Syringophiloidus tarnii, Skoracki, Miej & Sikora, Bozena, 2002

Skoracki, Miej & Sikora, Bozena, 2002, New ectoparasitic mites of the family Syringophilidae (Acari: Prostigmata: Cheyletoidea) associated with birds from Argentina, Zootaxa 27, pp. 1-8 : 2-5

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.4619844

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Syringophiloidus tarnii

sp. nov.

1. Syringophiloidus tarnii sp. n. ( Figs 1­9 View FIGURES 1 ­ 4 View FIGURES 5 ­ 9 )

Female ( Figs. 1­4 View FIGURES 1 ­ 4 , 7, 8 View FIGURES 5 ­ 9 ). Total body length of holotype 710 (655­755 in five paratypes).

Gnathosoma: Gnathosoma with numerous punctations on ventral side. Hypostomal apex rounded on anterior margin. Stylophore rounded on posterior margin 180 (175­180), long; extending below propodosomal plate. Peritremes, each lateral branch with 3­4 chambers, each transverse branch with 9 chambers ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 5 ­ 9 ).

Idiosoma: Propodosomal plate with weakly sclerotized posterior margin. Setae vi, ve and sci very slightly serrate or smooth, remaining propodosomal and hysterosomal setae smooth. The length ratio of setae vi: ve: sci 1:1.3­1.5:6.2­7.8. Hysterosomal plate weakly sclerotized on anterior part, not punctated, extending to setal bases l1. The setal bases d2 1.7 times closer to l1 than to l2. The length ratio of setae d4: l4 1:8­8.7; d5: l5 1:11­12.7. Paragenital setae pg2 1.3 times shorter than pg3. Two pairs of anal setae present. Cuticular striations as in figs 1­4.

Legs: Coxae well developed and punctated. Setae p’ and p’’ of legs III and IV with 6­7 tines ( Fig.8 View FIGURES 5 ­ 9 ). Setae tc’ III­IV 1.3­1.5 times shorter than tc’’ III­IV. Setae 3c 3.0­3.3 times longer than 3b.

Lengths of setae: vi 25 (25­30); ve 40 (40); sci 195 (155­185); h 205 (155­190); sce 220 (165­225); l1 (125­145); l2 155 (115­150); l4 280 (250­260); l5 380 (330­385); d1 240 (190­220); d2 (130); d4 35 (30); d5 30 (30­35); a1 20 (20); a2 25 (30); g1 30 (30); g2 30 (30­40); ic1 (105); ic3 (80­90); 3b 40 (30­40); 3c (90­100); tc’ III­IV 60 (50­60); tc’’ III­IV 90 (80); pg1 (140­165); pg2 135 (105­135); pg3 180 (145­185).

Male ( Figs 5, 6 and 9 View FIGURES 5 ­ 9 ). Total body length 420­490.

Gnathosoma: Gnathosoma with numerous punctuations on ventral side. Hypostomal apex rounded on anterior margin. Stylophore rounded on posterior margin 150­155 long. Peritremes, each lateral branch with 3­4 chambers, each transverse branch with 9­10 chambers ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 5 ­ 9 ).

Idiosoma: Propodosomal plate weakly sclerotized. The setal bases vi, ve, sci and d1 situated on this plate. All setae of body, smooth. The length ratio of setae vi: ve: sci 1:1:2.2. Hysterosomal plate very weakly sclerotized, setal bases d2 and l 2 set on this plate. Pygidial plate weakly developed, bases of setae d5 and l 5 set on or near this plate. The setal bases d2 1.6 times closer to l1 than to l2. The setae l1 1.3­1.5 times longer than d2 and l2. Setae d5 8.8­9.3 times shorter than l5. Cuticular striations as in figs 5, 6.

Legs: Coxae well developed and without many punctations. Setae tc’ III­IV 1.5 times shorter than tc’’ III­IV.

Lengths of setae: vi 25­30; ve 30; sci 55­65; h 65­80; sce 95; l 1 20­25; l2 15; l5 185­ 220; d1 150­155; d2 15; d 5 20­25; ic1 70; ic3 45; 3b 25; 3c 60­70; tc’ III­IV 30­35; tc’’ III­ IV 55; pg1 105­110; pg2 70­75.

Eytomology. The name tarnii refers to the specific host name ­ Pteroptochos tarni .

Differential diagnosis. The new species is closely related to Syringophiloidus graculae Fain, Bochkov et Mironov, 2000 from Gracula religiosa intermedia ( Passeriformes : Sturnidae ) from S. E. Asia ( Fain et al. 2000). In both species setae ve are short (shorter than 90); setae sci are long (longer than 120); lateral branches of peritremes have fewer than five chambers; two pairs of anal setae are present.

Syringophiloidus tarnii sp. n. may be distinguished from S. graculae by the following. In females of S. tarnii sp. n., each transverse branch of peritremes has 9 chambers; the length ratio of setae vi: ve is 1:1.3­1.5; setae l1 and d2 are shorter than 150. In males setae sci are 55­65 long, the length of setae l1 are 20­25 and these setae are 1.3­1.5 times longer than d2 and l2. In females of S. graculae , each transverse branch of peritremes has 10­13 chambers; the length ratio of setae vi: ve is 1:2; setae l1 and d2 are longer than 150. In males setae sci are 110­123 long; length of setae l1 are 78­90, and these setae are 3­4 times longer than d2 and l2.

Type material. Female holotype, nine female paratypes, three male paratypes, 16 nymphae paratypes from covert feathers of the Huet­huet Pteroptochos tarni ( Passeriformes : Rhinocryptidae ); 1977; Argentina­El Bolson, Rio Negro; leg. Kovacs. Holotype, six female paratypes, two male paratypes and 16 nymph paratypes are deposited at UAM; two female paratypes at SMB; two female paratypes and one male paratype at ZIN.

















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