Dragmaxia Hallmann, 1916

Carvalho, Mariana De S. & Hajdu, Eduardo, 2004, Dragmaxia anomala sp. n. (Demospongiae: Halichondrida) from the southwestern Atlantic (Brazil), Zootaxa 400 (1), pp. 1-6 : 3

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.400.1.1



persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Dragmaxia Hallmann, 1916


Genus Dragmaxia Hallmann, 1916

Diagnosis: Axinellidae (?) with styles/ rhabdostyles forming plumose axes and pointing outwards in the periphery. Microscleres are long sinuous trichodragmata and/or isolated raphides. Terminal ends of raphides normally ornamented with fine spines (amended from ALVAREZ & HOOPER, 2002).

Type species: Spongosorites variabilis Whitelegge, 1907: 513 (by original designation)

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