Platycrepidius tico, Johnson, Paul J., 2000

Johnson, Paul J., 2000, New Species And Records Of Platycrepidius Candèze From Costa Rica And Panama (Coleoptera: Elateridae), The Coleopterists Bulletin 54 (3), pp. 284-290 : 289-290

publication ID 10.1649/0010-065x(2000)054[0284:nsarop];2

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Platycrepidius tico

sp. nov.

Platycrepidius tico new species

Type Series. Holotype,?, labeled ‘‘Est. San Ramón Oeste, Prov. Alaju, COSTA RICA, 620m, 3–19 Abr 1994, F. Quesada, L N 318100 p 381900 #2817; INBIO CRI001776358 .’’

Etymology. The species epithet ‘‘ tico ’’ is the informal local term for a Costa Rican citizen, and is used as a noun in apposition.

Diagnosis. The entirely reddish­yellow pronotum lacking vittae or maculae and two black vittae on each elytron in combination is distinctive for this species. Pretarsal claws as above.

Description. Length 13.0– 14.2 mm, width 3.5–4.1 mm; elongate, silhouette subfusiform, shallowly convex; integument shining, finely shallowly punctured, finely pubescent. Head dark rufotestaceous; frons with a shallow subtriangular impression, frontal margin obtuse, projecting over labrum; antennae strongly serrate from segment 4, segments 1–4 and basal portion of segment 5 rufotestaceous, segment 5 apical portion and segments 6–11 darkly infuscate. Pronotum dark rufotestaceous, hind angles testaceous; hind angles slightly divergent, unicarinate dorsally; pronotal base with short smooth median carina on declivity, testaceous; hypomeron rufotestaceous anteriorly, grading to testaceous posteriorly, mesal margin shallowly grooved and slightly flaired anteriorly. Scutellum nigrous. Elytra flavous, with strial intervals 1–3 nigrous to midlength, intervals 1–2 nigrous from midlength to apex, intervals 6–9 nigrous from metafemoral notch to apex. Prosternum rufotestaceous to coxal cavities, intercoxal mucro nigrous to piceous. Mesosternum and metasternum nigrous to piceous. Abdominal ventrites nigrous to piceo­infuscate, with lateral margins flavous. Legs testaceous. Aedeagus ( Fig. 6 View Figs ) with median lobe shallowly constricted at midlength, narrow apically, apex obtuse; paramere narrowly sagittate, with 3–4 dorsal and 13–15 ventral setae.

Additional material examined. COSTA RICA, Prov. Alajuela, CRI001770036 (/), CRI001820508 (/); Prov. Guanacaste, CRI000898491 (/); Prov. Limón, CRI001353034 (/), CRI001352888 (/), CRI001730280 (/); Prov. Heredia, CRI001243263 (/), CRI002740110 (?), La Selva Biol. Sta. (?)(INBio­ALAS), F. La Selva, 3 km S. Pt. Viejo (?)( PJJC) .













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