Amazunculus acreanus Marques, Skevington & Rafael, 2019

Marques, Dayse W. A., Skevington, Jeffrey H. & Rafael, José A., 2019, Revision of the genus Amazunculus Rafael (Diptera: Pipunculidae), with description of six new species, Zootaxa 4577 (3), pp. 439-472 : 442-444

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Plazi (2019-04-08 06:22:00, last updated 2019-04-08 06:22:01)

scientific name

Amazunculus acreanus Marques, Skevington & Rafael

sp. nov.

Amazunculus acreanus Marques, Skevington & Rafael , sp. nov.

Figs 1–15 948F3DC9-0762-42B7-B2A8-2 E76005 View Materials D3244

Diagnosis. Antenna dark brown. Wing base darkened. Epandrium moderately inflated. Surstyli symmetrical, subtriangular, not fused with epandrium. Phallic guide short, subparallel-sided in ventral view; nearly straight in lateral view. Basal processes of phallus large, surpassing posterior margin of hypandrium. Phallus with two short, pointed projections apically.

Description of male. Body length 6.8 mm. Head ( Fig. 1). Eyes contiguous for a distance of sixteen facets. F, EM, V = 0.7 mm, 0.5 mm, 0.3 mm. Frontal triangle grey-brown pruinose and face grey pruinose. Postcranium dark, brown pruinose dorsally and grey pruinose laterally and ventrally. Antennae ( Fig. 2) with scape dark brown; pedicel dark brown, with five dorsal and five ventral bristles; postpedicel dark brown with apex rounded below. LPP/WPP = 1.7. Labellum brownish yellow. Thorax. Postpronotal lobe dark brown, grey-brown pruinose. Scutum and scutellum dark brown to black with brown pruinescence. Notopleuron concolorous with the scutum, mostly grey pruinose. Mesopleuron dark brown to black, grey pruinose; laterotergite grey pruinose; mediotergite black with brown pruinescence medially. Wing ( Fig. 3). Length 7.6 mm. LW/MWW = 3.8. LTC/LFC = 1.25. Membrane mostly hyaline except by darkened base. Halter with stem light brown and knob dark brown. Legs ( Fig. 1). All legs dark brown to black, with apices of coxae, trochanters and femora and bases of the tibiae somewhat yellow; femora with grey pruinescence on the posterior face. Pulvilli yellow. Abdomen ( Fig. 4). Almost as long as wide. Black with brown pruinescence, all tergites with bands of grey pruinescence posteriorly. Tergites 6, 7 and sternites 6 and 7 as in Fig. 6. Syntergosternite 8 mostly brown pruinose; about equal in length to tergite 5 ( Fig. 4) and with a moderately large membranous area ( Fig. 7). Terminalia. Epandrium and surstyli dark yellow to light brown ( Figs 8–9). Surstyli ( Figs 8–9) symmetrical, subtriangular, not fused with epandrium; when seen in lateral view subequal in width dorsally and ventrally, not projected towards epandrium and not surpassing the margins of epandrium ( Figs 10–11). Phallic guide ( Figs 12–13, 15) short, about 1.2× the hypandrium length; subparallel-sided in ventral view ( Fig. 13); nearly straight in lateral view ( Fig. 15). Basal processes of phallus large, surpassing posterior margin of hypandrium ( Fig. 12). Phallus with two sclerotized small and pointed projections apically ( Figs 14–15). Ejaculatory apodeme as in Fig. 15.

Female. Unknown.

Type material. HOLOTYPE ♂: “ BRASIL, AC [Acre], Rio Branco, [9°58'30.81"S, 67°49'29.67"W], 25–x a 8– xi–91, F. Ramos / A. Henriques, I. Gorayeb / N. Bittencourt ” “Armadilha 20 m Suspensa, Mata T.[erra] firme” “DW0057” “ Holotype ♂, Amazunculus acreanus Marques, Skevington & Rafael ” ( MPEG) ( Fig. 5). GoogleMaps

Holotype condition. Right postpedicel lost. Right wing detached, mounted on microslide. Terminalia placed in a microvial with glycerin.

Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the type locality, Acre state.

Geographical distribution. This species is known only from the type locality, Acre, Brazil ( Fig. 182).

Habitat. This new species was collected in the canopy of the Amazon rainforest of the Brazilian state of Acre.


Amherst College, Beneski Museum of Natural History


Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi











