Amazunculus panamensis Marques, Skevington & Rafael, 2019

Marques, Dayse W. A., Skevington, Jeffrey H. & Rafael, José A., 2019, Revision of the genus Amazunculus Rafael (Diptera: Pipunculidae), with description of six new species, Zootaxa 4577 (3), pp. 439-472 : 462-463

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Plazi (2019-04-08 06:22:00, last updated 2019-04-08 06:22:01)

scientific name

Amazunculus panamensis Marques, Skevington & Rafael

sp. nov.

Amazunculus panamensis Marques, Skevington & Rafael , sp. nov.

Figs 138–152 6BCC2050-2D1E-4964-86BF-1E2 F26998 View Materials F14

Diagnosis. Antenna brown. Wing entirely hyaline. Epandrium not inflated. Surstyli symmetrical, subtriangular, not fused with epandrium. Hypandrium with two distinct lobes near base of phallic guide. Phallic guide short, wider at base. Basal processes of phallus short, not surpassing the hypandrium width. Phallus without apical projections.

Description of male. Body length 6.9 mm. Head ( Fig. 138). Eyes contiguous for a distance of eighteen facets. F, EM, V = 0.5 mm, 0.7 mm, 0.4 mm. Frontal triangle and face grey pruinose. Postcranium dark, brown pruinose dorsally and grey pruinose laterally and ventrally. Antennae ( Fig. 139) with scape dark brown; pedicel dark brown, with five dorsal and three ventral bristles; postpedicel light brown with apex rounded below. LPP/WPP = 1.4. Labellum dark yellow to light brown. Thorax. Postpronotal lobe brown, grey-brown pruinose. Scutum and scutellum black with brown pruinescence. Notopleuron concolorous with the scutum, mostly grey pruinose. Mesopleuron dark brown, grey pruinose; katatergite and anatergite grey pruinose. Mediotergite dark brown to black with brown pruinescence medially. Wing ( Fig. 140). Length 8.1 mm. LW/MWW = 3.7. LTC/LFC = 1. Membrane entirely hyaline. Halter with stem dark yellow to light brown and knob dark brown. Legs ( Fig. 138). All legs dark brown, with articulations, apices of femora and bases of the tibiae yellow; all femora and tibiae with dense grey pruinescence on the posterior face below. Pulvilli yellow. Abdomen ( Fig. 141). Almost as long as wide. Black with brown pruinescence, all tergites with narrow bands of grey pruinescence posterolaterally. Tergites 6, 7 and sternites 6 and 7 as in Fig. 143. Syntergosternite 8 mostly brown pruinose; about 0.4× length of tergite 5 ( Fig. 141) and with a large circular membranous area ( Figs 144–145). Terminalia. Epandrium and surstyli yellowish brown ( Fig. 145). Surstyli ( Fig. 145) symmetrical, subtriangular, not fused with epandrium and not elongated dorsoventrally in lateral view ( Figs 146–147). Hypandrium with two distinct lobes ( Figs. 148–150). Phallic guide ( Figs 148–151) short and curved, almost as long as hypandrium; wider at base ( Fig. 151). Basal processes of phallus short and rounded, not surpassing the hypandrium width. Phallus without apical projections ( Fig. 149). Ejaculatory apodeme as in Fig. 152.

Female. Unknown.

Type material. HOLOTYPE ♂: “PANAMA-Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Is., [9.15°N, 79.85°W], 7.iii.63 No. CW & ME Rettenmeyer” “ Taken in Malaise trap ” “ J. Skevington Specimen #50731” “DW0144” “ Holotype ♂, Amazunculus panamensis Marques, Skevington & Rafael ” ( KSUC) ( Fig. 142). GoogleMaps

Holotype condition. Right wing detached, mounted on microslide. Right hind leg lost. Terminalia placed in a microvial with glycerin.

Etymology. The specific epithet ‘ panamensis ’ refers to the country of the type locality, Panama.

Geographical distribution. This species is known only from the type locality, Canal Zone, Panama ( Fig. 183).

Habitat. This species was collected with Malaise trap at ground level in a forested area.


Museum of Entomological and Prairie Arthropod Research, Kansas State University











