Aporatea Simon, 1897a: 199

RAMÍREZ, MARTÍN J., 2003, The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): A Phylogenetic Revision At The Generic Level, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2003 (277), pp. 1-262 : 214-224

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1206/0003-0090(2003)277<0001:TSSAAA>2.0.CO;2

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scientific name

Aporatea Simon, 1897a: 199


Aporatea Simon, 1897a: 199 (type species by original designation Aporatea valdiviensis Simon, 1897 ). Gerschman and Schiapelli, 1975:

184. Ramírez, 1995a: 381. Synonymized by Ramírez, 1995b: 88.

NOTE: The concept that Simon had of Oxysoma is approximately coincident with that of Arachosia and Tasata as proposed here, while he described true Oxysoma as Aporatea (see Introduction).

TABLE 26 Synapomorphies of Oxysoma and Internal Clades

DESCRIPTION: Color yellowish with dark small dots, sometimes with dark or white patches (fig. 115). Abdomen elongate (except O. saccatum ). Chelicerae with three teeth on promargin, two on retromargin. Male palp with secondary conductor well developed, complex, not fused to anterior margin of tegulum; prolateral portion with rounded, flattened lobe directed backward, canal ending in sharp, curved tip (except in O. itambezinho , canal apparently ending on retrolateral portion). Epigyne with anterior pouch of variable shape; copulatory ducts with characteristic course (see Diagnosis).

DISTRIBUTION: Three species from southern forests in Argentina and Chile, one from Araucaria forest in Southestern Brazil.

COMPOSITION: At least the four species here included. Some Chilean forms quite similar to O. longiventre may belong to a cluster of closely related species.

NOMINA DUBIA: Oxysoma auratum Nicolet, 1849 (type should be in MHNP, not found); Oxysoma delfini Simon, 1905 (immature female holotype presumably in MHNP, not found; see also Note under Monapia dilaticollis ).

Oxysoma punctatum Nicolet Figures 14A View Fig , 61F View Fig , 115A, B View Fig , 116A–C View Fig , 117 View Fig , 118A–D, 119A View Fig

DIAGNOSIS: Resembles some Tasata in having a pale, elongate body and pattern of small dark dots, but can be distinguished by having a characteristic course in the copulatory ducts: they arise close to each other, then diverge backward, describing a curve in the epigastric fold, converging again near their connection with the spermathecae (figs. 118D, 120E, 123B).

Oxysoma punctata Nicolet, 1849: 513 (25 immature syntypes from Chile, no specific locality, in MHNP 4120, 4122, 4124, 4125, examined).

Oxysoma punctipes Nicolet, 1849: 512 View in CoL (female lectotype, two immatures and a specimen without abdomen paralectotypes here designated, from Chile, no specific locality, in MHNP, examined). NEW SYNONYMY.

Oxysoma aurata Nicolet, 1849: 513 (female lectotype, a female and two immature paralectotypes here designated, from Chile, no specific locality, in MHNP, examined). NEW SYNONYMY.

Oxysoma longipes Nicolet, 1849: 514 View in CoL (female lectotype, three male and one immature paralectotypes here designated, from Chile, no specific locality, in MHNP, examined). NEW SYNONYMY.

Oxysoma lineata Nicolet, 1849: 515 (male lectotype and four immature paralectotypes here designated, from Chile, no specific locality, in MHNP, examined). NEW SYNONYMY.

Aporatea valdiviensis Simon, 1897a: 199 (female holotype from Chile, Valdivia, in MHNP 18248, examined). Tullgren, 1902: 56. Gerschman and Schiapelli, 1975: 184. Zapfe, 1951: 4. NEW SYNONYMY.

Oxysoma lineatum View in CoL (Nicolet, not Tullgren): Bonnet, 1958: 3269.

Oxysoma punctatum View in CoL : Bonnet, 1958: 3269.

Oxysoma valdiviensis : Ramírez, 1995b: 88.

Oxysoma valdiviense View in CoL : Platnick View in CoL , 1997: 693 (emendation of O. valdiviensis ).

SYNONYMY: The types of the species synonymized were examined, together with numerous specimens; no relevant differences were found. The synonymies here proposed would not surprise Nicolet, who stated (1849: 515): ‘‘En general, las Araneidas de este género son tan parecidas que es difícil el distinguirlas, y aun es probable que muchas sean sólo variedades unas de otras.’’ (In general, the Araneids of this genus are so similar that they are difficult to distinguish, and it is even probable that many are only varieties of the others.)

DIAGNOSIS: This species resembles other Oxysoma and Tasata in having a pale, elongate body with pattern of small dark dots, but can be distinguished by having anterior epigynal ridges (fig. 118D), a narrow anterior pouch, a membranous area between epigyne and epigastric furrow, and a thin, C­shaped, curved paramedian apophysis (fig. 116B). Immatures differ from those of the similar and sympatric species Tasata chiloensis by having a longer abdomen.

FEMALE (Contulmo): Total length 9.30. Carapace flattened, thoracic groove not evident, in depressed area, length 3.17, width 2.30, wider on legs II–III. Length of tibia/ metatarsus: I, 5.90/4.65; II, 4.26/3.50; III, 2.47/2.20; IV, 3.72/3.65. Palpal tarsus length 1.37. Chelicerae with two teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 1.73, width 1.23. Spines: leg I, femur d 1–1–1, p 0­ d1­ 1­ d1, r 0­ d1­ d1; tibia v 0­ 2­ 2­ 2, p and r 0­ d1–1, d r1–1 (all basals displaced apically); metatarsus v 2bas, p and r d1bas, d 0­ p1­ 0­ 2. II = I. III, femur = I; patella 0; tibia = I; metatarsus v 2­ p1–0 and an apical group of hairs, p and r d1–0–1, d 0­ p1–2. IV, femur d 1–1–1, p 0­ d1­ 1­ d1, r d1ap; patella 0; tibia = I; metatarsus v 2–2–0 and an apical group of hairs, p and r d1–1–1, d 0­ p1–2. Abdomen length 6.65, width 2.26, spiracle–epigastrium 3.17, spiracle–spinnerets 1.83. Color (cf. fig. 115A, B): yellow with dark dots, grayish spots. Venter yellow. Spinnerets as in figure 117B–D. Epigyne (fig. 117A, 118D): anterior pouch forming circular or oval opening, with margins prolonged anteriorly, parallel, close to each other; lumen double, small. Median field elongate, narrow. Lateral lobes fused behind median field, continued in unsclerotized area, wrinkled, forming posterior margin of epigyne. Anterior margin of epigyne with two arched ridges limiting depressed areas. Copulatory ducts long, sinuous, describing internal posterior ample loop, on epigastric fold.

MALE (Contulmo): Total length 9.18. Carapace relatively wider than that of female, length 3.17, width 2.43. Length of tibia/ metatarsus: I, 7.05/6.30; II, 5.05/4.30; III, 2.97/2.50; IV, 4.26/4.12. Chelicerae slightly smaller than those of female. Sternum length 1.67, width 1.17. Spines as in female, except patellae I–IV, r d1, d 1–0–1. Abdomen length 5.60, width 1.75, spiracle–epigastrium 2.40, spiracle–spinnerets 1.73. Color: similar to female, but darker. Palp (figs. 61F, 116A–C, 118A–C): tibia long, width/length 0.47, cymbium relatively large, retrolateral margin with median thick protuberance (fig. 118C). Tegulum relatively narrow. Embolus long, thin, base closely fitted to secondary conductor, basal process very small (fig. 116C). Median apophysis very long, thin, sinuous. Base of paramedian apophysis large, heavily sclerotized, with globose protuberance, forming hollow under tegulum; tip thin, elongate, recurved. Triangular sclerotized area runs from sperm duct to base of median apophysis. Primary conductor absent. Secondary conductor well developed, complex, anterior margin wide, flattened, striate, separated from anterior margin of tegulum by membranous area, much wider on retrolateral side; retrolateral portion continued in thin, weakly sclerotized area, covered by thin denticles.

VARIABILITY: Dorsal abdominal pattern extremely variable (compare fig. 115A, B), may be white uniform, with a few small spots (usually the anterior dark dot remains), may have four dark spots in addition to anterior one, two parallel bands made of small dots, median dark stripe, large dark patch on anterior half plus two chevrons on posterior, and so on. Besides the dark dots, the legs may have some black spots. A few specimens have a dark central patch on carapace. The size of the female abdomen varies widely according to their physiological state, those of ovigerous females are huge. Spines: metatarsus III, v 2bas.

NATURAL HISTORY: This species lives on foliage, preferably on ‘‘colihue’’ bamboos ( Chusquea spp. ), where they are quite cryptic. Females hide the eggsac with their own body (fig. 115A, B). Zapfe (1951) erroneously mentioned this species as an ‘‘ecological indicator’’ of bamboo leaf litter. Specimens were occasionally found in the extensive samples of leaf litter taken from localities were this species is common on foliage, obviously because the spiders jump from the foliage when severely disturbed.

DISTRIBUTION: Humid southern forests in Argentina , from Neuquén to Chubut, and Chile, from Curicó to Chiloe´; an isolated record from Quintay, in Valparaíso, might indicate an interesting relict or a mislabeling (see also Philisca hyadesi ).

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: ARGENTINA: Neuquén: Lanín Natl. Park: Hua Hum, I.1985, M. Ramírez, 13 (MACN­Ar); Lago Lácar, 5 km E Hua Hum, 5.XI.1981, Nielsen and Karsholt, 1♀, 13 immatures (ZMK); Pucara´, II.1961, M.E. Galiano, 3 immatures (MACN­Ar 5289), 1.II.1971, Schajovskoy, 43 (MACN­Ar 6445); XII.1973, S. Schajovskoy, 23 3♀, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); II.1974, S. Schajovskoy, 13 (MACN­Ar 6813), 6 immatures (MACN­Ar), 13 (MACN­Ar 6814), 1♀ (MACN­Ar 6812); 750 m, 1.XII.1978, Misión Científica Danesa, 1♀ (ZMK); Nahuel Huapi Natl. Park : Puerto Blest, II.1986, M. Ramírez, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); 770 m, 22.XII.1981, Nielsen and Karsholt, 13 (ZMK); 22.XII.1978, Misión Científica Danesa, 1♀ penultimate (ZMK); 7–20.I.2000, L. Lopardo and A. Quaglino, 4 immatures (MACN­Ar); Lago Ortiz Basualdo, I.1990, M. Ramírez, 13 (MACN­Ar 9828). Río Negro: San Carlos de Bariloche, Colonia Suiza, 14.XII.1978, Misión Científica Danesa, 13 (ZMK); 810 m, 22.XI.1978, Misión Científica Danesa, 1 immature (ZMK). Chubut: Los Alerces Natl. Park: Lago Futalaufquen, I.1990, M.J. Ramírez, 1♀ 1 immature (MACN­Ar). CHILE: Región V (Valparaíso): Valparaíso: 80 km SE Quintay, 33°12̍S, 71°41̍W, 150 m, 17.II.1967, E.I. Schlinger, 1 immature (CAS). Región VII (Maule): Curicó: Las Tablas, E Curico´, II.1985, L. Peña, 2♀ and many immatures (AMNH). Talca: Alto de Vilches, 17– 24.X.1964, L. Peña, 2 immatures (MCZ); elev. 1180 m, 35°36̍S, 71°04̍W, 14.15. XI.1993, N. Platnick, K. Catley, M. Ramírez, T. Allen , 23, 13 1♀ (AMNH); Gil de Vilches, 7.I.1989, M. Ramírez, 1♀ (MACN­Ar). Cauquenes: W Cauquenes, 350 m, 4.X.1983, 13 (AMNH); Reserva Nac. Los Ruiles, W Cauquenes, elev. 135 m, 35°50̍S, 72°31̍W, 15.XI.1993, N. Platnick, K. Catley, M. Ramírez, T. Allen , 13 1♀ (AMNH); Tregualemu, 500 m, 7.XI.1993, L. Peña (AMNH); 50 m, 4–5.XI.1993, L. Peña, A. Ugarte, 23 3 immatures (AMNH); 520 m, 6–7.XI.1993, L. Peña and A. Ugarte, 23 (AMNH). Linares: Fundo Malcho, Andes in Parral, 11–20.XI.1964, L. Peña, 4♀, 3 immatures (MCZ). Región VIII (Biobío): Ñuble: Punta El Zorro, 20.XII.1992, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ (AMNH). Concepción: Bosque de Ramuntcho, 14–16.X.1961, F. Jeldes and A. Archer, 1 immature (AMNH); 9.II.1992, Ramírez, Platnick, Goloboff , 1♀ (MACN­Ar), 1♀ (AMNH); road Chome­Ramuntcho, 8.XI.1996, T. Cekalovic, 13 (AMNH); Cerro Caracol, Concepción, elev. 200 m, 36°51̍S, 73°02̍W, 17.XI.1993, N. Platnick, K. Catley, M. Ramírez, T. Allen , 13 2♀ (AMNH); Estero Nonguén, 5.X.1996, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ (AMNH); Fundo El Manzano, 8.XI.1992, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ 1 immature (AMNH); Hualpén, 11.I.1989, M. Ramı´rez, 1♀, 2♀ (MACN­Ar, photographed); Patagual, 29.XI.1993, T. Cekalovic, TC­369, 1♀ (AMNH); Tome´, 8.X.1983, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ (AMNH). Biobío: El Manzano, nr. Contulmo, 15.XII.1985, L.E. Peña, 13 (AMNH); Caledonia, E Mulchen, 700 m, 10 – 15.II.1981, L.E. Peña, 1♀ 2 immatures (AMNH). Región IX (Araucanía): Malleco: 40 km W Angol, Nahuelbuta Natl. Park, FITS, 1200 –1500 m, Nothofagus / Araucaria forest, 9.XII.1984 – 17.II.1985, S. and J. Peck, 13, 13 (AMNH); Monumento Natural Contulmo, 12.I.1989, M. Ramírez, 1♀ (MACNAr), 53 9♀ (MACN­Ar 9829); mixed evergreen forest, 11.XII.1984 – 13.II.1985, S. and J. Peck, 13, 13 1♀ (AMNH), 13.II.1992, M. Ramírez, N. Platnick, P. Goloboff , 1♀ (AMNH), 19–21.XII.1998, M. Ramírez, L. Compagnucci, C. Grismado, L. Lopardo, 33 (MACN­Ar), 33 1♀ (MHNS); Nahuelbuta Natl. Park , 1.II.1967, Ross and Michelbach­ er, 1 immature (CAS), 13.II.1992, M. Ramírez, N. Platnick, P. Goloboff , 1♀ (AMNH); Pata de Gallina, S Contulmo, 14.II.1992, M. Ramírez, N. Platnick, P. Goloboff , 1♀ (AMNH); 3 km W Victoria, FIT, 100 m, mixed Nothofagus forest, 13.XII.1984 – 12.II.1985, S. and J. Peck, 1♀ Cautín: Cerro Ñielol, Temuco, I.1989, M. Ramírez, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); Chacamo, NW Nueva Imperial, W Temuco, 16–24.II.1981, L.E. Peña, 1♀ and many immatures (AMNH); 15 km NE Villarrica, Flor del Lago, 300 m, 2 FITS, Nothofagus forest, 14.XII.1984 – 10.II.1985, S. and J. Peck, 13 (AMNH); 30 km NE Villarrica, 1–30.I.1965, L. Peña, 1♀ and many immatures (MCZ); NE Villarrica, 16–31.XII.1964, L. Peña, 3 immatures, 4 immatures (MCZ). Región X (Los Lagos): Valdivia: Purolón, NW Panguipulli, 10.VI.1985, L.E. Peña, 2♀ 1 immature (AMNH); Valdivia, XI–XII.1982, E. Krahmer, 23 1 immature (MHNS 697), 1983, E. Krahmer, 1♀ 2 immatures (MHNS 825); Valdivia, 6 km N of Niebla, 16.II.1992, M. Ramírez, N. Platnick, P. Goloboff , 1♀ 1 immature (AMNH). Osorno: Maicolpue´, 64 km W Osorno, 19.II.1992, M. Ramírez, N. Platnick, P. Goloboff , 1 immature (AMNH), Puyehue Natl. Park, Aguas Calientes , 480 m, 40°44̍S, 72°18̍W, 21.XI.1993, N. Platnick, K. Catley, M. Ramírez, T. Allen , 23 (AMNH), 23 (MACN­Ar), 13 (MHNS); 40°44̍S, 72°19̍W, 1440 m, 5–7.XII.1988, V. and B. Roth, 1♀ (CAS), 13–17.XII.1998, M. Ramírez, L. Compagnucci, C. Grismado, L. Lopardo, 23 2♀ 6 immatures, 1♀, 13 1♀ (MACN­Ar), 23 3♀ (MHNS); 450 m, 11.XII.1981, Nielsen and Karsholt, 1♀ (ZMK); 600 m, 12–20.II.1979, L.E. Peña, 1♀ 1 immature, 13 (AMNH); 12 km SE Aguas Calientes, Puyehue Natl. Park , elev. 700 m, 21.XI.1993, N. Platnick, K. Catley, M. Ramírez, T. Allen , 23 (AMNH), Anticura, 19–29.X.1985, L. Peña, 2♀ (AMNH), 1.XI.1982, 1♀ (MHNS 705); 350 m, 18.XII.1981, Nielsen and Karsholt, 13 (ZMK); 300 m, 7–8.III.1979, Misión Científica Danesa, 1♀, 1 immature (ZMK); 40°40̍0̎S, 72°10̍30̎W, 350 m, 13.XII.2000 – 2.I.2001, forest, J. Miller, Alvarez, J. Coddington, G. Hormiga, 13 (USNM); Anticura, Sendero El Indio, ca. 355 m, 31.xii.200, G. Hormiga, 1♀ with eggsac (fig. 115A, USNM); La Picada 450 m, NW Volcán Osorno, 15–20.I.1980, L.E. Peña, 1♀ 1 immature (AMNH); Laguna El Espejo, P. N. Puyehue , elev. 510 m, 21.XI.1993, N. Platnick, K. Catley, M. Ramírez, T. Allen , 13 (AMNH); 10 km E Puyehue , 24.I.1951, Ross and Michelbacher, 7 immatures (CAS); Termas de Puyehue, 240 m, 14.III.1965, H. Levi, 1 immature (MCZ); Puyehue, Pucatrihue , 26–28.III.1968, L. Peña, 10 immatures (MCZ); 8 mi E Río Bueno, 15.I.1951, Ross and Michelbacher, 1♀ (CAS). Llanquihue: Alerce Andino Natl. Park, elev. 100 m, 41°35̍S, 72°41̍S, 23.XI.1993, N. Platnick, K. Catley, M. Ramírez, T. Allen , 13 1♀ (AMNH), 13 (MACN­Ar), 1♀ (MHNS); Correntoso, XII.1968, L. Peña, 1♀ (MCZ); 2–3 km NW Ensenada, 18.III.1965, H. Levi, 3 immatures (MCZ, photographed); Cayutue´, 12.V.1971, R. Calderón, 3 immatures (UC); Parque Philippi, Puerto Varas, 2.III.1962, A.F. Archer and H. McMillin, 13 1♀ (AMNH); Tenglo, Puerto Montt, 1.III.1962, A.F. Archer, 2♀ (AMNH). Chiloe´: Isla de Chiloe´: Arroyo Cole Cole, 25 km N Cucao, 8–11.II.1991, M. Ramírez, 2♀ 2 immatures (MACN­Ar); 15 km S Chepu, 3.II.1991, M. Ramírez, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); Huequetrumao, 27.XII.1981, L.E. Peña, 13 (AMNH); Lago Tepuhueco, XII.1985, L. Peña, 13 (AMNH); Lago Tepuhueco, 33 km SW Chonchi, 25 m, 42°49̍S, 73°55̍W, 26.XI.1994, no. 163, beating vegetation, 1♀, no. 167, fogging fungusy logs, 1 immature, R. Leschen and C. Carlton, (AMNH). Mistaken Locality: Santiago Prov., Malleco, XI.1979, L. Peña, 23 6♀ (AMNH) (see Ramírez, 1995b: 83).

Oxysoma longiventre (Nicolet)

Figures 115C, D View Fig , 116D–F View Fig , 119B, C View Fig , 120 View Fig , 121 View Fig Clubiona longiventris Nicolet, 1849: 430–431 (female holotype from Chile, Valdivia, in MHNP 4232, not reexamined).

Monapia vellardi Gerschman and Schiapelli, 1970: 132 , 135, 140–141 (male holotype 6271 and female allotype 6272 from Chile, 26 km from Puerto Aisén, in MACN­Ar, examined). Synonymized by Ramírez, 1995b.

Oxysoma longiventris : Ramírez, 1995b: 88.

Oxysoma longiventre View in CoL : Platnick View in CoL , 1997: 697 (emmendation of O. longiventris ).

DIAGNOSIS: Distinguished by the shape of the epigynal anterior pouch, confined between the converging lateral lobes (fig. 110E), and by the characteristic shape of the paramedian apophysis (fig. 120D). The apical modified setae on the cymbium (compare fig. 119A–C) are shared with other Chilean undescribed species.

FEMALE (Hua Hum): Total length 8.11. Carapace length 3.30, width 2.33, wider on legs II–III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: I, 2.87/2.27; II, 2.53/1.97; III, 1.80/1.53; IV, 2.37/2.43. Palpal tarsus length 1.10. Chelicerae with two teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 1.67, width 1.23. Spines: leg I, femur d 1–1–1, p (1­ d1)ap, r d1ap; tibia v 2–2–2, p and r 1–1; metatarsus v 2bas, p and r 1–0, d 0­ p1–2. II, femur d 1–1–1, p and r 0­ d1­ d1; tibia and metatarsus = I. III, femur = II; patella r d1; tibia v p1–2–2, p and r d1–1, d r1­ 0­ 1­ 0; metatarsus v 2–0–2 and an apical group of hairs, p and r d1–1–1 or 0­ d1–1, d 0­ p1–2. IV, femur d 1–1–1, p 0­ d1­ d1, r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia = III; metatarsus v 2–2–2, p and r d1–1–1, d 0­ p1–2. Abdomen length 4.92, width 2.66, spiracle–epigastrium 2.27, spiracle–spinnerets 0.80. Color (fig. 115C): as in male, but very dark spots on anterior face of patellae I–III, on bases of dorsal spines of metatarsi I and II, and apical retrolateral corner of coxae. Abdomen with dorsal stripe and anterior dot less marked, ventral stripe narrower. Epigyne (fig. 120E): median field small, anterior pouch with margins prolonged, with double cavity, lateral lobes separate, copulatory ducts long, sinuous.

MALE (Lago Hermoso MACN­Ar 9797): Total length 8.25. Carapace wider than that of female, length 3.72, width 2.73. Length of tibia/metatarsus: I, 5.37/4.66; II, 4.40/3.60; III, 2.70/2.23; IV, 3.27/3.36. Chelicerae slightly smaller than those of female. Sternum length 1.83, width 1.33. Endites narrow, divergent. Spines as in female, except: leg III, metatarsus v 2–2–2 or 2­ p1–2, p and r d1–1–1. IV, tibia v 2–2–2. Legs I and II with many long hairs curved backward, on metatarsi, tibiae. Abdomen length 4.65, width 2.13, spiracle–epigastrium 2.10, spiracle– spinnerets 0.73. Color: carapace grayish yellow, pale, with one median stripe and two laterals, formed by brown dots. Legs pale grayish with brown dots, small spots. Sternum pale. Dorsum of abdomen cream with dark dots at sides, cardiac area brown, continued backward in two brown stripes. Venter with brown patch from epigastrium to tracheal spiracle. Palp (figs. 116D–F, 119B, C, 120A–D, 121): tibia short, width/length 0.80. Cymbium relatively large, with apical dorsal patch of thick, angled setae (fig. 119B, C). Sperm duct with one loop approximating anterior ventral margin of tegulum, less pronounced loop before entering embolus (fig. 121). Embolus very thin, not associated with canal on secondary conductor, basal process not evident, membranous area ample. Paramedian apophysis with ventral cusp close to base, connected by ridge to sharp tip (fig. 120D). Primary conductor at center of copulatory bulb, flattened, curved (fig. 116F). Secondary conductor with retrolateral portion continued into proximal, thin, weakly sclerotized area; both portions covered by regularly disposed denticles (fig. 116E).

VARIABILITY: The dorsal stripe on abdomen may vary from dark to almost absent. The ventral patch may be absent, sometimes wider in males. Spines: III, metatarsus v 2– 0–2 or 2­ p1–2.

NATURAL HISTORY: This species builds retreats on foliage, most commonly on ‘‘colihue’’ bamboo ( Chusquea spp. ).

DISTRIBUTION: Southern forests in Argentina , from Neuquén to Chubut provinces, and Chile, from Talca to Osorno provinces.

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: ARGENTINA: Neuquén: Lanín Natl. Park: Hua Hum , I.1985, M. Ramírez, 1♀ ( MACN­Ar) ; Lago Hermoso , 15.I.1985, M. Ramírez, 13 1♀ 7 immatures ( MACN­Ar), 13 ( MACN­Ar 9797 ) ; Lago Lácar , X.1955, A. Giai, 13, 6♀ ( MACN­Ar) ; 5 km E Hua Hum , 5.XI.1981, Nielsen and Karsholt, 13 ( ZMK), 640 m, 16.XI.1981, 13 1♀ ( ZMK) ; Lanín Natl. Park , no specific locality, VIII.1978, Schajovskoy, 1♀ ( MACN­Ar) ; Pucara´, 5– 16.II.1956, A. Ogloblin and Sra., 13 1♀ ( MLP), 1.II.1971, 1♀ ( MACN­Ar 2444 ), 1970, 13, II.1974, 23 1♀ S. Schajovskoy ( MACN­Ar), 10.XI.1978, Misión Científica Danesa, 2♀ ( ZMK) ; 650 m, 28–29.XI.1981, Nielsen and Karsholt, 13 ( ZMK) ; Termas de Epulaufquen , 9.I.1986, M. Ramírez, 1♀ ( MACN­Ar) ; Nahuel Huapi Natl. Park : Isla Victoria, 41°S 71°W, 1.V.65, A. Kovács, 33 1♀ ( AMNH). Río Negro: San Carlos de Bariloche , IV.1962, Havrylenko, 13 ( MACN­Ar) GoogleMaps ; road to Tronador , 800 m, 29.XI.1978, Misión Científica Danesa, 1♀ ( ZMK) ; Pampa del Toro , Nielsen and Karsholt, 1♀ ( ZMK) ; 900 m, 9–10.XI.1981, 1000 m, 21.XI.1978, Misión Científica Danesa, 1♀ ( ZMK). Chubut: Los Alerces Natl. Park: Río Frías, II.1986, M. Ramírez, 13 ( MACN­Ar). CHILE: Región VII (Maule): Talca: Alto de Vilches , elev. 1180 m, 35°36̍S, 71°04̍W, 14.15. XI.1993, N. Platnick, K. Catley, M. Ramírez, T. Allen , 1♀ ( AMNH) ; Gil de Vilches, 7.I.1989, M. Ramírez, 1♀ ( MACN­Ar). Región VIII (Biobío): Ñuble : Las Trancas , E Recinto , 1100 m, II.1987, L. Peña, 5♀ ( AMNH) ; Recinto, SE Chillán , 12.I.1989, M. Ramı´rez, 1 ♀ ( MACN­Ar, photos MJR R1 1, 43, 44) ; 40 km W San Fabián de Alicó , 24.II.1992, N. Platnick, P. Goloboff, M. Ramírez , 23 ( AMNH). Concepción: Periquillo, 21.XII.1996, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ ( AMNH). Región IX (Araucanía): Malleco: Malalcahuello, 9–15.XII.1985, L. Peña, 4♀ ( AMNH) ; Río Blanco , Curacautı´n, 1.5. II.1959, L. Peña, 1♀ ( IRSN I.G. 19736) ; Tolhuaca , 15–25.I.1959, L. Peña, 1♀ ( IRSN IG 19736 View Materials ), 15.II.1992, M. Ramírez, N. Platnick, P. Goloboff , 13 ( AMNH, photos MJR 925–926) ; Conguillio Natl. Park, 23.II.1992, M. Ramírez, N. Platnick, P. Goloboff , 13 1♀ ( AMNH), 13 1 immature ( MACN­Ar), 13 ( MHNS). Cautín: Monte Verde , Cavahue , 31.I.1993, L. Peña, 1♀ ( AMNH). Osorno : Puyehue Natl. Park : 480 m, 40°44̍S, 72°18̍W, 21.XI.1993, N. Platnick, K. Catley, M. Ramírez, T. Allen , 1♀ ( AMNH) ; Anticura , 26–31.VII, 1–5.VIII.1983, L. Peña, 1♀ ( AMNH) ; 7.III.1984, L. Irrazabal, 1♀ ( AMNH). Llanquihue: Puerto Montt, Río Blanco , 24 –19.I.1983, G. Arriagada, 1♀ ( MHNS 718 ). Mistaken Locality: Prov. Santiago, Malleco, XI.1979, L.E. Peña, 3♀ ( AMNH) (see Ramírez, 1995b: 83) .


Zoologisches Museum der Universitaet Kiel


Museo de La Plata


American Museum of Natural History


Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique












Aporatea Simon, 1897a: 199


Oxysoma valdiviense

Platnick, N. I. 1997: 693

Oxysoma longiventre

Platnick, N. I. 1997: 697

Oxysoma valdiviensis

Ramirez, M. J. 1995: 88

Oxysoma longiventris

Ramirez, M. J. 1995: 88

Monapia vellardi

Gerschman de Pikelin, B. S. & R. D. Schiapelli 1970: 132

Oxysoma lineatum

Bonnet, P. 1958: 3269

Oxysoma punctatum

Bonnet, P. 1958: 3269


Simon, E. 1897: 199

Aporatea valdiviensis

Gerschman de Pikelin, B. S. & R. D. Schiapelli 1975: 184
Zapfe, H. C. 1951: 4
Tullgren, A. 1902: 56
Simon, E. 1897: 199

Oxysoma punctata

Nicolet, H. 1849: 513

Oxysoma punctipes

Nicolet, H. 1849: 512

Oxysoma aurata

Nicolet, H. 1849: 513

Oxysoma longipes

Nicolet, H. 1849: 514

Oxysoma lineata

Nicolet, H. 1849: 515
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