Suwallia, Ricker, 1943

Judson, Sarah W. & Nelson, C. Riley, 2012, 3541, Zootaxa 3541, pp. 1-118 : 27

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Suwallia View in CoL

DIAGNOSIS: The general color of species in this genus is yellow in both life and when preserved in alcohol ( Fig. 120), with dark pigmentation in the ocellar triangle, dark antennae, thin medial and peripheral stripes on the pronotum, U-shaped markings on the meso- and metanota, and a wide medial abdominal stripe extending most of the length of the abdomen. On males, setose finger-like medially-directed hemitergal processes originate from segment 10 ( Fig. 123). The unhinged, knob-like epiproct ( Fig. 123) is distinct from all other Chloroperlidae . The female subgenital plate covers sternum 8 and gradually narrows to a rounded or truncate apex ( Fig. 124), covering much of sternum 9 as well. The nymphs exhibit distinct dark pigmentation ( Fig. 129) between and anterior to the ocellar region, and have dense dark hairs in patches on thoracic sterna.

DISTRIBUTION—Global: Nearctic & East Palearctic— Regional: AOB, IDB— Aimag: AR, BO, BU^, GA^, KhD, KhG, OV^, SE, TO, UB*,UV*, ZA.

DISCUSSION: Suwallia is the most common genus of Chloroperlidae in Mongolia and is found in a large variety of habitat types. Detailed species descriptions and SEMs are given in Alexander and Stewart (1999).

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