Platanthera medogensis X.H. Jin & D.L. Lin

Lin, Dongliang, Li, Jianwu, Ye, Chao, Wen, Haixia & Jin, Xiaohua, 2024, A new species of Platanthera (Orchidaceae, Orchideae) from southeast of Xizang, China, Phytotaxa 646 (2), pp. 116-124 : 117-121

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.646.2.2


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Platanthera medogensis X.H. Jin & D.L. Lin

sp. nov.

Platanthera medogensis X.H. Jin & D.L. Lin , sp. nov. ( Figure 2 View FIGURE 2 , 3 View FIGURE 3 )

Type:— CHINA. Xizang Autonomous Region, Nyingchi City, Motuo County, Gedang , terrestrial under humid alpine conifer forests, 3450 m, 31 Jul 2023, Xiaohua Jin et al. 40288 (holotype PE!, isotypes, PE!) .

Diagnosis. Platanthera medogensis is close to P. bakeriana and P. chiloglossa , but is readily distinguished from P. bakeriana by having spur slightly longer than ovary (vs. more than twice in P. bakeriana ) and ovate-lanceolate lip concave at base with two calli, and from P. chiloglossa in its linear viscidia (vs. narrowly oblong viscidia) and ovate-lanceolate lip concave at base with two calli ( Table 1 View TABLE 1 ).

Herbs, terrestrial, plants 25 cm tall. Rootstock creeping, fleshy, cylindric, stout. Stem erect, with 1 tubular membranous sheath at the base, 2-leaved. Basal leaf oblong-elliptic, 11× 1.3 cm, narrowing, clasping the stem, apex acute or obtuse-rounded; the upper leaf smaller, ovate-lanceolate, 3.5× 0.8 cm. Sterile bracts foliaceous, ovate-lanceolate, 2× 0.3 cm; raceme ca. 11 cm long, with 5–13 sparsely arranged flowers. Floral bracts ovate-lanceolate, equal to or slightly shorter than the ovary, 1× 0.3 cm, apex acute; flowers yellow-green; ovary arcuate, cylindric, tapering towards the upper part, ovary and pedicel ca. 1 cm long. Dorsal sepal ovate, concave, ca. 0.4× 0.2 cm, apex acute, one-veined; lateral sepals reflexed, ovate, oblique, 0.4× 0.1 mm, apex acute; petals ovate-elliptic, 0.4× 0.2 cm, apex slightly obtuse, erect, fused with dorsal sepal to form a hood-like structure, thickened on the side adjacent to the lip; lip ovate-lanceolate, apex acute, base concave and, with 2 horn-like calli, margins erect at base; 0.3× 0.2 cm; spur pendulous, cylindric, slightly longer than ovary, apex acute, about 1.2 cm long. Column short, ca. 0.5 mm long; anther locules almost parallel, about 1 mm long; connective narrow; pollinia elongate-obovoid, ca. 1 mm in diameter, attached to slender stalks and linear viscidia; staminodes 2, located on both sides of the base of anther locules, spherical, about 0.2 mm; rostellum concave, triangular, short; stigmas 2, slightly protruding, located below the rostellum, positioned behind the mouth of spur.

Etymology: The epithet “ medogensis ” refers to the type locality of the new species, Motuo county, Xizang, China.

Distribution and habitat: P. medogensis grows under the subtropical alpine conifer forests of Abies , at elevation of ca. 3450m.

Phenology: Flowering in July–August.

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