Amazunculus francyae Marques, Skevington & Rafael, 2019

Marques, Dayse W. A., Skevington, Jeffrey H. & Rafael, José A., 2019, Revision of the genus Amazunculus Rafael (Diptera: Pipunculidae), with description of six new species, Zootaxa 4577 (3), pp. 439-472 : 456-460

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Plazi (2019-04-08 06:22:00, last updated 2024-11-24 22:52:39)

scientific name

Amazunculus francyae Marques, Skevington & Rafael

sp. nov.

Amazunculus francyae Marques, Skevington & Rafael , sp. nov.

Figs 108–123 View FIGURES 108–112 View FIGURES 113–123 AC4EBCFA-95D7-4813-8028-F8CA3723E909

Diagnosis. Antenna brown. Wing base darkened. Syntergosternite 8 with a very small circular membranous area. Epandrium inflated. Surstyli symmetrical, with truncated apex, fused with epandrium. Phallic guide long, with parallel sides over most of its length and tapered at apex in ventral view. Basal processes of phallus long, surpassing the hypandrium width. Phallus with two apical projections.

Description of male. Body length 7.2 mm. Head ( Fig. 108 View FIGURES 108–112 ). Eyes contiguous for a distance of eighteen facets. F, EM, V = 0.7 mm, 0.7 mm, 0.4 mm. Frontal triangle black, brown pruinose; face grey pruinose. Postcranium dark, brown pruinose dorsally and grey pruinose laterally and ventrally. Antennae ( Fig. 109 View FIGURES 108–112 ) with scape dark brown; pedicel dark brown, with six dorsal and four ventral bristles; postpedicel brown with apex rounded below. LPP/WPP = 1.6. Labellum brown. Thorax. Postpronotal lobe brown, brown pruinose. Scutum and scutellum black with brown pruinescence. Notopleuron concolorous with scutum, brown pruinose. Mesopleuron black, mostly brown pruinose, except the anepisternum with grey pruinescence anteriorly; katatergite with grey pruinescence anteriorly and anatergite with brown pruinescence. Mediotergite black with brown pruinescence. Wing ( Fig. 110 View FIGURES 108–112 ). Length 8.6 mm. LW/MWW = 3.6. LTC/LFC = 1.4. Membrane mostly hyaline except by darkened base. Halter with stem light brown and knob dark brown. Legs ( Fig. 108 View FIGURES 108–112 ). All legs dark brown to black, with articulations and bases of the tibiae somewhat yellowish brown; femora with grey-brown pruinescence on the posterior face below (mainly brown). Pulvilli yellow. Abdomen ( Fig. 111 View FIGURES 108–112 ). Slightly wider than long. Black, all tergites with interrupted bands of brown pruinescence posteriorly. Tergites 6, 7 and sternites 6 and 7 as in Fig. 113 View FIGURES 113–123 . Syntergosternite 8 mostly brown pruinose, about half-length of tergite 5 ( Fig. 111 View FIGURES 108–112 ) and with a very small circular membranous area ( Figs 114–115 View FIGURES 113–123 ). Terminalia. Epandrium yellowish brown, inflated ( Fig. 115 View FIGURES 113–123 ). Surstyli ( Figs 115–116 View FIGURES 113–123 ) yellowish brown, symmetrical, with truncate apex, fused with epandrium, elongated ventrally, widened ventrally and surpassing lateral margin of epandrium in lateral view ( Figs 117–118 View FIGURES 113–123 ). Phallic guide ( Figs 119–121 View FIGURES 113–123 ) very long and curved, slightly surpassing surstyli, about 1.8× the hypandrium length; with parallel sides over most of its length and tapered at apex in ventral view. Basal processes of phallus long and rounded, surpassing the hypandrium width ( Fig. 119 View FIGURES 113–123 ). Phallus with two sclerotized and rounded apical projections ( Fig. 121 View FIGURES 113–123 ). Ejaculatory apodeme as in Fig. 123 View FIGURES 113–123 .

Female. Unknown.

Type material. HOLOTYPE ♂: “ECU[ ADOR]: Napo, Jatun Sacha Res.[erve], 6 Km E Misahuallí, 450 m, 1°4'S, 77°37'W, 30 Apr-8, May 2002, S.M. Paiero, debu00178402” “ J. Skevington Specimen #50730” “DW0143” “ Holotype ♂, Amazunculus francyae Marques, Skevington & Rafael ” ( DEBU) ( Fig. 112 View FIGURES 108–112 ). GoogleMaps

Holotype condition. Right wing detached, mounted on microslide. Terminalia placed in a microvial with glycerin.

Etymology. The new species name is dedicated to the first author’s grandmother, whose nickname Francy is derived from her name Francisca.

Geographical distribution. This species is known only from the type locality, Napo, Ecuador ( Fig. 183 View FIGURES 183 ).

Habitat. This species was collected in a tropical rainforest reserve located on the south shore of the Napo river in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

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FIGURES 183. Distribution of Amazunculus species. 183, A. claripennis Rafael & Rosa, A. duckei Galinkin & Rafael, A. francyae sp. nov., A. manauara sp. nov., A. panamensis sp. nov., A. platypodus (Hardy) and A. psilalarius sp. nov.

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FIGURES 108–112. Amazunculus francyae sp. nov. Holotype male. 108, Habitus, left lateral view; 109, Antenna; 110, Wing; 111, Abdomen, dorsal view; 112, Holotype labels.

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FIGURES 113–123. Amazunculus francyae sp. nov. Holotype male. 113, Tergites 6, 7 and sternites 6, 7, ventral view; 114, Syntergosternite 8, posterior view; 115, Terminalia, dorsal view; 116, Surstyli, dorsal view; 117, Left surstylus, lateral view; 118, Right surstylus, lateral view; 119, Hypandrium, phallic guide and phallus, ventral view (basal processes of phallus outlined); 120, Phallic guide, dorsal view; 121, Hypandrium, phallic guide, phallus and ejaculatory apodeme, left lateral view; 122, Phallus, lateral view; 123, Ejaculatory apodeme.


Ontario Insect Collection, University of Guelph











