Calidiopsis granosa Heller, 1923

Rukmane-Bārbale, Anita, 2023, To the knowledge of the genus Calidiopsis Heller, 1912 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Celeuthetini), the first record of C. granosa Heller, 1923 from Mindanao Island (Philippines), Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 23 (1), pp. 119-123 : 120-123

publication ID 10.59893/bjc.23(1).014

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Calidiopsis granosa Heller, 1923


Calidiopsis granosa Heller, 1923 View in CoL

(Fig. 1,2,3)

Original description: ‘’ Calidiopsis granosa sp. n. Niger, parcenigrosetosa, rostro dorso dense albido, prothorace elytrisque ubique, illosqamulis minutissimis parcisque, his squamulis paulomaioribuc in loculis acervatis, canis; prothorace granulis magnitudine diversa dense obsito; elytrisseriato-granulatis, granulisnitidis, spatium sigulum explentibus, pedibus subtiliter glauco-squamosis. Long. 9-10,5, lat. 3,5-4,5 mm. Insula: Basilan (N. 7314, 15 110, 13 178).’’ ( Heller, 1923).

Notes on types: The original description was based on two specimens now deposited in MTD ( Dresden , Germany) both from Island of Basilan. The label data of Holotype include five labels: ‘’1922 / 6’’ (yellow rectangular label); ‘’Island of / Basilan / Baker’ ’ (brown rectangular label); ‘’7314’’ (brown rectangular label); ‘ ’ C. granosa / Typus’ ’ (red rectangular label); ‘’Staatl. Museum fur / Tierkunde. Dresden’’ (white rectangular label) ( Fig. 3 View Figure 3 ).


Rukmane-Bārbale A.

External morphological features: Male: Body black, with markings of single light scales on rostrum dorsally and elytra; femur, tibia and tarsus bare black or marked with single, light scales of round shape; antennae bare or marked with single, light scales of round shape; Rostrum smooth, widened to apex, with light pubescence to longer, light hairs along impressions; deep medial longitudinal groove dorsally; two deep impressions at base near the eyes; two large impressions along antennal scape. Eyes large, strongly bulging from the outline of the head, two times as wide as forehead each. Antennae with scape slightly longer than funicle and club, scape with long setae on all length, widened to apex; Prothorax strongly rugose, in dorsal contour widest just before the middle, in lateral contour curved along apical 1/2; without markings of light scales; Elytra ellipsoidal, strongly granulated, with expressed longi-

122 tudinal intervals; in dorsal contour widest just at the middle, in lateral contour gradually rounded, peak just at the middle; apical half of elytra with single setae; rare single light scales of round shape mingled on all length, density of scales vary along specimens. Dorsal habitus as showed in Fig. 1A View Figure 1 . Aedegal body as showed in Fig. 2 View Figure 2 .

Female: Bigger, prothorax and elytra more strongly rounded, hairs on legs (femur, tibia, tarsus), antenae and elytra longer, dense. Otherwise as in males. Dorsal habitus as shown in Fig. 1B View Figure 1 .

Measurements: Male: LB: 6.8 - 8.6 (mean 7.7), LE: 4.5 - 5.9 (mean 5.2), LP: 2.1 - 2.6 (mean 2.4), LR: 1.0 - 1.3 (mean 1.2), WE: 3.7 - 4.1 (mean 3.9), WP: 1.9 - 2.0 (mean 1.95), WR: 0.8 - 1.0 (mean 0.9) (N=4 for all measurements); Female: LB: 8.5 – 9.2 (mean 8.8), LE: 6.0 – 6.7 (mean 6.4), LP: 2.8 – 2.9 (mean 2.85), LR: 1.2 - 1.4 (mean 1.3), WE: 4.6 – 4.8 (mean 4.7), WP: 2.3 – 2.6 (mean 2.45), WR: 1.1 – 1.3 (mean 1.2) (N=3 for all measurements).

Material examined: 7 ex. (4 males, 3 females) ‘’ PHILIPPINES / Mindanao, Zamboanga, Siocon / VIII. 2022 / local collector leg.’’ (white rectangular label, printed) .

Distribution: Basilan Island and Southern Zamboanga (Siocon).


Museum of Zoology Senckenberg Dresden













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