Acyphoderes amboroensis, Clarke, 2013

Clarke, Robin O. S., 2013, Bolivian Rhinotragini Vii: Provisional Report Of Higher Altitude Species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) With Descriptions Of New Taxa, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 53 (28), pp. 373-406 : 373-406

publication ID 10.1590/S0031-10492013002800001

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scientific name

Acyphoderes amboroensis

sp. nov.

Acyphoderes amboroensis View in CoL sp. nov.

Fig. 1A View FIGURES 1‑3

Holotype male: 14.2 mm. Deposited at MNKM.

Diagnosis: Acyphoderes amboroensis is most closely related to A. carinicollis Bates, 1873 , but differs by the following characters: legs black, with or without dark chestnut hue, except basal half of metafemoral peduncle yellow (in A. carinicollis legs rufous and black, base of meso- and metafemoral peduncle yellow); pronotum lacking patches of pubescence (in A. carinicollis pronotum with patches of golden or silvery pubescence); apex of elytra reach middle of urosternite IV (in A. carinicollis middle of III); sides of soleate depression towards apex of urosternite V raised, but not tuberculate (in A. carinicollis sides of this depression raised into pair of upright tubercles); abdominal process about 30° to abdomen (in A. carinicollis abdominal process planar with abdomen).

Two species of South American Acyphoderes , Acyphoderes itaiuba Martins & Galileo, 2004 and Acyphoderes odyneroides White, 1855 also have inclined abdominal processes, but in their case 90-100° to abdomen. A. amboroensis is also readily separated from the former by its, simple, setose metatibiae (in A. itaiuba the metatibiae have brushes); and also easily separated from the latter by the apex of its elytra, which are not spined (in A. odyneroides the apex of the elytron is drawn out into a spine).

Both Acyphoderes amboroensis and A. carinicollis differ from other South American species of Acyphoderes by the following characters: metatibiae simply setose (in other species metatibiae with distinct brush); rostrum short, width/length 2.40-2.50 (in other species rostrum either very short, width/ length 2.80-3.60, or long, width/length 1.70-1.80); length antennomere III moderately short, lengths III / scape 1.14-1.19 (in other species length antennomere III either very short, lengths III /scape 0.85, or long, lengths III /scape 1.40).

Description of holotype: Colour black, only mouthparts, humeri, translucent panels on elytra, and most of metatibial peduncle yellow or yellowish; and inner edge of mandibles, antennomeres IV-XI and tarsi chestnut.

General pubescence: Upper side of head and elytra almost glabrous; pronotum with uniform, moderately dense, erect to suberect, brown pubescence. Underside with similar, but longer and denser pubescence on mentum-submentum and prosternum; and on metasternum and metepisternum, but hairs subrecumbent and ashy, and on apex of mesepimeron and front margin of metasternum overlying layer of dense, short, white hairs. The latter also clothing surfaces of all urosternites, except hind margins (which are smooth and glabrous). Scape, pedicel and antennomeres III-V with thick, black setae ventrally. Legs covered with moderately dense, suberect, whitish pubescence (longest towards apex of metatibiae); on tarsi hairs rather short, thicker and chestnut.

Surface ornamentation: Puncturation on upper side of head, and on all of prothorax and sides of elytra, small and dense (on the latter two more uniform, contiguous and alveolate); and at base of elytra larger, alveolate, and slightly beveled (only elytral panels impunctate). Surface of antennomeres, meso- and metasterna, abdomen and tibiae, minutely shagreened and closely micropunctate; larger, simple, deep punctures only found between carinas of mentum-submentum, on antennal clave and pedicel (these remaining shiny), femora, and surface of soleate depression of urosternite V.

Structure: Moderately small and narrow; elytra subulate and slightly dilated towards rounded apex; forebody 0.87 length of abdomen. Head with eyes (1.70 mm), distinctly narrower than width of prothorax. Rostrum 2.4 wider than long, and almost parallel-sided. Labrum rather small; with rounded sides and weakly emarginate apex; nearly twice as wide as long; and punctate. Clypeus almost planar with frons; only punctate adjacent to basal margin. Eyes large; rounded, length and width of inferior lobes (0.70 mm), about one third longer than genae; their proximal margins just lying on genae, distal margins truncate; width of one inferior lobe 2.3 times interocular space (0.30 mm). Superior lobes of eye with 10-12 rows of fine ommatidia, separated by (0.60 mm) about 2.5 times their own width. Antennal tubercles with rounded apices; the distance between them more than twice width of scape. Antennae moderately long, reaching apical third of urosternite I; antennomeres subfiliform; VI-X weakly serrate, the apical angles rounded; scape subcylindrical, not much shorter (0.80 mm) than antennomere III; pedicel oval (0.25 mm); III cylindrical, longer (0.95 mm) than rest; IV short (0.60 mm); V-VII (0.65-0.70 mm); VIII (0.60 mm); IX (0.55 mm); X (0.50 mm); XI (0.55 mm) relatively wide, with narrower apical cone. Prothorax elongate, 1.1 longer than wide; widest at apical third; sides not at all sinuate, well rounded from weak apical constriction to narrow basal constriction; pronotal surface uneven, its convexity interrupted by calli, and between the pair of lateral calli depressed; lateral calli lie within middle half of disc, arced, narrow and impunctate anteriorly, wider, more prominent and closely punctate posteriorly; median callus impunctate, narrow and short. Prosternum not declivous across middle, but front margin prominent, sloping to prosternal process; the latter moderately arced, base narrowing towards apex, width of base 8.0 times narrower than width of coxal cavity; apex elongate and trapezoidal, the apical half bent upwards. Procoxal cavities ovate, distinctly closed behind, plugged laterally. Mesosternum deeply and abruptly declivous. Base of mesosternal process moderately broad (0.25 mm), sides well raised, much narrower than coxal cavity (0.75 mm); apex of mesosternal process bilobed (separated by short wide notch), the lobes moderately short, narrow and divergent. Mesocoxal cavity narrowly open to mesepimeron; the latter narrow, and constricted at middle, depressed at midline. Scutellum scutate, moderately short, rounded at apex. Elytra subulate and subfissate (leaving apices of elytra well apart); 3.1 longer than width of humeri, reaching middle of urosternite IV; narrow, and not hiding mesosterna; sides narrowing behind shoulders as far as basal third, then almost subparallel to apex, apical fifth sublobate; apices flat and slightly oblique (lateral side longer), and bluntly acuminate. Humeri slightly projecting and moderately prominent. Surface of elytron sloping from humerus towards scutellum, area adjacent to scutellum moderately raised, thus leaving a narrow elongate depression between humerus and scutellum; without humero-apical costa; epipleur not vertical adjacent to humerus, flat (with border clearly visible) and narrow to apex; inner side of epipleur incrementally raised towards apex of elytron, leaving a narrow, but distinct fold almost to apex; the rest of elytron’s surface rather flat, and largely occupied by the translucent panel, which is well demarcated mesally by the relatively strong sutural border, and laterally by the closely punctured, black epipleur (only at base is panel poorly delimited, where a narrow part of it projects into the depression between humerus and scutellum). Metasternum large, convex, slightly less so behind (and planar with mesocoxae); sides rounded from base to middle of apical margin; longitudinal suture almost complete (albeit shallow and narrow to front, deeper and broader behind); metasternal process short, wide, and triangular, with thick, raised borders at apex, the latter acuminate. Metepisternum not strongly cuneate, widest at base, and moderately narrowed to apex. Abdomen moderately vespiform, narrowest at middle of urosternite I, widest at base of IV (and V hardly narrower than IV). Urosternites nearly quadrate to weakly transverse, slightly rounded at sides; urosternites I (1.70 mm) the longest, II and III (1.40 mm); IV (1.30 mm); V (1.20 mm); V weakly trapezoidal, bell-shaped depression occupying most of disc, its sides not strongly, but rather abruptly raised (viewed laterally appearing winged with short round- ed apices); apical margin almost truncate. Abdominal process moderately inclined (approx. 30 degrees) to abdomen; narrow and triangular, sides raised, intimately inserted between metacoxae; entirely yellow in colour. Apical tergite moderately short, subtrapezoidal, apex emarginate, and hardly overlapping apex of urosternite V. Legs rather long and robust; ratio length front, middle, and hind leg 1.0:1.2:1.7; strongly pedunculate-clavate; profemora 2.00 mm long, mesofemora shorter (2.70 mm) than metafemora (3.80 mm); meso- and metafemoral peduncles narrow and flat, pro- and mesofemoral claves moderately tumid, the latter more tumid mesally (width of clave/ length femora 3.0). Profemoral peduncle very short (about 1/8 length of clave); profemur and protibia equal in length (2.00 mm); protibia with lateral side obliquely excised at apex, and apical margin projecting at middle. Protarsomeres I and II trapezoidal, I quadrate, II transverse, III wider than I and II (the lobes broad and weakly separated, mesal lobe longer than lateral one). Mesotibia (2.00 mm) shorter than mesofemur, cylindrical, almost straight, and steadily thickened to apex. Mesotarsus similar in structure to, and equal in length to, protarsus (1.50 mm). Hind leg moderately long (9.00 mm), about two-thirds total length of body; apex of femora reaching apex of urosternite III, clave fusiform and subabrupt, about 1/3 longer than peduncle; metatibia (3.50 mm long) cylindrical, robust, bisinuate, widening from middle to apex; metatarsus robust, 2.20 mm long; metatarsomere I elongate (widening slightly to apex), 1.6 longer than II + III; II trapezoidal and wider than I, III wider than II, the lobes rather elongate and not widely separated.

Measurements (mm): 1 male: total length 14.2; length of pronotum 2.3; width of pronotum 2.1; length of elytra 7.2; width at humeri 2.3.

Type material: Holotype male, BOLIVIA, Santa Cruz, Provincia Florida, Floripondio (east), 18°08’S / 63°44’W, 1914 m, on/flying to flowers of “Sotillo”, 26.XI.2009, Clarke & Zamalloa col. ( MNKM). GoogleMaps

Etymology: This species’ name refers to Amboró National Park, whence (Latin, “ensis”) the species came from.


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