Traumatomutilla centralis ( Burmeister, 1875 )

Bartholomay, Pedro R., Williams, Kevin A., Cambra, Roberto A. & Oliveira, Marcio L., 2022, Revision of the Traumatomutilla indica species-group (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae), Zootaxa 5108 (1), pp. 1-97 : 18-24

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Traumatomutilla centralis ( Burmeister, 1875 )


Traumatomutilla centralis ( Burmeister, 1875)

( Figs 4A–F View FIGURES 4 , 5A–G View FIGURES 5 )

Mutilla centralis Burmeister, 1875: 473 , ♀, ♂, lectotype [designated here], ♀ (nec ♂), Argentina, Córdova [Córdoba] (MACN), examined.

Ephuta (Traumatomutilla) centralis: André, 1902: 54 .

Traumatomutilla centralis: André, 1904: 40 .

Ephuta (Traumatomutilla) fissiventris André, 1907: 349 , lectotype [designated here], ♂, Argentina, Santiago Del Estero, envi- rons d’Icano [outskirts of Icaño], E.R. Wagner (MNHN), examined, syn. nov.

Traumatomutilla fissiventris: André, 1908b: 213 .

Traumatomutilla centralis centralis: Suárez 1960: 472 , ♀; Nonveiller 1990: 76, ♀.

Traumatomutilla centralis boliviana Suárez, 1960: 471 , ♀, holotype, ♀ Bolivia, Cordillera-Santa Cruz , Las Juntas. II.1947, Peredo (MZSP), examined.

Diagnosis. FEMALE. Mesonotum narrower than distance between pronotal spiracles, lateral face of propodeum not evenly sculptured, medial longitudinal carinae of mesonotum and propodeum separated at scutellar area, tibial spurs black. MALE. Tibial spurs black, cuspis slender, subcapitate apically, penis valve with shelf-like outward projection on posterior margin.

Description. FEMALE. Body length 13–16 mm. Head. Posterior margin virtually straight. Occipital carina evenly arched and equally wide throughout. Vertex width 0.75 × pronotal width. Eye almost circular, its length in frontal view virtually equal to distance from its ventral margin to mandibular condyle. Sculpture partially concealed by dense setae, densely and coarsely foveolate-punctate to areolate-punctate where visible. Genal carina present. Mandible oblique, tapering slightly towards apex, with small subapical tooth. Dorsal scrobal carina well-defined, reaching antennal tubercles and connected to lateral scrobal carina. Antennal tubercle irregularly and coarsely punctate-rugose. Flagellomere 1 2.4 × pedicel length; flagellomere 2 1.6 × pedicel length. Mesosoma . Dorsal thoracic length 0.9 × mesosomal width. Mesosomal dorsum sculpture partially concealed by dense setation, densely and coarsely areolate-punctate where visible; with conspicuous medial longitudinal carina extending from anterior margin of mesonotum, to scutellar area; sculpture adjacent to carina simply punctate; dorsal face of propodeum with reduced similar carina; scutellar area sculpture densely punctate Anterior face of pronotum defined, slightly longer than pronotal collar, indistinctly and coarsely striated longitudinally at base and with dense coarse and confused punctures dorsad; dorsal face rounded into anterior face in lateral view. Humeral carina well-defined, narrowly separated from slightly projected rounded epaulet, anterolateral corners of pronotum subangulate in dorsal view. Pronotal spiracle strongly projected from lateral margins of pronotum, rounded. Lateral face of pronotum sparsely punctate with dense interspersed micropunctures; with indistinct blunt tubercle anteroventral in relation to pronotal spiracle; mesopleuron sculpture mostly concealed by dense setation, micropunctate anteriorly and densely foveolate-punctate to simply punctate along mesopleural ridge where visible; metapleuron sculpture predominantly concealed by dense setation, except narrow unsculptured and asetose smooth area on dorsal fourth. Lateral face of propodeum sparsely and shallowly foveolate-punctate to densely and coarsely areolate-punctate posterad; intervals smooth shinning medially. Ratios of width of humeral angles, pronotal spiracles, widest point of mesonotum, narrowest point of mesonotum and propodeum posterior to propodeal spiracles, 76:88:82:63:61. Lateral margin of mesonotum constricted anterior to propodeal spiracle, diverging anteriad. Propodeal spiracles slightly projected from lateral margins of mesosoma; post-spiracular area absent. Scutellar scale and anterolateral carinae present, irregular, connected laterally, intervals irregular, not scabrous. Propodeum convex, dorsal face virtually as long as and poorly distinguished from posterior face. Metasoma. Ratios of width of T1, width of T2 and length of T2, 37:72:79. Disc of T2 densely and coarsely foveolate-punctate to punctate with dense interspersed micropunctures; foveolations sparser laterad and over integumental spots. T3–5 sculpture predominantly concealed by dense setation, densely and coarsely foveolate-punctate to simply punctate with interspersed micropunctures where visible; T6, except pygidial plate, densely and coarsely punctate. S1 surface cuneiform, densely, coarsely and confusedly foveolate-punctate terminating into sharp longitudinal carina slightly higher posteriorly. S2 densely foveolate-punctate, with distinct unsculptured longitudinal medial area; anteromedial crest-fold well-defined. S3–6 sculpture mostly concealed by dense setation, densely and coarsely foveolate-punctate where visible. Pygidial plate subpyriform, defined by lateral carinae at apical third of plate; surface with transverse coarse and confuse rugosities; interstice granulose.

MALE. Body length 13–16 mm. Head. Transverse, postero-laterally swollen, scarcely swollen postero-medially. Vertex width 0.95 × pronotal width. Eye almost circular. Ocelli small; OOD 4.0 × DLO, IOD 1.0 × DLO. Occipital carina distinct. Frons, vertex, and gena densely coarsely foveolate-punctate. Gena ecarinate. Antennal scrobe concave to eye margin, with prominent transverse dorsal scrobal carina starting near eye margin and ending before antennal tubercle. Clypeus slightly depressed laterally below antennae insertion, slightly convex medially; densely and coarsely punctate along anteroventral margin, micropunctate to smooth elsewhere; with pair of conspicuous tooth-like projections medially on anteroventral margin. Scape bicarinate. Flagellomere 1 2.5 × pedicel length; flagellomere 2 3.1 × pedicel length. Mandible obliquely tridentate apically, inner tooth larger than middle tooth; lacking dorsal or ventral projections. Mesosoma . Epaulets slightly projected from anterior margin of pronotum, broadly separated from short humeral carina, anterolateral angles of pronotum sub-rounded. Anterior face of pronotum sparsely and coarsely punctate with interspersed micropunctures; sculpture sparser mediad, simply micropunctate medially. Tegula convex, mostly glabrous and impunctate except for dense coarse punctures on along inner and anterior margins. Mesoscutum densely and coarsely foveolate-punctate, notaulus and parapsis present, reduced to posterior half of mesoscutum. Scutellum convex, densely and coarsely foveolate-punctate; dorsal and posterior faces poorly distinguished; intervals aligned forming longitudinal carina throughout scutellum. Axilla produced posterolaterally as oblique dentate projection, with coarsely and densely foveolate-punctate dorsal surface. Metanotum slightly wider laterally, its surface obscured by dense setae. Propodeal dorsum convex to virtually flat basad, densely areolate; lateral face virtually unsculptured along anterior margin; dorsal face rounded into and poorly distinguished from posterior face. Lateral face of pronotum sparsely punctate with dense interspersed micropunctures; mesopleuron with conspicuous sharp tubercle on dorsal half; mesopleural sculpture densely and coarsely areolate-punctate to foveolate-punctate with interspersed micropunctures; areolations/foveolations gradually sparser anterad. Metapleuron sparsely micropunctate to smooth throughout, except for indistinct areolations on basal fourth and indistinct rugosities on dorsal fourth. Wings. Forewing with elongate sclerotized pterostigma; marginal cell slightly longer than stigma, truncate apically; three submarginal cells. Legs. Simply setose, no strong spines discernible dorsally; spurs finely serrate on margins. Metasoma. T1 0.45 × as wide as T2. T2 length 0.8 × its width. Dorsal metasomal sculpture partially concealed by dense setae, densely and finely punctate with interspersed micropunctures where visible. Pygidial plate basally punctate with smooth intervals, apical portion densely micropunctate, weakly defined by parallel carinae apicolaterally. S1 longitudinally elevated medially, terminating in slightly concave and blunt longitudinal carina. S2 sparsely and finely foveolate-punctate to punctate, without micropunctures; with conspicuous anteromedial ovate seta-filled pit; longitudinal anteromedial crest-fold present. S3–6 sparsely and coarsely foveolate-punctate with sparse interspersed micropunctures; S7 densely foveolate-punctate with well-defined medial longitudinal unsculptured area; longer than broad, well-defined by lateral carinae throughout, posterior margin projected medially into a tooth-like structure on posterior margin, apex of projection bilobate. Genitalia. Parapenial lobe not at all pronounced apically, subacute. Ratios of free length of paramere, cuspis and digitus, 91:69:22; paramere marginally sinuous in dorsal view, apex upcurved in lateral view and outcurved in dorsal view; with sparse setae ventrally at anterior half. Cuspis slender, elongate, equally wide throughout in dorsal view and lateral view; apex subcapitate in lateral view; scattered inconspicuous long setae present apically and sparse inconspicuous short setae elsewhere; paracuspis well-developed, not sessile, longer than wide with subtriangulate and sparsely setose posterodorsal margin in lateral view; setae shorter than paracuspis. Digitus short, slightly incurved in dorsal view and upcurved in lateral view; sparsely setose basodorsally, apex somewhat expanded, subcapitate in lateral view. Penis valve with inner surface strongly concave, and well-defined pair of short teeth posteroventrally; posterior tooth acute, subposterior tooth subrounded, blunt, with externolateral pocket; apical distance between teeth 0.1 × length of valve; dense setae present along truncate, shelf-like posterior margin; inconspicuous setae present at base of subposterior tooth on external surface.

Coloration and variations. FEMALES. Integument black except mandibles and antennal flagellomeres partially reddish-brown, and T2 with four reddish integumental spots; spots highly variable in size, shape and color: large with posterior pair nearly confluent with anterior pair, to indistinct with posterior spots absent and anterior spots reduced to slightly brownish-red area on anterior margin; subrounded, subelliptical (anterior pair), subquadrate or nearly amorphous; reddish to orange. Body setae predominantly black varying in density except the following areas with silvery-white setae varying in density: meso and metacoxae, ventral surface of meso and metafemora, posterior half of pronotum sublaterally, mesonotum sublaterally, propodeum sublaterally, T1, lateral areas of T2, lateral felt lines of T2, lateral margins of T2, fringe of T2–4 medially and laterally, T5–6 (except pygidial plate) medially, S1–5 (except fringe of S5); the silvery-white setae stripe of the mesosomal dorsum variable, reaching the pronotum in some specimens and restricted to the mesonotum in others. MALE. Integument black. Body setae predominantly black varying in density, except following areas with silvery-white setae varying in density: hind tibiae and tarsi partially, metanotum medially, dorsum of propodeum, T1, T2 anterolaterally, fringes of T2–3 laterally, and S1–4 partly or entirely. Tibial spurs black. Wings dark-brown infuscated with basal portion partly colorless.

Distribution. Bolivia, Paraguay, and Argentina.

Material examined. (433♀, 58♂). Type material. Lectotype of Mutilla centralis , ♀ (nec ♂), Argentina, Cór- dova [Córdoba] ( MACN); Lectotype of Traumatomutilla fissiventris , ♂ , Argentina, Santiago Del Estero , environs d’Icano [outskirts of Icaño], E.R. Wagner ( MNHN); Holotype of T. centralis boliviana , ♀ , BOLIVIA: Santa Cruz, Cordillera-SantaCruz, Las Juntas , II.1947, Peredo ( MZSP). Additional material. BOLIVIA: Santa Cruz, Cordillera, Las Juntas, Peredo , 1♀ , II.1947 ( MNCN); Cochabamba, Tarata , 1♀ , 1900 ( MNHN); Tarija, Villa Montes , 1♀ , I.1931, Eisentraut S.G. ( ZMB); Santa Cruz, Parapeti , 1♀ , I.1960, Martinez ( AMNH); PARAGUAY: Boquerón: Enciso , 550’ [sic], 21°18’S 61°41’W, 2♀ GoogleMaps , 25–26.XI.2007, U. Dreschel ( EMUS, FSCA); Mcal. [Mariscal] Estigar- ribia, 560’[sic], 22°00’S 60°34’W, 2♀ GoogleMaps , 02–04.II.2008, U. Dreschel ( EMUS, FSCA); E. [east of] La Patria , 2♀ ,

31.III.2006, U. Dreschel ( FSCA, EMUS); Chaco: Loma Plata : 2♀ , I.1956, Gerlach ( AMNH, EMUS); 2♀ , II.1993, Fritz ( AMNH); Filadelfia : 8♀ , I.1995, Arriagagda ( AMNH); 2♀ , X.1979, Fritz ( AMNH); P.N. [Parque Nacional] Defensores del Chaco , 1♀ , 05–17.XII.1982, Kochalka ( DGMC); Agua Dulce , 1♀ , X.1979, Fritz ( AMNH); Pres. [Presidente] Hayes, Lolita , Yaragui , 3♀, 23°06’S 59°38’, 05.III.2003, U. Dreschel ( EMUS, FSCA); ARGENTINA: Ch. [sic] de Loria , 07.XII.1907, Jorgensen ( ZMUC); Catamarca: 1♀ , 9.II.1951 ( AMNH); Frias , 2♀ , 09.II.1951, Ross & Michelbacher ( CASC); Miraflores , 1♀ , II.1993, Di Lorio ( AMNH); Coneta , 16 km S [kilometers South of] Catamarca, 6♂ , 25.X.2003, Irwin & Parker ( EMUS); Palo Labrado, 23 km S [kilometers south of] La Merced , 3♂ , 24.IX.2003, Irwin & Parker ( EMUS); Chaco: 2♀ , IV.2003 ( FSCA); Fuerte Esperanza : 8♀ , XI.1978, Fritz ( AMNH); 1♀ , XII.1978, Fritz ( AMNH); Tres Estacas , 1♀ , Di Lorio ( AMNH); Cordoba : 2♀ , I.1974, Fritz y Martinez ( MNCN); Balnearia : 3♀ , II.1971,M.A. Fritz ( AMNH, FSCA); 2♀ , II.1970, Fritz ( AMNH); Do [Departamento] Sobremonte , 1♀ , I.1974, Martinez ( FSCA); Guanaco Muerto : 23♀ , II.1971, Fritz ( AMNH, EMUS); 15#f , II.1980, Fritz ( AMNH, EMUS); 3#f , II.1980, Viana ( AMNH); Cordoba, Ciudad , 1F3 , XI.1970, Fritz ( MNCN); Cordova, 2♀ , W.M. Dav- is ( MCZC); Cordoba , 1♀ , II.1971, Fritz ( AMNH); Cruz del Eje, Guanaco Muerto , 1♀ , XI.1970, Martinez-Fritz ( MNCN); Punilla, Valle Hermoso , 1♀ , I.1943, M.J. Viana ( MNCN); San Javier , La Paz, 1♀ , 1–20.I.1929, C. Bruch ( MNCN); Miramar , 1#f , III.1992, Fritz ( AMNH); San Vicente de Cordoba , 1♀ , J. Frenzel S. ( ZMB); Dº [Departamen- to] Calamuchita, Estancia La Granadilla, 1#f, 1974, Martinez ( AMNH); Copacabana , 1♀ , II.1980, Fritz ( AMNH); Tanti , 1♀ , II.1974, Martinez ( AMNH); Las Lomitas , 1♀ , 16.II.1948 ( MNHN); 1♀ , 07.II.1948 ( MNHN); La Rioja: Patquia: (Chaco Serrana ), 1♀ , 06.XII.2002, L.A. Stange ( FSCA); 1♀ , K.J. Hayward ( NHM) ; XII.1932 – I.1933, K.J. Hayward ( NHM); 2♀ , I.1957 ( LACM, EMUS); Aliumuyuna [sic] , II.1993, Di Lorio ( EMUS); 32♀, 1♂ , I.1935, M. Gomes ( SEMC, EMUS); 1♀ , II.1934, M. Gomez ( MNCN); Tallumuyana , 1♀ , II.1993, di Lorio ( AMNH); 1♀, 1♂ , Mascasin, I.1959, Andrae ( AMNH); Mendoza: Mendoza, 1♀ , 04.I.1907, Jorgensen ( ZMUC); Desaguadero , 1♀ , I.1979, Williner ( AMNH); Misiones : 2♀ , E. Le Moult ( MNCN); 2♂ ( RBINS) ; Missiones, Rio Salado , 1♂ ( CUIC) ; Salta: 1♂ , 01–02.XI.1948 ( BMNHB); La Viña : 11♀, 1♂ , I.1984, Fritz ( AMNH); 10♀, 6♂ , II.1984, Fritz ( AMNH); 8km N [north of] La Viña, 10♂ , 26.X.2003, Irwin & Parker ( EMUS); Sumalao : 5♀ , III.1995, M.A. Fritz ( AMNH); 1♂ , 06.XI.2004, L.A. Stange ( FSCA); Alemania , 7♀, 1♂ , II.1983, Fritz ( AMNH); Coronel Moldes : 2♀ , II.1994, Fritz ( AMNH); 4♂ , I.1989, Fritz ( AMNH, EMUS); Rosario [de] Lerma : 4♀ , XII.1984, Fritz ( AMNH); 1♂ , XI.1984, Fritz ( AMNH); Cafayate , 1♀ , XII.1982, Fritz ( AMNH); Cabra Corral , 1♀ , II.1983, Fritz ( AMNH); J.V. [Joaquin Victor] González , 2♀ , XI.1984, Fritz ( AMNH); San Luis: San Jeronimo , 11♀ , II.1980, Fritz ( AMNH); Alto Pen- coso: 1♀ , 22.XII.1908, Jorgensen ( ZMUC); 2♂ , 20.XII.1908, Jorgensen ( ZMUC); Santiago del Estero: 2♀ ( DEI) ; 1♂, Konow ( MNHN); Ojo de Agua , 1♀ , XII.1984, Fritz ( AMNH); Las Termas de Rio Hondo , 1♀, 1♂ , 20.XII.1979, L.A. Stange ( FSCA, DGMC); Anatuya , 9♀ , III.1979, Fritz ( AMNH, EMUS); Chaco de Santiago del Estero: Baña- dos de Rio Dulce, 60km O. D’Icano [kilometers west of Icaño ], 1♀ , 1909, E.R. Wagner ( MNHN); Rio Dulce , 2♂ ( MNHN) ; Rio Salado : 3♀ , JanVIer [sic] ( MNCN); Icaño, Bords du R. Salado [Banks of the Salado River], Environs D’Icano [outskirts of Icaño], 2♂ , 1910, E.R. Wagner ( MNHN); Tintina : 1♀ , 21.XII.1898 ( MNHN); 1♂ , 21.II.1920, Cornell Expedition ( CUIC); 27k. S.W. [kilometers southwest of] Anatuya [Añatuya], 1♀ , 22–25.XI.1979, C. & M. Vardy ( NHM); 1k. N.E. [kilometers northeast of] Los Telares , 22–25.XI.1979, C. & M. Vardy ( NHM); Loreto , 3♀ , I.1985, Fritz ( AMNH); Sachayoj , 2♀ , I.1993, González ( AMNH); Monte Quemado , 1♂ , 15.XII.1971, D.J. Broth- ers ( DJBC); Tucuman: 11 km N [kilometers north of] Cadillal , 1♀ , 25.III.1990, J.G. Rozen & A. Roig ( AMNH); 4 km S Capitan Caceres , 1#m , 24.X.2003, Irwin & Parker ( EMUS); Las Cejas , 1♀ , 02.IV.1966, C.C. Porter ( USNM); Lara , 4000m [meters above sea level], 1♀ , II.1903, G.A. Baer ( MNCN); La Soledad, Cruz Alta , 1♂ , 18.XII.1966, E. Bucher ( AMNH); Jujuy, Ledesma , 2♀ , XI.1978, Fritz ( AMNH); Santa Fé, Tostado FCCN [Ferro-Carriles Centro Norte] El Orden, 1♂ , A.J. Giai ( DJBC). An additional 188♀ and 4♂ from various localities in ARGENTINA and PARAGUAY were also examined ( FSCA, EMUS, AMNH, DGMC, CASC, MNCN, MIUP) .

Remarks. The sex association and synonymy of T. centralis with T. fissiventris was based on repeated co-ocurrence of both species in southern South America, particularly in Argentina where large series of Traumatomutilla were collected and in which T. centralis and T. fissiventris were the only females and males with a black meso- and metatibial spurs. The holotype of T. centralis boliviana was examined and found to be simply a variant of T. centralis with shorter mesosomal stripes and T1 completely covered by silvery-white setae. It is important to note that the male specimen labeled as the type of T. centralis in MACN is in fact Reedomutilla pubescens ( Smith, 1879), which was first pointed out by Mickel (1964). Females of T. centralis are easily recognizable due to their slightly angulate and “box-like” mesosoma, similar to that of T. miniata ( Gerstaecker, 1874) of the T. juvenilis species-group. The females also are a good example of the seemingly well-established color syndrome in the dry areas of Argentina,

Paraguay, and Bolivia in which the body setae are predominantly black with well-defined and dense silvery-white setae markings, and the metasoma has bright red integumental spots. This pattern is subject to apparent gradients in the length of the mesosomal stripes and the size of the integumental spots of T2. Interestingly, the most conspicuous color variation found for this species appears to be restricted to the Cordoba Province in Argentina wherein the spots of T2 are reduced in such a way so as to appear completely absent.


Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales


Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (Zoological Collections)


American Museum of Natural History


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen


Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County


University of Kansas - Biodiversity Institute


Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences


Cornell University Insect Collection


Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Institut


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History














Traumatomutilla centralis ( Burmeister, 1875 )

Bartholomay, Pedro R., Williams, Kevin A., Cambra, Roberto A. & Oliveira, Marcio L. 2022

Traumatomutilla centralis centralis: Suárez 1960: 472

Nonveiller, G. 1990: 76
Suarez, F. J. 1960: 472

Traumatomutilla centralis boliviana Suárez, 1960: 471

Suarez, F. J. 1960: 471

Traumatomutilla fissiventris: André, 1908b: 213

Andre, E. 1908: 213

Ephuta (Traumatomutilla) fissiventris André, 1907: 349

Andre, E. 1907: 349

Traumatomutilla centralis: André, 1904: 40

Andre, E. 1904: 40

Ephuta (Traumatomutilla) centralis: André, 1902: 54

Andre, E. 1902: 54

Mutilla centralis

Burmeister, H. C. C. 1875: 473
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