Baccharis leucocephala Dusén (1910: 24)

Heiden, Gustavo & Pirani, José Rubens, 2016, Taxonomy of Baccharis subgen. Tarchonanthoides (Asteraceae: Astereae: Baccharidinae), a group from the southeastern South American grasslands and savannas, Phytotaxa 241 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.241.1.1

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scientific name

Baccharis leucocephala Dusén (1910: 24)


Phytotaxa 241 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press • 45 10. Baccharis leucocephala Dusén (1910: 24) View in CoL . Lanugothamnus leucocephalus (Dusén) Deble (2012: 13) . Type:— BRAZIL. Paraná: Piraquara, Roça Nova, 24 November 1903, ♀, P. K. H. Dusén 2208 (lectotype S! (10- 22317), designated by Barroso 1976: 62; isolectotypes HBG!, R! (37746, ♂ )). Remaining syntypes: BRAZIL. Paraná: Itaperuçú, 17 November 1908, ♂ & ♀, P. K. H. Dusén 7169 (syntypes E!, NY! (00162259), S! (10-22319; 10-22321; 10-22323)).

Illustrations: — Dusén (1910: Taf. 1, Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 , 6 View FIGURE 6 ); Barroso (1976: 221, 222); Malagarriga (1977: dessin 67). Fig. 25 View FIGURE 25 , 26 View FIGURE 26 .

Shrubs 1–2 m tall, erect or leaning; fertile shoots pendulous, branches axillary. Stems brown, shoots villose. Leaves 2–12.5 cm long, 0.3–1.5 cm wide, sessile, evenly distributed along branches; leaf blade thin, lanceolate, apex attenuate, base rounded or attenuate, margins entire, revolute; leaves basally 3-nerved, acrodromous imperfect, with a secondary brochidodromous reticulum, adaxial surface with a caducous sericeous indumentum, abaxial surface with a persistent tomentose indumentum. Capitulescences racemose, terminal; racemes oblong or conical, 3–25 cm long, 4–11 cm wide. Capitula sessile to pedunculate, pendulous; peduncles 0.1–2.3 cm long, villose. Male capitula 6.5–8 mm long; involucre 5.5–6.7 mm long, 7.2–12 mm wide, campanulate; phyllaries 3–4- seriate, light green or purple, outer and median ones ovate, inner ones linear-lanceolate, margins entire, apex acute, villose; clinanthium conical, densely covered with filiform trichomes; florets 24–44; corollas 4–4.6 mm long, tube 2.1–2.3 mm long, throat 1.1–1.3 mm, lobes 0.8–1 mm long, biseriate hairs on tube and throat, filiform trichomes on lobes; anthers brown, 4.2–4.7 mm long; style 4.2–4.9 mm long; ovary abortive, 0.16–0.2 mm long, 0.2–0.27 mm wide, covered by filiform trichomes; pappus 4–4.5 mm long, bristles 20–34, flexuous, not apically broadened. Female capitula 8–20 mm long; involucre 8–11 mm long, 6–11 mm wide, cylindrical to turbinate; phyllaries 4–5- seriate, light green or purple, outer ones ovate, median and inner ones linear-lanceolate, margins entire, apex acute, villose; clinanthium conical, densely covered with filiform trichomes; florets 30–44; corolla 2.7–6.3 mm long; style 2.9–6.8 mm long, branches 0.2–0.6 mm long. Cypselae 2–2.4 mm long, 0.85–1.1 mm wide, stramineous, sericeous, evenly covered by long twin trichomes, obconical, 3–4-ribbed; pappus 7–12.8 mm long, deciduous; bristles 104–128, not broadened apically, strongly accrescent. Chromosome number unknown.

Etymology: —The specific epithet refers to the white colour of the female capitula given by the strongly accrescent pappus bristles.

Distribution and habitat: — Baccharis leucocephala occurs in southern Brazil (Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina states), known from several locations along highland areas of the Serra do Mar, Planalto de Curitiba, Planalto de Ponta Grossa, and Serra Geral, at elevations between 800 and 2200 m a.s.l. (Fig. 24). Isolated individuals or small populations are found in semi-shaded habitats, along forest edges and glades of Ombrophilous Mixed Forest (with Araucaria ) or, less commonly, in edges of Ombrophilous Dense forest, in the Paranense province or in the transitional zone to the Atlantic province.

Phenology: —Fertile specimens have been collected from middle October to early February, with a flowering peak between October and November.

Conservation status: —Least concern (LC). Baccharis leucocephala is known to occur in protected and in non-protected primary and secondary sites. Populations in the southern range of distribution tend to be rarer and could become locally extinct due to the decrease of habitat quality caused by forestry with exotic species.

Vernacular names: —Vassoura-da-mata (Heiden & Iganci 1452, 1453); vassoura-do-pinhal (Heiden & Oliveira 1786, 1787).

Comments: —Even though Baccharis leucocephala is a very distinctive species, it is sometimes confused with B. helichrysoides . Both species can be contrasted easily since B. leucocephala has lanceolate leaves (vs. linear, oblong, cordate to ovate in B. helichrysoides ), capitula organized in pendulous racemes (vs. erect panicles), male florets with flexuous pappus bristles (vs. tortuous pappus bristles) and sericeous (vs. puberulent) cypselae.

Specimens examined: — BRAZIL. PARANÁ: Adrianópolis, Parque Estadual das Lauráceas, 12 November 2007, ♀, J . M . Silva & J. Cordeiro 6154 ( MBM); Balsa Nova, Serra de São Luiz do Purunã , 28 October 1996, ♀, O . S . Ribas & M . F . da Luz 1538 ( MBM); 21 November 2005, ♀, J . R . Stehmann 4214 ( BHCB, SP). Bituruna , 1032 m, 23 November 2005, ♀, J . R . Stehmann 4289 ( BHCB); ♀, Stehmann 4296 ( BHCB); rio Iguaçu, Salto Grande , 17 October 1967, G . Hatschbach 14949 ( MBM). Bocaiúva do Sul, Serra Santana , 10 November 1998, ♂, J . M . Silva & L. M . Abe 2597 ( MBM). Campina Grande do Sul , 22 October 1985, ♂, E . F . Paciornik & C . B . Poliquesi 178 ( MBM); Serra Ibitiraquire , 19 October 1997, ♀, O . S . Ribas & L . B .S. Pereira 1967 ( MBM). Colombo, 1 December

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1972, ♀, L. T. Dombrowski 4440 & Y. Kuniyoshi 3618 ( MBM); 5 January 2006 , ♂, R. F. S. Possette 593 ( RB); Hotel Betânia , s.d ., ♀, P. R. P. Andrade s.n. ( MBM297617 View Materials ). Curitiba, Bacacheri , 4 November 1950 , ♂, G. Tessmann s.n. ( RB74678 ); Barigui , October 1969 , ♀, L. T. Dombrowski 2988 ( MBM) ; ♂, L. T. Dombrowski 2989 ( MBM); November 1969 , ♀, L. T. Dombrowski 4729 ( MBM, RB) ; ♂, L. T. Dombrowski 4730 ( MBM, RB); December 1972 , ♀, L. T. Dombrowski 4741 ( MBM, RB); 25 October 1960 , ♀, R. B. Lange 1335 ( RB); Campo Comprido , November 1964 , ♀, L. T. Dombrowski 1010 ( LP, MBM); Capão da Imbuia , 28 November 1975 , ♀, L. T. Dombrowski 6157 ( MBM); Colônia Orleans , October 1971 , ♂, L. T. Dombrowski 3643 ( MBM) ; ♀, L. T. Dombrowski 3644 ( MBM); 3 November 1974 , ♀, L. T. Dombrowski 5489 ( MBM) ; ♂, L. T. Dombrowski 5491 ( MBM); Pilarzinho , October 1964 , ♂, L. T. Dombrowski 652 ( LP, MBM) ; ♂, L. T. Dombrowski 653 ( MBM); Santa Felicidade , November 1966 , ♂, L. T. Dombrowski & Y. Kuniyoshi 1736 ( MBM) ; ♀, L. T. Dombrowski 2164 ( MBM) ; ♂, L. T. Dombrowski 2165 & Y. Kuniyoshi 1890 ( MBM); Santa Mônica , 15 November 1984 , ♀, A. Bidá, L.A. Acra & C.E.L. Schinchet 574 ( UEC, UPCB); Umbará , October 1974 , ♂, L. T. Dombrowski 5378 ( MBM); February 1980 , ♀, L. T. Dombrowski 14674 ( MBM); November 1989 , ♀, L. T. Dombrowski 14116 ( MBM). Irati, Colônia Florestal , 26 November 1972 , ♀, P. Carvalho 116 ( MBM). Itaperuçu , October 1908 , ♂ & ♀, P. K. H. Dusén s.n. ( HBG). Paulo Frontin, Vicinal 9, 7 November 2005 , ♀, R. Wasum, G. Heiden & D. Alessandretti 3194 ( ECT, HUCS, MBM, O). Piraquara, Estrada da Graciosa , Volta Grande , February 1945 , ♀, B. Hertil 143 ( SP); Fazenda Experimental da Agronomia , 22 November 1972 , ♀, N. Imaguire 3123 ( MBM) ; ♀, N. Imaguire 3081 B ( MBM); Roça Nova , 982 m, 17 December 2010 , ♀, G. Heiden et al. 1452 ( SPF) ; ♂, G. Heiden et al. 1453 ( SPF). Quatro Barras , December 1966 , ♀, Y. S. Kuniyoshi 1938 ( MBM); Serra da Baitaca , 24 October 1996 , ♂, J. Cordeiro & J. M. Cruz 1347 ( C, FLOR, G, HBG, MBM, SPF). Rio Branco do Sul, Itarerama , 22 November 1978 , ♀, G. Hatschbach 41818 ( HBG, INPA, MBM, UB); Serra do Votuvoru , 9 September 1975 , ♂, G. Hatschbach 37312 ( MBM). São José dos Pinhais, Contenda , 23 October 1980 , ♂, G. Hatschbach & G. L. Smith 43225 ( C, COL, GB, MBM, MO, UEC); 10 November 1993 , O. S. Ribas, J. Cordeiro & E. Barbosa 615 ( MBM); 2 November 2004 , ♀, J. M. Silva 4181 ( MBM) ; ♂, J. M. Silva 4187 ( MBM). São Mateus do Sul, Usina de Xisto da Petrobrás , 25 April 1986 , ♀, R. M. Britez & S. M. Silva 655 ( UEC). Tamandaré , 12 November 1942 , ♀, J. Moura 150 ( LP, MBM). Teixeira Soares, Valinhos , 11 November 1910 , ♀, P. K. H. Dusén 10763 ( E, F, G, K, MO, NY, S). S.l., Banhado , 4 November 1915 , ♂ & ♀, P. K. H. Dusén 17284 ( F, G, MO, S, SI); Carvalho , 7 November 1911 , ♂ & ♀, P. K. H. Dusén 13326 ( F, G, K, S); Trancheira , 12 October 1914 , ♂, I. G. Jönsson 1104a ( F, G, NY, S). RIO GRANDE DO SUL: Cambará do Sul, Itaimbezinho 5 June 1954 , ♂, B. Rambo 54561 ( HBR, LP, PACA). SANTA CATARINA: Anitápolis , 28 December 1951 , R. Reitz 4537 ( B, G, LP, MBM, NY, S). Bom Jardim da Serra, Boca da Serra , 24 December 1982 , ♀, A. Krapovickas & A. Schinini 38293 ( CTES, IBGE, SI). Bom Retiro, Campo dos Padres , rio Canoas , 22 November 1956 , ♀, L. B. Smith & R. M. Klein 7864 ( HBR, LP). Campo Alegre, Serra do Quiriri , Rio Negro, 29 November 2001 , ♂, O. S. Ribas 3689 ( HEPH, MBM). Curitibanos , 6 December 1984 , ♀, L. B. Smith & R. Klein 8355 ( HBR, LP, NY, RB). Garuva, Serra do Quiriri , 16 October 2004 , ♂, J. M. Silva, O.S. Ribas & M.R. Bornschein 4126 ( MBM, SPSF). Lebon Régis, Rio dos Patos , 29 October 1962 , ♂, R. Reitz & R. M. Klein 13876 ( LP, HBR, RB). Matos Costa, estrada para Calmon , 24 November 2005 , ♂, J. R. Stehmann 4315 ( BHCB, ICN). Porto União, São Miguel , 27 October 1962 , ♂, R. Reitz & R. M. Klein 13692 ( HBR, LP, RB). Urubici, Cascata do Avencal , 18 October 2006 , ♀, A. A. Schneider 1344 ( ICN); estrada para o Campo dos Padres , 1100 m, 18 October 2006 , ♂, A. A. Schneider 1352 ( ICN); Morro da Igreja , 8 December 2000 , ♀, G. Hatschbach, A. C. Cervi & E. Barbosa 71624 ( G, MBM, UPCB); 1233 m, 13 November 2011 , ♂, G. Heiden & C. T. Oliveira 1786 ( SPF) ; ♀, G. Heiden & C. T. Oliveira 1787 ( SPF); 14 November 2008 , ♂, J. M. Silva et al. 7109 ( MBM); Serra do Corvo , 13 December 1995 , ♀, S. Bordignon s.n. ( ICN110964 View Materials ). S.l., entre Papanduva e Mafra , 10 November 1961 , ♀, G. Pabst 6708 & E. Pereira 6882 ( B, HBG, K, NY, PEL, R, RB) .


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