Arrhopalites heteroculatus, Zeppelini, Douglas, 2006

Zeppelini, Douglas, 2006, The genus Arrhopalites Börner, 1906 (Collembola, Appendiciphora, Arrhopalitidae) in the Neotropical Region, with description of four new cave species from Brazil, Zootaxa 1124, pp. 1-40 : 20-22

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.171788


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scientific name

Arrhopalites heteroculatus

sp. nov.

Arrhopalites heteroculatus sp. n. ( Fig. 9 A View FIGURE 9. A –K)

Etymology. The name of this species refers to its asymmetric pair of eyes.

Type Material. Holotype female Ψ, BRAZIL, São Paulo. Ribeirão Grande, Nat. Park Intervales, Colorida cave 23­viii­1998. D.F. Zeppelini (MZUSP). Paratypes: BRAZIL, São Paulo: 2 female ΨΨ, same data as Holotype.

Description. Caecus ­group ( Fig. 9 A View FIGURE 9. A –K). Body sparsely clothed with short setae on anterior part of the abdomen (Fig. D­a) and 4X longer setae on posterior part of the abdomen (Fig. D­b). Antennae of holotype about 1.28X length of head. Ant. I: II; III; IV = 1: 2.5; 5; 10.5. Ant. IV 2.3X longer than Ant. III, divided into six indistinctly ringed subsegments (Fig. A); longest setae 1.5X the width of segment; Ant. IV apex with a capitate sense rod (Fig. B). Ant. III without basal swelling; sense organ (Fig. C) with 2 parallel sense rods in a single pit; seta Aai club­shaped and blunt; Api and Ape setae slender with bristle like apex; Ae, Ap and Ai normal. 2+2 eyes, the anterior lens of each pair much smaller than the posterior one. Dorsal cephalic setae A3, M3, M4, M5 and L and IL series spinelike, (Fig. J). Metatrochanteral organ (seta D2) elongate (Fig. G). First unguis lacking tunica and inner tooth, second and third ungues with a small inner tooth and clear tunica (figs. K a–c). All unguiculi with corner tooth, first and second with a long apical filament, exceeding apex of unguis, third unguis with apical filament not exceeding the apex of the unguis (Fig. K). Tenaculum with two setae on anterior unpaired lobe. Dens with 6 dorsal E setae, E1–3 strongly spinelike, E4 and E5 spinelike; L1–3 spinelike, L4 absent; D1, D2, Id2 and Id4 present, Id1 and Id3 absent; 5 ventral rows of spinelike setae (3,2,2,1,1) present (Fig. E). Mucro narrow, gutter­like, both edges serrate (Fig. F). 3+2 cuticular spines on each side of the anal valve, s0 present; setae C2–C8 lamellate but C7 slender, chaetotaxy as in figure I and table 2. Female subanal appendage flattened with fringed apex. Body length of the adult female holotype 0.52mm, head 0.26mm.

Distribution: biogeographic zone 27

Remarks: Arrhopalites heteroculatus n. sp. is also a coecus­group species. This species is similar to A. gnaspinii and A. alambariensis and lives in another cave of the same cave system. A. heteroculatus differs from other species in having 2+2 unequal eyes and the sense rods of the apical organ of ANT. III somewhat candle flame­shaped, inserted in a single cuticular pit only by their bases.















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