Neoromicia guineensis (Bocage, 1889)

Amori, Giovanni, Segniagbeto, Gabriel Hoinsoude, Decher, Jan, Assou, Delagnon, Gippoliti, Spartaco & Luiselli, Luca, 2016, Non-marine mammals of Togo (West Africa): an annotated checklist, Zoosystema 38 (2), pp. 201-244 : 220-221

publication ID 10.5252/z2016n2a3

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Marcus (2021-08-30 10:23:39, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-05 23:02:14)

scientific name

Neoromicia guineensis (Bocage, 1889)


Neoromicia guineensis (Bocage, 1889) View in CoL °


No voucher available, but likely present in Togo as it is known from Ghana and Benin ( ACR 2015 ; Capo-Chichi et al. 2004) .

Neoromicia nanus (Peters, 1852)

HISTORICAL LITERATURE AND VOUCHERS. — Fifteen Vouchers were collected by the African Mammal Project from Ezimé and Pewa ( Robbins 1980; NMNH). Other records are from Bismarckburg, Misahohe (ZMB), Borgou and Niamtougou ( De Vree et al. 1970).

Neoromicia rendalli (Thomas, 1889)

VOUCHERS. — Three specimens labeled N. rendalli at ZMB.


This species is supposedly widespread in Togo, from extreme North to the coastal southern regions (IUCN 2014).

Neoromicia somalicus (Thomas, 1901)

HISTORICAL LITERATURE. — Reported from Atakpamé, Namoundjoga and Témedja ( De Vree et al. 1969, 1970).

VOUCHERS. — One specimen from an unknown locality in Togo is stored at ZMB.

Neoromicia tenuipinnis (Peters, 1872)

HISTORICAL LITERATURE AND VOUCHERS. — Voucher from Bismarckburg (Adéle) at ZMB. Recorded from the same locality by Matschie (1893b).

Nycticeinops schlieffeni (Peters, 1859)

HISTORICAL LITERATURE AND VOUCHERS. — There are two specimens from Pewa in the NMNH database. First recorded at Fazao and Paio ( De Vree et al. 1969, 1970). Another voucher, coming from an unknown Togo locality, is stored in the ZMB.

Pipistrellus nanulus Thomas, 1904


Present in central Togo by IUCN (2014), but no by other sources.Twelve Togolese vouchers, identified as Pipistrellus sp. , are actually stored in the ZMB. These vouchers originated from Bismarckburg, Sansanné-Mango, and Atakpamé. These vouchers should be properly classified in order to confirm the occurrence of Pipistrellus nanulus in Togo.

Scotophilus dinganii (A. Smith, 1833)

HISTORICAL LITERATURE AND VOUCHERS. — One specimen was collected by the African Mammal Project from Ezimé ( Robbins 1980; Robbins et al. 1985; NMNH) and Atakpamé ( De Vree et al. 1969).


Just across the border, this species was found in Ghana at Agumatsa Wildlife Sanctuary below Wli Waterfall (Decher & Abedi-Lartey 2002).

Scotophilus leucogaster (Cretzschmar, 1830)

VOUCHERS. — Vouchers from Borgou, Namoudjoga, Namergou, Niamtougou (MRAC) ( Robbins et al. 1985).


The systematics of the Scotophilus Leach, 1821 group is not yet fully resolved, and it is possible that in Togo also the sister species Scotophilus nigritellus De Winton, 1899 may occur. Scotophilus nigritellus is genetically very close to leucogaster and is known to occur in eastern Ghana (Vallo et al. 2013).

Scotophilus nigrita (Schreber, 1774)

HISTORICAL LITERATURE AND VOUCHERS. — Recorded from Borgou ( De Vree & Van der Straeten 1971) and “ Togo ” (ZMB).

Scotophilus viridis (Peters, 1852)

VOUCHERS. — Nine specimens from “ Togo ” are stored at ZMB.


Widespread in Togo according to IUCN (2014) and indirectly cited for the country by Simmons (2005).

ACR 2015. - African Chiroptera Report. 2015. AfricanBats, Pretoria. i-xix, 1 - 7001. http: // www. africanbats. org

DE VREE F., DE ROO A. & VERHEYEN W. N. 1969. - Contribution a l'etude des Chiropteres de la Republique du Togo. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique africaines 80: 200 - 207.

DE VREE F., HULSELMANS J. & VERHEYEN W. N. 1970. - Contribution a l'etude des Chiropteres de la Republique du Togo. 2. Liste preliminaire des Chiropteres recoltes par la deuxieme Mission zoologique belge au Togo. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique africaines. 82: 41 - 46.

DE VREE F. & VAN DER STRAETEN E. 1971. - Contribution a l'etude des Chiropteres de la Republique du Togo. 2. Liste preliminaire des Chiropteres recoltes par la troisieme mission zoologique Belge au Togo. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique africaines 83: 159 - 164.

MATSCHIE P. 1893 b. - Saugethiere des Togogebietes, in Beitrage zur Fauna des Togolandes. Mittheilungen aus den deutschen Schutzegebieten 6: 162 - 180.

MATSCHIE P. 1899. - Saugethiere aus den Sammlungen des Herrn Graf Zech in Kratyi, Togo. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin 1899: 4 - 15.

ROBBINS C. B. 1980. - Small mammals of Togo and Benin. I. Chiroptera. Mammalia 44: 83 - 88.

ROBBINS G. B., DE VREE F. & VAN CAKENBERGHE V. 1985. - A systematic revision of the African bat genus Scotophilus (Vespertilionidae). Zoologische Wetenschappen 246: 51 - 84.

SIMMONS N. B. 2005. - Order Chiroptera, in WILSON D. E. & REEDER D. M. (eds), Mammal Species of theWorld. ATaxonomic and Geographic Reference. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 312 - 529.