Sphex lanatus Mocsáry, 1883

Dörfel, Thorleif H. & Ohl, Michael, 2022, The wasp genus Sphex in Sub-Saharan Africa (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 796 (1), pp. 1-170 : 43-47

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scientific name

Sphex lanatus Mocsáry, 1883


Sphex lanatus Mocsáry, 1883

Figs 50, 55 View Figs 49–56. 49 (red)

? Sphex argentifer Walker, 1871: 19 , ♂ (holotype or syntype: ♂, Sudan, Red Sea, Akeek Island, destroyed). Synonymized with Sphex umbrosus by Kohl, 1890: 407.

Sphex lanatus Mocsáry, 1883: 34 , ♂ (holotype: ♂, South Africa, “Transvaal”, TMB, not examined).

Differential diagnosis

Within the argentatus group, S. lanatus is characterized through its entirely silvery vestiture. Females ( Fig. 50 View Figs 49–56. 49 ) can be distinguished from those of S. feijeni nom. nov. ( Fig. 43 View Figs 41–48. 41–42, 45 ) through having the propodeal sculpture largely obscured by appressed setae, whereas the propodeal vestiture is more sparse in that species and leaves 7–10 distinct transversal ridges visible that are absent in S. lanatus . Females of S. erythrinus are distinguishable through their yellow-tinged wings ( Fig. 41 View Figs 41–48. 41–42, 45 ).

Males of S. lanatus are recognizable by their longer and more slender petiole, the length of which is greater than 2.7 times its medial width. This coefficient is notably smaller than 2.4 in males of S. erythrinus ( Fig. 42 View Figs 41–48. 41–42, 45 ) and S. feijeni nom. nov. ( Fig. 44 View Figs 41–48. 41–42, 45 ). Furthermore, S. erythrinus and S. feijeni nom. nov. have the placoids covering at least flagellomeres III–V, whereas S. lanatus has only a single placoid on flagellomere V. Finally, S. rufinervis is similar ( Fig. 51 View Figs 49–56. 49 ), but its erect clypeal setae are partially or completely black in both sexes.

Material examined

AFRICA • 1 ♂; Feb. 1895; ZMB 1 ♂; “ British SW Africa ”; ZMB 1 ♀; “ SW Lake Albert, Buessa ”; 12 Aug. 1891; ZMB 1 ♀; “ Tanganyika ”; 1936; H.A. Lindeman leg.; BMNH .

BOTSWANA • 1 ♂, 1 ♀; “ Kalahari desert , Sevorelela Kokot ”; Oct.–Nov. 1904; L. Schultze leg.; ZMB. – Ghanzi District 1 ♀; 42 mi. W of Kalkfontein [Tsootsha]; [22°13ʹ48ʺ S, 20°12ʹ10ʺ E]; 11–12 Apr. 1972; BMNH GoogleMaps 1 ♂, 1 ♀; Mongalatsela ; 8 May 1924; J. Maurice leg.; BMNH .

BURKINA FASO – Centre-Ouest Region • 1 ♀; Pala ; [11°53ʹ55.1ʺ N, 2°19ʹ29.5ʺ W]; 3 Jun. 1968; J. Hamon leg.; MNHN GoogleMaps 1 ♀; same collection data as for preceding but 8 Jun. 1968; MNHN. – GoogleMaps Hauts- Bassins Region • 1 ♀; Samandéni ; [11°27ʹ09ʺ N, 4°27ʹ27ʺ W]; 8 Jun. 1968; J. Hamon leg.; MNHN GoogleMaps .

CAMEROON • 1 ♂; “ Neu-Kamerun ”; G. Tessmann leg.; ZMB. – Far North Region • 1 ♀; Lake Chad ; [12°53ʹ38.9ʺ N, 14°29ʹ19.4ʺ E]; 6–12 Aug. 1909; Riggenbach leg.; ZMB GoogleMaps .

DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO • 1 ♀; “ Tanganika ”; Hecq leg.; MRAC. – Bas-Uele 1 ♀; Bambesa ; [3°28ʹ N, 25°43ʹ E]; 20 Sep. 1933; H.J. Brédo leg.; MRAC GoogleMaps 1 ♀; same locality as for preceding; 8 Jul. 1937; J. Vrydagh leg.; MRAC GoogleMaps 1 ♀; Tukpwo ; [4°25ʹ56ʺ N, 25°50ʹ50ʺ E]; Jul. 1937; J. Vrydagh leg.; MRAC GoogleMaps 1 ♀; same collection data as for preceding but Aug. 1937; MRAC. – GoogleMaps Haut- Katanga • 1 ♀; Elisabethville [now Lubumbashi]; [11°40ʹ S, 27°29ʹ E]; 29 May 1949; C. Seydal leg.; USNM GoogleMaps 1 ♀; same collection data as for preceding but May 1949; MRAC. – GoogleMaps Ituri Province • 1 ♂; Bunia ; [1°34ʹ N, 30°15ʹ E]; 15 Aug. 1934; J.V. Leroy leg.; MRAC GoogleMaps 1 ♀; Mahagi-Niarembe ; [2°14ʹ49ʺ N, 31°06ʹ41ʺ E]; 1935; Ch. Scops leg.; MRAC GoogleMaps 1 ♂; Mongbwalu ( Kilo ); [1°56ʹ40ʺ N, 30°02ʹ19ʺ E]; 1939 GoogleMaps ; Scheitz leg.; MRAC. – Kasaï • 1 ♀; Tshikapa ; [6°24ʹ S, 20°48ʹ E]; Mar. 1939; Mevr. Bequaert leg.; MRAC GoogleMaps 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding but Apr. 1939; MRAC. – GoogleMaps Kasaï-Central • 1 ♂; Luluabourg [now Kananga]; [5°53ʹ46ʺ S, 22°24ʹ59ʺ E]; 18 May 1919; P. Callewaert leg.; MRAC GoogleMaps 1 ♂, 1 ♀; same collection data as for preceding; MRAC. – GoogleMaps Kasaï-Oriental • 1 ♂, 1 ♀; Gandajika ; [6°45ʹ S, 23°57ʹ E]; 1956; P. de Francquen leg.; MRAC GoogleMaps 1 ♂; same locality as for preceding; Dec. 1925; Ch. Seydel leg.; MRAC GoogleMaps 1 ♂; same locality as for preceding; Ch. Seydel leg.; MRAC. – GoogleMaps Kongo Central • 1 ♂; Boma ; 6°00ʹ S, 13°00ʹ E; 18 Jun. 1915; Lang and Chapin leg.; AMNH GoogleMaps 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding but 19 Jun. 1915; AMNH GoogleMaps 1 ♀; Congo da Lemba ; [5°42ʹ S, 13°41ʹ60ʺ E]; 1912; R. Mayné leg.; MRAC GoogleMaps 1 ♀; Mayumbe ; [4°30ʹ S, 12°30ʹ E]; R. Verschueren leg.; MRAC. – GoogleMaps Lomami • 1 ♀; Kabinda ; [6°08ʹ S, 24°29ʹ E]; Jan. 1926; Ch. Scops leg.; MRAC GoogleMaps 3 ♀♀; Kanda-Kanda ; [6°56ʹ S, 23°37ʹ E]; 10 Dec. 1925; Ch. Seydel leg.; MRAC GoogleMaps 1 ♀; Luputa ; [7°09ʹ42ʺ S, 23°42ʹ02ʺ E]; Jan. 1935; Bouvier leg.; MRAC. – GoogleMaps Lualaba • 1 ♀; Kalinda ; [11°11ʹ28ʺ S, 22°18ʹ03ʺ E]; Jan. 1926; Ch. Seydel leg.; MRAC GoogleMaps 1 ♀; Kapanga ; [8°21ʹ S, 22°34ʹ E]; Dec. 1932; F.G. Overlaet leg.; MRAC GoogleMaps 1 ♀; same collection data as for preceding but Jan. 1933; MRAC GoogleMaps 1 ♂; Sandoa ; [9°41ʹ S, 22°53ʹ E]; 2 Feb. 1919; F.G. Overlaet leg.; MRAC GoogleMaps 1 ♀; same collection data as for preceding but 20 Mar. 1919 GoogleMaps ; MRAC. – Maniema • 3 ♂♂; Nyangwe ; [4°13ʹ37ʺ S, 26°11ʹ E]; Apr.–May 1918; R. Mayné leg.; MRAC. – GoogleMaps Nord- Ubangi • 1 ♂, 2 ♀♀; Bosobolo ; [4°11ʹ23ʺ N, 19°52ʹ59ʺ E]; 8–11 Jan. 1932; H.J. Brédo leg.; MRAC. – GoogleMaps North Kivu • 1 ♂; Albert National Park: Kalinga (1082 m) à Bitshumbi; [0°50ʹ S, 29°20ʹ E]; 12 Nov. 1934; G.F. de Witte leg.; MRAC GoogleMaps 1 ♂; Vitschumbi , SW of Lake Edward; [0°41ʹ S, 29°23ʹ E]; 2 May 1901; ZMB. – GoogleMaps Province of Équateur • 1 ♀; Coquilhatville [now Mbandaka]; [0°03ʹ N, 12°57ʹ E]; 10 May 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; MRAC GoogleMaps 1 ♂, 3 ♀♀; Eala ; [0°02ʹ30ʺ N, 18°20ʹ06ʺ E]; 2 Oct. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; MRAC GoogleMaps 1 ♂, 1 ♀; same collection data as for preceding but 6 Oct. 1931; MRAC GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀; same collection data as for preceding but 22 Nov. 1931; MRAC GoogleMaps 2 ♂♂; same collection data as for preceding but Mar. 1932; MRAC GoogleMaps 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding but May 1932; MRAC GoogleMaps 1 ♀; same locality as for preceding; May 1935; J. Ghesquière leg.; MRAC. – GoogleMaps Sud-Ubangi • 1 ♂; Libenge ; [3°39ʹ11ʺ N, 18°38ʹ08ʺ E]; 10 Dec. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; MRAC GoogleMaps 1 ♂; same locality as for preceding; Apr. 1937; Leontowitch leg.; MRAC GoogleMaps 1 ♂, 3 ♀♀; Motenge-Boma ; [3°14ʹ N, 18°39ʹ E]; Dec. 1931; H.J. Brédo leg.; MRAC GoogleMaps 1 ♀; Terr. Libenge, MʹPaka ; [3°39ʹ N, 18°38ʹ E]; Jul.–Aug. 1959 GoogleMaps ; M. Pecheur leg.; MRAC. – Tshuapa • 1 ♀; Bokuma ; [0°06ʹ S, 18°41ʹ E]; Jul. 1952; R.P. Lootens leg.; MRAC GoogleMaps .

KENYA – Kwale County • 1 ♀; Kwali Forest , 20 mi. W of Mombasa; [4°00ʹ34ʺ S, 39°18ʹ18ʺ E]; 1 Jun. 1948; M. Steele leg.; BMNH GoogleMaps .

MALI – Gao Region • 1 ♂; 50 km S of Gao; [15°47ʹ17ʺ N, 0°01ʹ48ʺ W]; Dec. 1977; G. Popov leg.; BMNH GoogleMaps . – Mopti Region • 1 ♂; 10 km S of Mopti; [14°22ʹ11.4ʺ N, 4°08ʹ56.3ʺ W]; 8 Aug. 1991; M. Schwarz leg.; OÖLM GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 70 km SW of Mopti; [14°04ʹ45.2ʺ N, 4°41ʹ3.3ʺ W]; 21 Aug. 1991; M. Schwarz leg.; OÖLM GoogleMaps . – Ségou Region • 1 ♂; Molodo ; [14°14ʹ15ʺ N, 6°01ʹ12ʺ W]; 17 Jul. 1968; J. Hamon leg.; MNHN GoogleMaps .

MOZAMBIQUE – Maputo Province • 1 ♀; Maputo Bay ; [25°59ʹ S, 32°42ʹ E]; R. Monteiro leg.; ZMB GoogleMaps .

NAMIBIA • 1 ♀; “ German SW Africa ”; 1901; Lübbert leg.; ZMB. – Hardap Region • 1 ♂; 23 km N of Rehoboth; [23°05ʹ08.4ʺ S, 17°06ʹ11.4ʺ E]; 17 Feb. 1990; M. Schwarz leg.; OÖLM GoogleMaps 1 ♂; 71 km E of Stampriet; 24°09ʹ S, 19°00ʹ E; 27 Mar. 2000 View Materials GoogleMaps ; F.W. and S.K. Gess leg.; AMG. – Kavango East • 2 ♀♀; Kaudom-Camp ; 18°31ʹ S, 20°43ʹ E; 22–25 Feb. 1992; F. Koch leg.; ZMB GoogleMaps 2 ♂♂; 100 km SW of Rundu; [18°35ʹ48ʺ S, 19°06ʹ58.3ʺ E]; 1 Feb. 1993 GoogleMaps ; M. Schwarz leg.; OÖLM. – Khomas Region • 1 ♂; 40 km W of Witvlei; [22°21ʹ29.7ʺ S, 18°05ʹ52ʺ E]; 16 Feb. 1990; M. Schwarz leg.; OÖLM GoogleMaps 1 ♂, 1 ♀; S of Okasewa; 22°34ʹ53ʺ S, 18°11ʹ15ʺ E; 12–17 Feb. 2010; J. Oehlke leg.; coll. Jacobs GoogleMaps . – Oshikoto Region • 2 ♂♂; ca 15 km from Oshivelo to Ondangwa; [18°31ʹ S, 17°05ʹ E]; 7 Apr. 1996; D.W. and G.T. Gess leg.; AMG View Materials GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀; Namutoni, Etosha National Park ; 18°48ʹ S, 16°56ʹ E; 27 Feb. 1994; F. Koch leg.; THD-005-ZMB ; GenBank EF-1α gene: MW558243 View Materials ; GenBank LWR gene: MW582281 View Materials ; ZMB. – GoogleMaps Otjozondjupa Region • 1 ♂, 1 ♀; 15 km NW of Otjiwarongo; [20°19ʹ26.8ʺ S, 16°36ʹ36.5ʺ E]; 3 Mar. 1990; M. Schwarz leg.; OÖLM GoogleMaps 1 ♀; 15–20 km NW of Otjiwarongo; [20°23ʹ02ʺ S, 16°28ʹ54ʺ E]; 3 Mar. 1990; W.J. Pulawski leg.; CAS GoogleMaps .

NIGER – Dosso Region • 2 ♂♂; 100 mi. SE of Niamey; [12°32ʹ N, 3°15ʹ38.5ʺ E]; 25 Oct. 1975; G. Popov leg.; BMNH GoogleMaps . – Tillabéri Region • 1 ♂; Liboré ; [13°24ʹ12ʺ N, 2°11ʹ31ʺ E]; 2 Dec. 1984; J. Hamon leg.; MNHN GoogleMaps .

NIGERIA – Kaduna State • 1 ♂, 1 ♀; Samaru ; [11°09ʹ39ʺ N, 7°38ʹ44ʺ E]; 25 Jul. 1970; Ward leg.; BMNH GoogleMaps .

REPUBLIC OF CÔTE D’IVOIRE – Vallée du Bandama District • 1 ♀; Bouaké ; [7°41ʹ N, 5°01ʹ W]; Jul. 1977; P.M. Elsen leg.; MRAC GoogleMaps .

REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO – Pool Department • 1 ♀; Inoni ; [3°04ʹ5.8ʺ S, 15°38ʹ10.8ʺ E]; 15 Nov. 1976; G. Onore leg.; MNHN GoogleMaps 1 ♂; Kintelé ; [4°09ʹ S, 15°20ʹ32ʺ E]; Jan. 1978; C. Morin leg.; MNHN GoogleMaps 1 ♀; same collection data as for preceding but 3 Apr. 1978; MNHN GoogleMaps 1 ♂; same locality as for preceding; Mar. 1978; G. Onore leg.; MNHN GoogleMaps .

SOUTH AFRICA – Eastern Cape • 1 ♂; Mountain Zebra Park ; 32°15ʹ S, 25°27ʹ E; 12–16 Feb. 1988; A.J. Weaving leg.; AMG GoogleMaps . – Free State • 2 ♂♂; Bothaville ; [27°23ʹ S, 26°37ʹ E]; 25 Feb. 1899; H. Brauns leg.; TMP GoogleMaps 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding; TMP GoogleMaps 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding but 10 Mar. 1899; TMP GoogleMaps . – Gauteng • 1 ♂; Johannesburg ; [26°12ʹ16ʺ S, 28°02ʹ44ʺ E]; G. Kobrow leg.; ZMB GoogleMaps 1 ♀; Sterkfontein ; [25°58ʹ36ʺ S, 27°44ʹ27ʺ E]; 1900; H.P. Thomasset leg.; BMNH GoogleMaps . – Limpopo • 1 ♀; Plat River, Waterberg District ; [24°53ʹ16.3ʺ S, 28°15ʹ35.6ʺ E]; 11 Jan. 1903; R. v. Jutrzencka leg.; TMP GoogleMaps 1 ♂; Waterberg District ; 1898–1899; R. v. Jutrzencka leg.; TMP . – North West • 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀; Mamagalieskraal ; [25°32ʹ S, 27°49ʹ E]; 31 Mar. 1926; W. Lingnau leg.; DEI GoogleMaps . – Northern Cape • 1 ♂; Auob-Nossob Junction ; [26°26ʹ5.31ʺ S, 20°37ʹ33.59ʺ E]; Apr. 1933; G. van Son leg.; TMP GoogleMaps 2 ♂♂; Kalahari Gemsbok National Park , Nossob R bed, 11 km NNE of Tweerivieren; [26°24ʹ S, 20°40ʹ E]; 8–11 Mar.1990; F.W.and S.K.Gess leg.; AMG View Materials GoogleMaps 4♂♂, 3 ♀♀; Olifantshoek ;[27°56ʹ S, 22°44ʹ E]; 24 Mar. 1990; M. Schwarz leg.; OÖLM GoogleMaps 1 ♂; S of Kalahari Desert, Van Zylsrus ; [26°52ʹ1.2ʺ S, 22°03ʹ E]; 15 Jan. 2001; M. Snižek leg.; THD-021-OOLM ; GenBank CO1 gene: MW538579 View Materials ; OÖLM GoogleMaps 8 ♂♂, 1 ♀; same collection data as for preceding; OÖLM GoogleMaps .

TANZANIA – Kagera Region • 1 ♂, 2 ♀♀; Bukoba ; [1°19ʹ54ʺ S, 31°48ʹ44ʺ E]; 9–11 Jun. 1912; C.C. Gowdey leg.; BMNH GoogleMaps .

TOGO – Savanes • 1 ♀; “Tapuog” [Dapaong?] ; [10°52ʹ N, 0°12ʹ E]; Aug. 1901; Thierry leg.; ZMB GoogleMaps 1 ♀; Sansanné-Mango ; [10°21ʹ20ʺ N, 0°28ʹ32ʺ E]; Thierry leg.; ZMB GoogleMaps .

UGANDA – Central Region • 1 ♀; Buddu , NW shores of Victoria Nyanza; [0°25ʹ S, 31°40ʹ E]; 12–15 Sep. 1911; S.A. Neave leg.; BMNH GoogleMaps 1 ♀; Entebbe ; [0°03ʹ N, 32°27ʹ36ʺ E]; 6–10 May 1912; C.C. Gowdey leg.; BMNH GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀; same collection data as for preceding but Aug. 1912; BMNH GoogleMaps 1 ♂; Kampala; [0°18ʹ58ʺ N, 32°34ʹ55ʺ E]; 17 Apr. 1913; C.C. Gowdey leg.; BMNH GoogleMaps 1 ♀; Msozi ; [0°51ʹ S, 31°42ʹ E]; Feb. 1903; D. Radcliffe leg.; BMNH GoogleMaps . – Western Region • 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀; valley of Kafu River, Unyoro ; alt. 3400 ft; 23–28 Dec. 1911; S.A. Neave leg.; BMNH .

ZAMBIA – Lusaka Province • 1 ♀; 25 km E of Lusaka; 15°21ʹ S, 28°30ʹ E; 3 Mar. 1995; W.J. Pulawski leg.; CAS GoogleMaps . – Northern Province • 1 ♂; “L. Chambezi V. , Kasama distr. ”; alt. 3900 ft; 4–6 May 1908; S.A. Neave leg.; OUMNH .

ZIMBABWE – Bulawayo • 1 ♀; Bulawayo ; [20°09ʹ S, 28°35ʹ E]; Dec. 1903; G.A.K. Marshall leg.; BMNH GoogleMaps . – Harare Province • 1 ♂; Salisbury [now Harare], Hillside ; [17°50ʹ15ʺ S, 31°04ʹ54ʺ E]; Mar. 1926; H.S. Leeson leg.; BMNH GoogleMaps . – Manicaland • 1 ♂; Umtali [now Mutare] ; [18°58ʹ S, 32°38ʹ E]; A. Bodong leg.; DEI GoogleMaps . – Matabeleland North • 1 ♂; Victoria Falls ; 17°56ʹ S, 25°50ʹ E; 28–31 Mar. 1998; W.J. Pulawski leg.; CAS GoogleMaps 1 ♀; De Beer’s Ranch , Shangani ; [19°47ʹ S, 29°22ʹ E]; May 1932; BMNH GoogleMaps .



SIZE. 21.2–33.3 mm.

COLOR. Black except for the following, which are dark ferruginous: basal half of mandible and legs from trochanter onward, especially femur and tibia of mid- and hindlegs. Cellular wing area hyaline, base of fore- and hindwing infuscate, apical margin of forewing fuscous.

VESTITURE. Appressed and erect setae on clypeus, paraocular area, collar, scutum and propodeal enclosure silvery. Erect propodeal setae crimped, oriented anteriorly. Clypeus without glabrous stripe. Scutellum densely and finely pubescent.

STRUCTURE. Free clypeal margin simple, not stepped medially. Clypeus without indentation or carina. Scutellum convex. Metanotum raised, notably bituberculate. 2 nd recurrent vein joins markedly proximal from interstitium between submarginal cells II and III. Propodeal enclosure without any notable ridges. Foretarsomere I 2.7–2.8× length of antepenultimate spine. Petiole length 2.3–2.5 × its medial width.


SIZE. 17.6–23.8 mm.

COLOR. Black except for the following, which are dark ferruginous: stripe in center of mandible, hindtibia and often part of hindfemur. Cellular wing area hyaline, base of fore- and hindwing infuscate, forewing with fuscous spot beyond marginal cell.

VESTITURE. Appressed setae on clypeus, paraocular area, collar, scutum and propodeal enclosure silvery. Erect setae on clypeus and paraocular area silvery intermixed with black ones, exclusively silvery on collar, scutum and propodeal enclosure. Erect propodeal setae crimped, oriented anteriorly. Clypeus without glabrous stripe. Scutellum densely and finely pubescent.

STRUCTURE. Free clypeal margin simple. Scutellum convex. Metanotum raised, notably bituberculate. 2 nd recurrent vein joins markedly proximal from interstitium between submarginal cells II and III. Posterior margin of metasomal tergum VII convex. Posterior margin of metasomal sternum VII simple, of metasomal sternum VIII very slightly concavely emarginate. Penis valvae without conspicuos modifications. Petiole length 2.8–3.0× its medial width. Flagellomere V with narrow placoid covering its proximal two-thirds.




Widepsread in Africa.


Germany, Berlin, Museum fuer Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universitaet


United Kingdom, London, The Natural History Museum [formerly British Museum (Natural History)]


Belgium, Tervuren, Musee Royal de l'Afrique Centrale


USA, Washington D.C., National Museum of Natural History, [formerly, United States National Museum]


USA, New York, New York, American Museum of Natural History


South Africa, Cape Province, Grahamstown, Albany Museum


USA, California, San Francisco, California Academy of Sciences


Taiwan [Republic of China], Taipei, Taiwan Provincial Museum


Germany, Muencheberg, Deutsches Entomologisches Institut im ZALF


United Kingdom, Oxford, University Museum of Natural History


Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (Zoological Collections)


Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


American Museum of Natural History


Albany Museum


California Academy of Sciences


Transvaal Museum


Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Institut
















Sphex lanatus Mocsáry, 1883

Dörfel, Thorleif H. & Ohl, Michael 2022

Sphex umbrosus

Kohl F. F. 1890: 407

Sphex lanatus Mocsáry, 1883: 34

Mocsary A. 1883: 34

Sphex argentifer

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