 1.40 (0.74x) 1.07 (0.46x) 0.96 (0.51x) 0.12 (0.06x) 1.74 (0.93x)