Sorindeia africana (Engl.) Van der Veken

Breteler, F. J., 2003, The African genus Sorindeia (Anacardiaceae): A synoptic revision, Adansonia (3) 25 (1), pp. 93-113 : 98-101

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Sorindeia africana (Engl.) Van der Veken


1. Sorindeia africana (Engl.) Van der Veken View in CoL

Bull. Jard. Bot. État 29: 42 (1959); Fl. Congo Belge

et Ruanda-Urundi 9: 92 (1960) — Thyrsodium

africanum Engl., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 16: 106 (1892). —

Type: Pogge 717, Congo (Kinshasa), Mukenge, Mar .

1882, ♂ fl. (syn-, B, delet.; lecto-, K, designated here) .

Sorindeia africana (Engl.) Van der Veken var. lastoursvillensis (Pellegr.) Van der Veken, Flore du Congo Belge & Ruanda-Urundi 9: 93 (1960). — Type: see below under S. lastoursvillensis .

Sorindeia nitidula Engl., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. View in CoL 36: 221 (1905); Keay in Hutch. & Dalziel, Fl. West Trop. Afr. , ed. 2, 1: 737 (1958). — Type: Zenker 802, Cameroun, Yaoundé, fl. Mar. (holo-, B, delet.; lecto-, Z, designated here; isolecto-, G, K, P).

Sorindeia gilletii De Wild., Ann. Mus. View in CoL Congo sér. 5, Bot. 1: 281, t. 66 (1906); Van der Veken, Fl. Congo Belge & Ruanda-Urundi 9: 96 (1960). — Type: Ch. Gérard in Gillet 1925, Congo (Kinshasa), Lukaya R., fr. Jan. (holo-, BR).

Sorindeia kimuenzae De Wild., Ann. Mus. Congo sér. 5, Bot. 1: 281, t. 72 (1906). — Type: Gillet 1935, Congo (Kinshasa), Kimuenza, fr. (lecto-, BR, désignated here).

Sorindeia crassifolia Engl. & Krause, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. View in CoL 46: 338 (1911). — Type : Ledermann 6153, Cameroun, between Ndonge and Bare, fl.b. Nov. (holo-, B, delet.). Neotype (designated here): Leeuwenberg 9575, Cameroun, 1 km S of Manengouba village, fl.b. Apr. (WAG; iso-, BR, K, LISC, MO, P, PRE, UPS, YA).

Sorindeia lamprophylla Engl. & Krause, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. View in CoL 46: 340 (1911). — Type: Zenker 3567, Cameroun. Makao, fl.b. (holo-, B; iso-, BM, BR, G, GOET, HBG, MO, P, Z).

Sorindeia ochracea Engl., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. View in CoL 46: 339 (1911). — Type: Zenker 3875, Cameroun, Bipindi, fl. Mar. (holo-, B, delet.; lecto-, K, designated here; isolecto-, BM, BR, G, GOET, HBG, K, MO).

Sorindeia tessmannii Engl., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. View in CoL 46: 340 (1911). — Type : Tessmann 400, 408, Equatorial Guinea, Nkolentangan, fl. May (syn-, B, delet.). Neotype: J.M. & B. Reitsma, Gabon, Oveng, fl. Sep. (WAG; iso-, LBV, MO), see note.

Sorindeia lemairei De Wild., Bull. Jard. Bot. État. View in CoL 4: 371 (1914). — Type: Lemaire 403, Congo (Kinshasa), Mobwasa, ♂ fl. June (lecto-, BR, designated here).

Sorindeia revoluta Engl. View in CoL & v. Brehmer, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 54: 312 (1917). — Type: Mildbraed 3113, Congo (Kinshasa), Marabi on Ituri R., fl. Apr. (holo-, B, delet.; lecto-, HBG, designated here).

Sorindeia letestui Pellegr., Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. (Paris) View in CoL 28: 313 (1922). — Type: Le Testu 1649, Gabon, Issala, fl. Oct. (holo-, P; iso-, BM, BR).

Sorindeia tchibangensis Pellegr., Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. (Paris) View in CoL 28: 314 (1922). — Type: Le Testu 1625, Gabon, Tchibanga, fl. Sep. (holo-, P; iso-, A, BM, BR, Z).

Sorindeia maxima Vermoesen, Man. Ess. For. View in CoL Congo Belge: 251 (1923). — Type: De Briey 145, Congo (Kinshasa), Buku-Dungu, fl., fr. (holo-, BR).

Sorindeia lastoursvillensis Pellegr., Bull. Soc. Bot. View in CoL France 102: 330 (1956). — Type: Le Testu 7879, Gabon, Lastoursville, fl. Jan. (holo-, P; iso-, WAG).

Sorindeia befalensis Van der Veken, Bull. Jard. Bot. État View in CoL 29: 243 (1959); Fl. Congo Belge & Ruanda- Urundi 9: 95 (1960). — Type: Evrard 3644, Congo (Kinshasa), Befale, fl. Mar. (holo-, BR).

Sorindeia multifoliolata Van der Veken var. multifoliolata, Bull. Jard. Bot. État View in CoL 29: 248 (1959); Fl. Congo Belge & Ruanda-Urundi 9: 94 (1960). — Type: A. Léonard 3256, Congo (Kinshasa), Bunyakiri, fl.b. Mar. (holo-, BR; iso-, K) .

Sorindeia multifoliolata Van der Veken var. watsaensis Van der Veken, Bull. Jard. Bot. État View in CoL 29: 250 (1959); Fl. Congo Belge & Ruanda-Urundi 9: 95 (1960). — Type: Noël 19, Congo (Kinshasa), Watsa, ♀ fl.b. (holo-, BRLU; iso-, BR).

Sorindeia ferruginea Engl., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. View in CoL 46: 341 (1911), nom. illeg. (not S. ferruginea, Mar. 1869 View in CoL ). — Type : Ledermann 29, Congo (Kinshasa) Kondue (holo-, B, delet.). Neotype not designated.

Shrub or tree up to 33 m tall and 40 cm d.b.h. Branches ± glabrous to distinctly (brown-) hairy. Leaves (1-)7-13(-19)-foliolate; folioles papery to coriaceous, very variable in size, (5-)10-20(-28) × (2-)4-6(-10) cm, rounded to cunate and unequal-sided or not at base, acuminate at apex, ± glabrous to distinctly (brown-) hairy; lateral nerves (10-)11-14(-16) pairs, the collecting nerve usually distinct. Inflorescence up to c. 50 cm long, pubescent to puberulous, the indumentum extending beyond the articulation in the pedicel on the calyx and often on the petals as well. Flowers (Feb.-Dec.), the male with 11-16 stamens, the female with 5(-7) staminodes; pistil glabrous to puberulous. Fruits (Nov.-Feb., May- July) up to 20 × 16 × 14 mm, yellow to orange at maturity, glabrous to puberulous. — Figs. 1A View Fig , 3A View Fig , 4. View Fig

HABITAT AND DISTRIBUTION. — Rain forest from eastern Nigeria to Angola and Central African Republic. Alt. up to c. 1500 m.

SELECTED SPECIMENS. — ANGOLA: Luna de Carvalho 37, Dundo, fl.b. Aug. (BR); Gossweiler 14017, Dundo, fl. May (BM). — CAMEROUN: Bates 1608 , Bitye, fl. Feb. (BM, MO, Z); Breteler 1347, Djang, fl. May (K, P, WAG); Breteler 2708, Oveng, fl.b. Mar. (A, G, K, MO, P, WAG, Z); W. de Wilde c.s. 2393, Nanpé, fl. May (P, WAG); W. de Wilde c.s. 2851, 70 km W of Eséka, fr. July (P, WAG); Etuge & Thomas 164, Bakossi Mts., fr. June (K, WAG); Fleury 33192, Douala, fl.b. June (P); Leeuwenberg 9575, Manengouba village, fl. Apr. (K, P, UPS, WAG); Letouzey 11231, Bandonga, fl. Feb. (HBG, K, P, WAG); Maitland 671, Buea, fl. (K, P); Mildbraed 8239, 115 km NE of Yaoundé, fl.b. Feb. (K); Thomas 8260, Toko, fl. Mar. (MO); Zenker 802, Yaoundé, fl.b. (G, K, P, Z). — CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC: Thomas & Fay 7268, 30 km S of Libongo, fr. July (MO); Tisserant Equipe 2414, fl. Apr. (BM, P). — CONGO (Brazzaville): Cusset 1296, Dimonika, fl., fr. Dec. (P); Koechlin 5256, Kinkala, fl. Sep. (P, WAG); Sita 2604 , near Brazzaville, Oct. (P). — CONGO (Kinshasa): Bamps 605, Yangambi, fl. Apr. (BR, K, WAG); Breyne 287, Tshela, fl.b. Aug. (BR); Compère 1085, Zaza, fl.b. Dec. (BR); Davio 28, Mvuazi, fr. Dec. (A, BR, K); Delvaux 349, fl.b. July (BR); Delvaux 362, Kabinda, fl. July (BR); Desenfans 1957, Mapanda, fl.b. Aug. (BR); Devred 2549, Kiyaka, fr. Sep. (BR, MO); Detchuvi 968, Botsima, fl.b. Mar. (BR); Donis 1669, Luki, fr. Jan. (BR, FHO, K, P); Dubois 684, Tshuapa, fr. May (BR); Evrard 2796, Monkoto, ster. Oct. (Br, K); Evrard 3644, Befale, fl.b. Mar. (BR); Evrard 5714, Yalisanga, fl. Feb. (BR, K); Evrard 5777, Djolu-Befori, fl.b. Feb. (BR); Evrard 6092, Bolengambi, fl.b. Apr. (BR, K); Evrard 6210, Yalisenga, fr. Apr. (BR); Gaillez- Mahin 47, km 37 Elundu-Kindu, fl.b. Sep. (BR); Gérard 1752, Tukpwo, fr. June (BR); Gérard 2807, Madabu, fl. Apr. (BR, K); Gérard 4862, Bambesa, fl.b. Mar. (BR); Gillardin 593, Mukumari, fl. June (BR); Hart 173, Epulu, fl.b. Dec. (BR); E & M. Laurent s.n., Munungu, fr. Nov. (BR); Lebrun 2969, Angodia, fl. May (BR, G, WAG); Lebrun 6113, Katako Kombe, fl.b. Sep. (BR); Lebrun 6330, Kole, fl.b. Oct. (A, BR, K); Lebrun 6535, Bumbuli, fl.b. (BR, K); Leemans 642, Eala, fl. (BR, K, L, WAG); A. Léonard 1846, Kabunga, ster. Nov. (BR, FHO); A. Léonard 3256, Bunyakiri, fl. Mar. (BR, K); A. Léonard 6018, Kamisuku, Aug. (BR, FHO, K); Lescrauwaet 225, Foa Lake, fr. Sep. (BR); Liben 1684, Dimbelenge, fr. Oct. (BR); Liben 3510, Musoko, fl.b. Aug. (BR, WAG); Liben 3553, Gandajika, fl.b. July (BR, K); Louis 14144, Opala, fr. Feb. (BR); Luja s.n., Sankuru, fl.b. June (BR); Michelson 157, Pangi, fl.b. June (BR); Mildbraed 3113, Kasanga, fl. Apr. (HBG); Noel 19, Watsa, fl. (BRLU); Pogge 717, Mukenge, fl. Mar. (K); Vanderijst 12413, Bampunu, fr. Oct. (BR); Wagemans 748, Gimbi, fr. Dec. (BR, L, WAG). — GABON: Bos et al. 10744, Bélinga, Babiel Sud, fr. July (K, LBV, MO, WAG); Breteler et al. 9930, 30 km NE Lastoursville, fr. Apr. (LBV, WAG); Breteler & Jongkind 10225, Rabi- Kounga, fl. Oct. (LBV, WAG); Breteler et al. 13298, 6 km E of Ndambi, fl. Oct. (WAG); Breteler et al. 14735, Makandé, fr. Jan. (LBV, WAG); Florence 1786, 120 km Makokou-Libreville, fr. Mar. (P); Hladik 1785, Ipassa, fl. Dec. (P); Le Testu 1625, Tchibanga, fl. Sep. (A, BM, BR, P, Z); Le Testu 1649, Issala, fl. Oct. (BM, BR, P); Le Testu 2097, Malemba, fl. Aug. (BM, P); Le Testu 9167, Oyem, fl. June (BM, P); Le Testu 9601, Mimvoul, fl. June (BM, P); A. Louis et al. 1208, Bikélé, fl. Dec. (BR, LBV, MO, P, WAG); McPherson 15629, Lopé-Okanda Reserve, W of Offoué R., fr. Dec. (LBV, MO); Reitsma c.s. 1199, Oveng, ster. June (LBV, WAG); Reitsma c.s. 1420, Doudou Mts., fl.b. Aug. (LBV, WAG); Reitsma c.s. 3112, Ekobakoba, ster. Feb. (LBV, WAG). — NIGERIA: Daramola FHI 31281, Ishan, fl. Apr. (FHO, K); Kennedy 2382, Sapoba, fr. (FHO); Latilo FHO 30983, Ikom, fl.b. May (K); Talbot 1714, Oban, fl.b. (BM); van Meer 1302, Oban Group F.R., fl. Apr. (BR, WAG).

NOTES. — Sorindeia africana is a variable species. This is reflected by the large number of synonyms. This variation concerns the indumentum, from almost glabrous in the former S. letestui to very hairy in the former S. lastoursvillensis , and the number of leaflets, 3 in the former S. befalensis to many in VAN DER VEKEN’ s S. multifoliolata . Also the indumentum of the ovary is variable: thus S. multifoliolata var. watsaensis with glabrous ovaries is distinguished from the typical form.

Whether the petals are keeled inside or not, seems to be related to the number of stamens in the male flower: many stamens with ± flat petals, few stamens with keeled petals. In the female flowers, usually with 5 staminodes only, the petals are mostly distinctly ridged.

Both S. africana and S. juglandifolia more or less fit the original description of S. tessmanni , and they probably both occur in Equatorial Guinea. Unfortunately all the material that I have seen from that country which represents these species, is sterile. On account of the following elements of this description: ‘calyx brevis ad medium usque in lobes late ovatos divisus’ and ‘ staminum filamenta tenuia, antherae anguste oblongae filamentis paulum breviores ’, however, I have placed S. tessmannii in synonymy of S. africana and selected the neotype accordingly.

I have followed VAN DER VEKEN as regards the synonymity of Sorindeia maxima Verm. The type material is sterile which implies that its identification is however doubtful .

2. Sorindeia batekeensis Lecomte

Bull. Soc. Bot. France 55: 181 (1908). — Type: Thollon 576, Congo (Brazzaville), Alima river bank, July (lecto-, P, designated here) .

Tree. Leaves (17-)19-23-foliolate; rachis and petiolule puberulous; leaflets ± oblong, (3-)7- 11(-13) × 2-2.5(-3) cm with numerous ± parallel nerves, unequal-sided, caudate-acuminate. Inflorescence a narrow panicle, cauliflorous, 8- 18 cm long, sparsely puberulous. Male and complete female flowers unknown. Upper part of pedicel and calyx glabrous in fruit. Fruit (immature) obovoid, sparsely puberulous. — Figs. 3B View Fig , 5. View Fig


Batéké Plateau, Congo (Brazzaville).

SPECIMENS EXAMINED. — CONGO (Brazzaville): Thollon 576, Alima river bank, July ( P, type); Thollon 36, Dielé (Batéké), Sep. ( P) .

NOTES. — LECOMTE described his species with axillary, glabrous, inflorescences. The two collections on which he based S. batekeensis , however, show separate leaves and (puberulous) inflorescences, which suggests strongly that the latter have been taken from a trunk.

The description of the collecting localities of the two specimens are imprecise. Therefore the geographical localization of S. batekeensis on Fig. 5 View Fig is an approximation. As these localities are both situated on the Batéké Plateau, they are represented by a single point.


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


Royal Botanic Gardens


Embrapa Agrobiology Diazothrophic Microbial Culture Collection


Société Polymathique du Morbihan


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants














Sorindeia africana (Engl.) Van der Veken

Breteler, F. J. 2003

Sorindeia revoluta

Brehmer 1917: 312
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