Neidium collare, Hamilton & Savoie & Sayre & Skibbe & Zimmermann & Bull, 2019

Hamilton, Paul B., Savoie, Amanda M., Sayre, Cynthia M., Skibbe, Oliver, Zimmermann, Jonas & Bull, Roger D., 2019, Novel Neidium Pfitzer species from western Canada based upon morphology and plastid DNA sequences, Phytotaxa 419 (1), pp. 39-62 : 52-55

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.419.1.3

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Neidium collare

sp. nov.

Neidium collare sp. nov. Figs 45–68 View FIGURES 45–55 View FIGURES 56–61 View FIGURES 62–68

Individuals examined for morphological analyses: n = 31, examined for molecular analysis: n = 1.

Valves elliptic lanceolate to lanceolate with rostrate to broadly apiculate apices ( Figs 45–55 View FIGURES 45–55 ). Valve length 44–96 μm, width 14.5–20.0 μm. Striae oblique to mildly convergent at apices, 14–18 in 10 μm. Areolae round to elliptical, 16–19 in 10 μm. Voigt faults on secondary side of valve. Central area transapically expanded, covering 1/3 to 1/2 valve width. Axial area linear from mid-valve to apex. In LM, raphe filiform and linear-elliptical. One large longitudinal canal present along each margin. Central raphe ends deflected extending ½ to ¾ across central area. Terminal ends forming bifurcate lacinia.

In SEM external view, raphe linear, curving to secondary side of valve close to apex ( Figs 56, 60, 61 View FIGURES 56–61 ). Proximal raphe ends deflected, not hooked on small central mound ( Fig. 57 View FIGURES 56–61 ). Distal raphe ends form a small triangular lacinia ( Figs 60, 61 View FIGURES 56–61 ). Axial area straight to linear-elliptic with no surface depressions ( Figs 56, 57 View FIGURES 56–61 ). One longitudinal canal along each margin with a single row or linear elliptic areolae ( Fig. 58 View FIGURES 56–61 ). Areolae round to elliptic with no cribra formation evident ( Fig. 59 View FIGURES 56–61 ). One round to elliptic areola opening from the longitudinal canals all the way to the apex. ( Figs 60, 61 View FIGURES 56–61 ). Copulae open bands with two rows of pores (Figs, 58, 60, 61). Internal valve: Central area elevated with weak ghost striae. Central helictoglossae offset with silica interconnection ( Figs 62, 65, 66 View FIGURES 62–68 ). Terminal helictoglossae forms vertically (not recurved) at edge of small terminal nodule ( Fig. 64 View FIGURES 62–68 ). Canal along each margin elevated from valve face, extending from apex to apex with a single row of linear elliptic areolae ( Figs 63, 64, 67 View FIGURES 62–68 ). Areolae opening recessed from valve face and covered by hymenes ( Fig. 67 View FIGURES 62–68 ). Areolae chambered with transapical interconnections ( Fig. 68 View FIGURES 62–68 , on mantle). Renilimbia around areolae along axial area, and longitudinal canals. Renilimbia also randomly scattered around areolae on the valve face ( Fig. 66 View FIGURES 62–68 , arrows).

Type:— CANADA. British Columbia: Vancouver, VanDusen Botanical Garden, J. Holmes, December 28, 2016. Small stream at the end of Livingstone Lake (pond) (holotype: CANA! 126257-4, fig. 49 holotype specimen, circled on slide. Isotype ANSP GC65326 (specimen circled on slide). Genbank # See Table 2.

Etymology:—The specific epithet ( collare ), refers to the narrow neck of the valve approaching the apices.

Registration: http//

Observations:—The elliptic lanceolate valve form with rostrate to apiculate rounded apices is represented in a number of Neidium species. Plastid rbc L DNA sequence, size (47–92 μm long), valve outline, one prominent longitudinal canal, weak to no ghost striae along the margins of the central area and formation of the proximal helictoglossae identifies this taxon. Neidium collare can be compared with N. ligulatum Liu et al. (2017: 22) and N. affine var. amphirhynchus ( Ehrenberg 1843: 417) Cleve (1894: 68) sensu Liu et al. (2017: 22 , figs 204, 207, 216–220). There is a continuum of shape changes from narrowing apiculate ( N. collare ) to rostrate apices ( N. affine var. amphirhynchus sensu Liu et al. ). Both of these comparable taxa have two clear helictoglossae at the central nodule while, N. collare has a merged helictoglossae formation. The distal helictoglossae are vertically projected against the terminal nodule in N. collare , while N. ligulatum and N. affine var. amphirhynchus sensu Liu et al. have recurved helictoglossae. Neidium ligulatum is at the smaller end of the size spectrum (47–64 μm long) with a slightly lower stria count (14–18 in 10 μm), while N. affine var. amphirhynchus sensu Liu et al. has a slightly higher stria count (18–20 in 10 μm). Genetic studies are required to delineate the relationship between these taxa.

Neidium collare can also be compared to N. oblique-striatum var. nipponicum Skvortzow (1936: 30 , as var. nipponica ) and N. oblique-striatum var. rostratum Skvortzow (1936: 30 , as var. rostrata ). The Skvortzow taxa have distinct oblique striations with rostrate and sagittate apices. N. oblique -striatum var. nipponicum is much broader (20–25 μm wide) and N. oblique-striatum var. rostratum has a higher stria count (24 in 10 μm). The single line drawing limits the understanding of the phenotype expression of these taxa.

In North America, N. collare can be compared with the smaller (36–53 μm) N. statuarium Siver & Hamilton (2005: p. 364) although N. collare has a lower stria count, more lanceolate valve and no extensive valve surface sculpture.














Neidium collare

Hamilton, Paul B., Savoie, Amanda M., Sayre, Cynthia M., Skibbe, Oliver, Zimmermann, Jonas & Bull, Roger D. 2019

Neidium collare

Hamilton & Savoie & Sayre & Skibbe & Zimmermann & Bull 2019

N. collare

Hamilton & Savoie & Sayre & Skibbe & Zimmermann & Bull 2019

N. collare

Hamilton & Savoie & Sayre & Skibbe & Zimmermann & Bull 2019

N. statuarium

Siver & Hamilton 2005: 364

N. oblique

Metzeltin & Krammer 1998

N. oblique-striatum var. nipponicum

Skvortzow 1936

N. oblique-striatum var. rostratum

Skvortzow 1936

var. nipponicum

Skvortzow 1936

N. oblique-striatum var. rostratum

Skvortzow 1936
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