Spinosphaera hutchingsae Londoño­Mesa, 2003

Londoño-Mesa, Mario H. & Carrera-Parra, Luis F., 2005, Terebellidae (Polychaeta) from the Mexican Caribbean with description of four new species, Zootaxa 1057, pp. 1-44 : 32-33

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.170120



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Spinosphaera hutchingsae Londoño­Mesa, 2003


Spinosphaera hutchingsae Londoño­Mesa, 2003 View in CoL

Spinosphaera hutchingsae Londoño­Mesa, 2003: 752 View in CoL –755, Figure 4 View FIGURE 4

Material examined: Holotype ECOSUR0043 (1) Contoy Island (21°30’8.4’’N 86°47’45.3’’W), Jun. 1999, 3 m depth; inside dead Strombus gigas conch. Paratypes: ECOSUR0044 (1) Off Xahayxol (18°30’15’’N 87°45’32’’W), 1 Jun. 1999, 1.5 m depth. ECOSUR0045 (1) Off Xahayxol (18°30’15’’N 87°45’32’’W), 25 Sep. 1996. ECOSUR0046 (2) Off Xahayxol (18°30’15’’N 87°45’32’’W), 27 Sep. 1996. LACM­AHF Poly 2116 (1) Off Xahayxol (18°30’15’’N 87°45’32’’W), 27 Sep. 1996, 2 m depth. LACM­AHF Poly 2117 (2) Off Punta Herradura (18°32’23”N 87°44’32”W), 28 Sep. 1996, 2 m depth.

Description: Holotype complete, pale on preserved material, with 35 segments; 10.5 mm long; thorax 1.0 mm wide. Eyespots in two lateral groups of 15–20 on the tentacular membrane, joined by narrow belt which extends across the whole membrane, formed by two irregular lines of eyespots. Eleven ventral shields present, starting from segment 2, anterior shields large, tapering to narrow pads posteriorly. Paratype (ECOSUR0044) with one pair of nephridial papillae on segment 17, as a swollen and rounded structure anterodorsal to notopodia. Notopodia starting from segment 4–25. Chaetae of two types, equalsized, distally bilimbate capillaries, from segment 4–10, and spinosphaera chaetae of two sizes in the same chaetigers, from segment 11–25; distal region of the spinosphaera chaetae denticulate, finely pointed tip, neck as wide as the basal region, or as wide as 2/3 the widest part of the middle region; middle region spinous, swollen by twice the basal region; basal region smooth, without spines or limbs; short spinosphaera chaeta in the same shape, as long as the middle region of the longest ones. Neuropodia starting from segment 5, with uncini arraged in single rows on segment 5–10, in double rows from segment 11, in face to face position. Unicini with long rostrum, formed by large pointed tooth; capitium with many accessory teeth; subrostral appendix spoon­like, under the main fang; basis curved with reduced anterior process; heel­like posterior process, a curved occipitium. Thoracic uncini with dental formula MF:6–7:6–7:11–12:11–12; abdominal uncini with dental formula MF:4–6:5–6:7–8. Pygidium with many papillae surrounded the anus as rosette­like projections.

Var ia t io n: The total number of segments in all specimens complete revised varies from 24 to 35 segments.

Remarks: A more complete description of this species is provided in the original description ( Londoño­Mesa, 2003).

Distribution: Mexican Caribbean.
















Spinosphaera hutchingsae Londoño­Mesa, 2003

Londoño-Mesa, Mario H. & Carrera-Parra, Luis F. 2005

Spinosphaera hutchingsae Londoño­Mesa, 2003 : 752

Londono-Mesa 2003: 752
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