Bubaces enatus Brailovsky, 1981

Brailovsky, Harry & Barrera, Ernesto, 2020, Review of the genus Bubaces (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Rhyparochromidae Lethaeini) with descriptions of three new species, new distributional records, and key to species, Zootaxa 4767 (2), pp. 244-256 : 251-252

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https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4767.2.2

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Bubaces enatus Brailovsky, 1981


Bubaces enatus Brailovsky, 1981 View in CoL

( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1–7 )

Bubaces enatus Brailovsky, 1981: 209 -210 View in CoL (original description)

Redescription. Female. Dorsal coloration. Head, anterior lobe of pronotum, and scutellum shining reddish brown; apex of tylus, posterior lobe of pronotum, clavi and coria shining chestnut orange; head basally with two iridescent spots, one on either side of midline, each spot consisting of a series of parallel ridges; antennal segment I pale reddish brown, II-IV chestnut orange; humeri yellow; anterolateral borders of pronotum shining reddish brown; hemelytral membranes hyaline ambarine to dark yellow. Ventral coloration. Head, thorax and abdominal sterna shining reddish brown; rostral segments I-IV yellow (apex of IV brown); coxae and trochanters shining chestnut; femora shining chestnut with apices pale; tibiae and tarsi yellow; ostiolar peritremes dark orange; evaporative areas dark brown. Structure. Body length shorter than 3.9 mm, width greatest beyond middle. Head. Impunctate; vertex convex; ocelli absent; ventrally with short, shallow longitudinal sulcus; rostrum reaching posterior border of metasternum; rostral segment I extending just beyond level of middle of eye. Thorax. Pronotum glabrous, bilobed, transverse impression shallowly incised; posterior pronotal lobe with scattered shallow punctures. Hemelytra. Macropterous; clavi and coria glabrous; hemelytral membranes reaching apex of last abdominal segment. Abdomen. Sterna sparsely clothed with fine longer hairs.

Male. Not examined.

Measurements. Female. Body length 4.00; head length 0.67; head width across eyes 0.72; interocular distance 0.45; preocular length 0.46; length antennal segments: I 0.51, II 0.67, III 0.51, IV 0.55; pronotum: total length 0.75; maximum width across humeral angles 1.20; scutellum: length 0.70; width 0.72.

General distribution*. Only known from Argentina and Brazil. ARGENTINA: CHACO (P. N. Chaco); CORDOBA (Los Cocos); MISIONES (Parque Nacional Iguazu); SALTA (Departamento General San Martin, Abra Grande, Oran). BRAZIL (Minas Geraes, Piracicaba, Espiritu Santo, Bahia). (Brailovsky 1981; O’Donnell 1986, Dellapé, et al. 2015).

* The following records given by O’Donnell (1986) are erroneous and belong to another species: BAR- BADOS (Parish St. Michael). TRINIDAD (St. Augustine). VENEZUELA (Sucre, Maracay, Portuguesa, Aragua, Yaracuy).

Material examined. New records: ARGENTINA: 3 females, Tucuman, Buruyacu-Chilcas , 10.xi.1979, col. Golbach ( UNAM); 1 female, Entre Rios, xii.1976, col. D. Carpintero ( UNAM).

Discussion. Bubaces enatus , belongs to “ uhleri ” group. It is similar to B. uhleri in having the pronotum, clavi and coria glabrous,the body length shorter than 4.30 mm., rostral segment I is short, reaching only the middle third of the eye, ocelli are absent, and the rostrum reaches the posterior border of the metasternum.

In B. uhleri , known from the West Indies, each corium has a circular pale yellowish-orange subapical spot and the femora are tuberculate ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 1–7 ). In B. enatus , recorded from Argentina and Brazil, each corium lacks a circular yellow subapical spot, and the femora lack tubercles ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1–7 ).


Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
















Bubaces enatus Brailovsky, 1981

Brailovsky, Harry & Barrera, Ernesto 2020

Bubaces enatus

Bubaces enatus Brailovsky, 1981: 209
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