Ambonga lanceolata, Andrew Hamilton, K. G., 2014

Andrew Hamilton, K. G., 2014, The old-world Zygonini tr. nov. (Hemiptera, Cercopoidea, Clastopteridae), with new taxa from the related Machaerotinae, Zootaxa 3768 (4), pp. 437-459 : 447

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3768.4.3

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Plazi (2016-04-11 15:52:18, last updated 2024-11-26 08:14:05)

scientific name

Ambonga lanceolata

sp. nov.

Ambonga lanceolata sp. nov.

Etymology. lanceolata (adjective), Latin for “spear-like”

Diagnosis. Shape as in A. apicenotata . Pale yellow, faded to ivory on venter and tegmina, marked with prominent brown patch occupying posterior half of pronotum except for humeral angles, extending forwards as 4 blunt serrations that extend to anterior third; tegmen shiny, punctures most evident on costal plaque; a bold arrowhead-shaped dark brown patch covering crossvein m-cu and extending to midlength of anteapical cell and surrounded by paler area in membrane behind arcuate pale brown band extending from end of clavus, curving forward to costa; tip of tegmen edged with black. Tylus broadly rounded, crown three-quarters as long as wide; head much narrower (0.65 ×) than pronotum; antenna with coeloconic sensillae grouped in a large pit situated low on postpedicel, and basiconic sensillum tiny, button-shaped ( Fig. 28 View FIGURES 18 – 32 C). Tegminal veins carinate apically ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1 – 4 A), first apical cell divided by a crossvein, distinctly wider at base than preceding costal cell (in turn divided by 3 distinct crossveins), and inner anteapical cell broadly triangular, two-thirds as wide as long, and with a distinct bulla near sinuation of Cu; a second, weaker bulla closing base of second anteapical cell; hind wing as in A. apicenotata but with 2 hooks on costal lobe and 2 others on costal margin distad of lobe. Ovipositor 1.6 mm long, robust, evenly tapered on apical two-thirds to a narrow point, with a very low tooth on dorsal margin just beyond midlength ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 5 – 9 H). Male unknown. Length: female, 6.6 mm.

Type. Holotype female, MADAGASCAR: Province Diego-Suarez, Parc national Montagne d’Ambre, 960 m, 12o30'52" S 49o10'53" E, 19 March–5 Apr. 2001 (R. Harin’Hala) malaise trap, MA–01–01A–09. Type in CAS (CASENT 3001172); barcode-of-life database ( BOLD): CNC # HEM 402111.

Remarks. The antenna of the holotype differs considerably from that of the genotype, as does the ovipositor shape, although these two specimens were taken on the same mountain at the same time of year (although about a century apart).

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FIGURES 18 – 32. Antennae of Clastopteridae: Clastopterinae (18 – 20) and Machaerotinae: Hindolini (21 – 23), Machaerotini (24 – 25) and Zygonini (26 – 32, boxed set). A, lateral aspect of head; B, detail of antennal and antenna ledge; C, tip of antenna, showing postpedicel; D, detail of postpedicel showing detail of pits, revealing 4 enclosed coeloconic sensilla in communal pits. 18, Clastoptera; 19, Sepullia; 20, Grellaphia; 21, Chaetophyes; 22, Hindola; 23, Allox; 24, Blastocaena; 25, Irridiculum; 26, Pseudomachaerota cucullata; 27, Zygon, with detail showing basiconic sensilla (b) and coeloconic sensilla (c) of various types (shown in greater detail in Fig. 38); 28, Ambonga lanceolata (Zygonini); 29, Ambonga apicenotata syntype with insert showing sensilla at base of arista; 30, Pseudoclastoptera irrubesco sp. nov., holotype; 31 – 32, Pseudoclastoptera invidia sp. nov., male holotype (32) and unassociated female (31).

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FIGURES 1 – 4. New species of Zygonini, lateral aspect (A), dorsolateral aspect with pin erased (B), facial aspect (C) and hind legs (D). 1, Zygon desegregatum, male (A) and female (B) paratypes; 2, Pseudomachaerota cucullata, holotype; 3, Ambonga lanceolata, holotype; 4, Pseudoclastoptera irrubesco, holotype. Figs 1 and 3 A – B to same scale; Figs 2 and 4 A – B slightly larger; Figs C and D largest. Scale line: 1 mm.

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FIGURES 5 – 9. Zygonini, dorsolateral aspect (A); male subgenital plates (B), ventral aspect; (C), genital capsule and theca (with style in 7 – 9), lateral aspect; (D), theca, caudal aspect; (E) habitus, dorsal aspect. 5, Pseudoclastoptera irrubesco (style as in Pseudomachaerota); 6, Pseudomachaerota olivacea, female holotype; 7, Pseudomachaerota cucullata; 8, Hemizygon saturnus; 9, Zygon desegregatum. Scale line for habitus drawings: 1 mm.


California Academy of Sciences


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


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