Neocollyris (s. str.) trichocephala, Anichtchenko & Wiesner, 2022

Anichtchenko, Alexander & Wiesner, Jürgen, 2022, Description of two new Neocollyris W. Horn, 1901 species from Vietnam (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae), Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 22 (1), pp. 67-73 : 68-70

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13203828

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scientific name

Neocollyris (s. str.) trichocephala

sp. nov.

Neocollyris (s. str.) trichocephala sp. n.

Type material: Holotype, male – “ Vietnam, Nang Pro, Da Nang, | So’n Trà Mt. , IV.2018 ” ( DUBC) . Paratype, 1 male, with the same label data (cJW).

Diagnosis. This new species can be easily differentiated from all known species of the genus by its head, with 25–25 large setiferous pores bearing long hairs ( Fig. 13 View Figs 13–14 ).

Description. Body length 10.7 mm in holotype, 11 mm in paratype ( Figs 1, 2 View Figs ).

Body color uniformly violet with weak purple luster on the head and pronotum.

Head ( Figs. 4, 6, 7 View Figs ) oblong, HL/HW = 0.87–0.89, with thin microsculpture consisting of polygonal meshes, temples protruding and evenly rounded; clypeus with two setae; frons narrow, frontal grooves shallow, slightly divergent from clypeus towards vertex; eyes moderately protruding; each supra­orbital plate with 5–10 long setae; vertex and occiput with 25–26 large setiferous pores, bearing long setae. Labrum ( Fig. 13 View Figs 13–14 ) short and transverse; unicolored, violet; smooth, without micro reticulation, with eight long sub marginal setae and seven apical teeth: with three short and wide central teeth, with obtuse apices, as well as a pair of slightly longer and narrow latero­apical teeth and relatively smaller latero­basal teeth with pointed apex on both sides. Mandibles black with violet luster on the base. Palpi entirely black, maxillary with the shape of isosceles triangle

( Fig. 9 View Figs ) and labial with the shape of right triangle

( Fig. 10 View Figs ). Antennae relatively long; antennomere 3 the longest; scape and pedicel dark violet, antennomeres 3–4 violet, with brown apices; antennomere 5 violet, with brown ring in central part; antennomeres 6–11 dark brown, almost black, with violet reflections. Scape with a single apical seta, antennomeres 3–4 glabrous except for 5–6 thin and short setae on ventral ridge, apical half of antennomere 5 and antennomeres 6–11 densely pubescent with very short yellow setae.

Pronotum ( Figs 1, 2 View Figs , 4 View Figs ) with a shallow collar, without anterior hump, moderately long, PL/ PW = 1.69­1.72, distinctly expanded in basal third; disc slightly convex in lateral view, with indistinct, sparse, shallow, transverse wrinkles in anterior half, unevenly punctured by setiferous pores, bearing very long white hairs; punctures on base of pronotum twice as large as on disc; anterior sulcus relatively wide and shallow, while posterior one more narrow and deeper. Prosternum, pro­episternum, mesothorax and mesosternum densely pubescent with long, white hairs.

Elytra ( Figs 1, 2 View Figs ) moderately long, EL/EW = 2.74­2.83, parallel sided, metallic violet with

Anichtchenko A., Wiesner J.

light purple luster and without elytral maculation; covered with isodiametric microsculpture; disc with numerous regularly distributed, rounded, blue pits, slightly elongate and smaller in apical fifth; almost all pits with very small setiferous pore on anterior margin, bearing extremely long white hairs; suture moderately protruding. Sutural tooth on apice of elytra right, prominent, well visible, exterior angle of elytra obtuse and rounded. Scutellum black.

Abdominal sternites black with violet luster, sternites with thin pale setae. All coxae, as well as fore­ and mid­trochanters black.

Profemora dark violet, ventrally dark brown with violet reflections. Meso­ and metafemora dark brown with violet reflections, dorsally and apically violet. All tibiae dark violet. Pro­ and mesotarsi uniformly violet; metatarsi light yellow, with two apical tarsomeres violet ( Figs 1, 2 View Figs ).

Aedeagus ( Figs 15, 16 View Figs ) relatively long, 2.0– 2.15 mm; with a wide, gradually curved basal bulb; ventral side of median lobe straight; apical part relatively long, strongly downturned, apex narrow and acute; internal sack with short and thick flagellum, and with thin undulate sclerite at base of flagellum.

Distribution. Vietnam: province Da Nang.

Etymology. The name of the new species is Latinized form from the Greek “ tricwto´ j ” – hairy, and “ ke´ faloj ” – head, because of its unusually punctate and hairy head.













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