Philisca navarinensis Tullgren, 1901: 228

RAMÍREZ, MARTÍN J., 2003, The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): A Phylogenetic Revision At The Generic Level, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2003 (277), pp. 1-262 : 178-183

publication ID 10.1206/0003-0090(2003)277<0001:TSSAAA>2.0.CO;2

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Philisca navarinensis Tullgren, 1901: 228


Philisca navarinensis Tullgren, 1901: 228 View in CoL , 259

(female holotype from Chile, Magallanes,

Puerto Toro, 8.II.1896, in NRS, examined). NEW


SYNONYMY: The holotypes of the species synonymized were examined; no relevant differences were found.

NOTE: The type of Philisca navarinensis is labeled ‘‘ Philisca toronensis ’’; the corresponding file in NRS was corrected as ‘‘ navarinensis ( toronensis )’’.

DIAGNOSIS: Distinguished from other Philisca by having the epigynal median field rectangular, slightly elevated, with a deep anterior pouch, and the male paramedian apophysis elongate, thick, with rounded tip.

FEMALE (holotype, measurements of specimen from Pucón): Total length 9.05. Carapace (fig. 94B, C) length 4.00, width 2.77, wider on legs II–III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: I, 2.50/2.07; II, 2.30/2.00; III, 1.70/1.87; IV, 2.33/2.63. Palpal tarsus length 1.12. Chelicerae unmodified, with three teeth on retromargin, basal one larger (fig. 96A). Sternum length 1.93, width 1.53. Spines: leg I, femur d 1–1–1, p 2ap; tibia v p1–2–2; metatarsus v 2bas. II, femur = I; tibia v 0–2–2; metatarsus = I. III, femur d 1–1–1, p 0­ d1­ (1­ d1), r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v 0–2–2, p and r d1– 1; metatarsus v 2­ p1­ p1 and group of apical hairs, p and r d1–1–1, d 0­ p1–2. IV, femur d 1–1–1, p 0­ d1­ d1, r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1–2–2, p d1–1, r 1­ d1­ 0­ 1­ 0; metatarsus = III, but v 2–2­ p1. Abdomen length 5.30, width 3.33, spiracle–epigastrium 3.03, spiracle–spinnerets 0.50. Color: carapace and legs brown. Sternum dark brown with pale center, endites and labium dark. Abdomen yellow, cardiac area violet, dorsum with brown spots, venter with some diffuse dark spots. Epigyne (fig. 94D, E): anterior pouch with deep cavity, median field rectangular, slightly elevated. Insertions of epigastric muscles superficial. Ducts of accessory bulbs short, converging.

MALE (Pucón): Total length 7.70. Carapace length 3.07, width 2.27. Length of tibia/ metatarsus: I, 2.67/2.37; II, 2.40/2.20; III, 1.67/1.77; IV, 2.20/2.47. Chelicerae very long, fang long, thick; retromarginal teeth small, apical tooth separated from other two. Endites unmodified. Sternum length 1.55, width 1.23. Spines as in female, except: leg II, femur p d1ap. III, femur p 0­ d1­ (1­ d1) or p 0­ d1­ d1; tibia v 0–2–2, 0­ p1–2 or p1–2–2; metatarsus v 2­ p1­ p1, 2­ r1­ p1 or 2–0­ p1. IV, metatarsus v 2­ p1­ p1 or 2–2­ p1. Abdomen length 2.75, width 1.70, spiracle–epigastrium 1.57, spiracle–spinnerets 0.28. Color (fig. 94A): as in female, but abdomen with more heavily contrasting pattern, dorsal pattern and epigastrium violet (some specimens with a ventral band). Palp (figs. 93A, B, 95): tibia long, width/length 0.37, cymbium relatively small. Embolus very short, base globose, with longitudinal projecting ridge; basal process flattened, rounded. Median apophysis branched at base (fig. 93A, B). Paramedian apophysis wide, tip rounded. Primary conductor triangular, flattened, curved (fig. 93B). Secondary conductor small, canal vestigial, limited to tip, ending in small peak, on rounded projection directed backward; area basal to canal membranous; retrolateral portion wide, thin. Anterior dorsal margin of tegulum projecting as rounded lobe.

VARIABILITY: Spines: III, tibia v p1­ p1–2 or 0­ p1–2. IV, tibia v p1–2–2.

NATURAL HISTORY: Unknown. According to labels of specimens from Pucón collected by S.A. Marshall, this species might live on stony beaches. Many specimens have regenerated legs.

DISTRIBUTION: Chile, from Cautín province to Cabo de Hornos.

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: CHILE: Región IX (Araucanía): Cautín: Pucón, dung traps nr. lake, 9–16.XI.1989, 33, pan traps in drift, nr. lake, 5–8.XI.1989, 43, pan traps in lakeside debris, 8–13.XI.1989, 93 1♀ 1♀ penultimate, lakeshore FIT, 15.XI– 2.XII.1989, 53 5♀, FIT nr. lake, 8– 13.XI.1989, 63 1♀, pan in lake wrack, 15.XI–2.XII.1989, 213 3♀ 13, S.A. Marshall (AMNH). Región X (Los Lagos): Chiloe´: Isla de Chiloe´: Cucao, 12.XII.1985, E. Maury, 1♀ (MACN­Ar). Región XII (Magallanes y Antártica): Magallanes: Cabo Negro, 29.I.1976, T. Cekalovic, 1♀

(AMNH); Isla Navarino , Puerto Toro, 19.XII.1992, Michelsen, 2♀ ( ZMH 178 View Materials ) .

Philisca ornata Berland

Figures 96B View Fig , 97 View Fig , 98 View Fig

Philisca ornata Berland, 1924: 435 View in CoL (male and female syntypes, from the Juan Fernández Islands, Mas a Tierra, 28.XII.1916, K. Bäckström coll., in NRS, S.P.E. 188, and male paratype from Mas a Tierra, 1917, Bäckström [labeled ‘‘cotype’’], in MHNP, examined).

DIAGNOSIS: Distinguished from other Philisca by having a large yellow body and a very long male palpal tibia; the epigynum is very similar to that of other Chilean species. FEMALE (syntype, measurements of specimen from nr. Plazoleta): Total length 7.18. Carapace wide in front (fig. 97A, C), length 3.20, width 2.37, wider on legs II–III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: I, 2.33/2.13; II, 2.27/ 2.10; III, 1.57/1.77; IV, 2.20/2.53. Palpal tarsus length 0.92. Chelicerae strong, with three similar teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 1.55, width 1.18. Scopulae on legs I and II not reaching tibiae. Spines (shorter on legs I and II): leg I, femur d 1–1–1, p (1­ d1)ap; tibia v p1–2–2 or p1–2­ p1; metatarsus v (p1­ r1)bas. II, femur d 1–1–1, p d1ap; tibia v 0– 2–2, p 0–1 or 0; metatarsus v (p1­ r1)bas, p 1–0. III, femur d 1–1–1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v 0­ p1–2, p and r 1–1; metatarsus

= 2 mm.

v 2–2–2, p d1–1–1, r d1–0–1, d 0­ p1–2. IV, femur, patella and tibia = III; metatarsus v 2–2–2, p and r d1–1–1, d 0­ p1–2. Abdomen length 4.12, width 2.40, spiracle–epigastrium 1.90, spiracle–spinnerets 0.40. Color: yellow, cephalic area and chelicerae reddish brown. Sternum pale brown, center paler. Dorsum of abdomen with anterior lateral gray areas and three pairs of small gray spots at posterior half, closing posteriorly; some specimens with white guanine reticulum at sides. Epigyne (fig. 98E, F) small, weakly sclerotized, translucent. Margins of lateral lobes arched, median field heart­shaped, anterior pouch in deep notch. Ducts of accessory bulbs long, with conspicuous gland ducts.

MALE (syntype, measurements of specimen from Valle Anson): Total length 8.65. Carapace very wide in front (fig. 97B, D), length 4.00, width 3.13. Legs very thin, especially the metatarsi. Length of tibia/metatarsus: I, 3.72/3.80; II, 3.60/3.60; III, 2.13/ 2.83; IV, 3.10/3.33. Chelicerae (figs. 96B, 97D) very strong, with internal superior margins projecting, three teeth on promargin, on elevation, and three on retromargin, basals contiguous. Endites with two protuberances at each external angle, most external larger. Sternum length 2.00, width 1.57. Spines as in female, except: leg I, tibia v p1–2–2. II, femur p (1­ d1)ap or d1ap; tibia v 0–2–2 or r1–2–2, p 0; metatarsus v (p1­ r1)­ p1–0. Abdomen length 4.50, width 2.12, spiracle–epigastrium 2.37, spiracle–spinnerets 0.73. Col­ or: yellow, cephalic area, mouthparts, and chelicerae reddish brown. Sternum and coxa I orange. Legs yellow with gray patches, femora with one ventral apical patch, covering part of articulation membrane; patellae with one spot at each side; tibiae with several basal and pair of apical spots. Dorsum of abdomen with brownish violet pattern, venter with diffuse violet area, from epigastrium to tracheal spiracle. Palp (fig. 98A–D) with all segments long, thin, cymbium relatively small. Copulatory bulb small, central into cymbium, well separated from tibia. Tegular notch short. Embolus long, basal process flattened, rounded. Median apophysis long, quite straight, unbranched. Paramedian apophysis elongate, acute. Primary conductor wide, triangular, flattened. Secondary conductor with canal vestigial, limited to hook­shaped peak, on rounded projection directed backward; area basal to canal membranous; retrolateral portion wide, thin, elevated.

VARIABILITY: Female spines: I, tibia v 0– 2­ p1. Male spines: III, tibia v 0–2–2. IV, tibia v p1–2–2.


DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the Juan Fernández Islands, Mas a Tierra (now Isla Robinson Crusoe).

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: CHILE: Valparaíso: Archipiélago Juan Fernández, Mas a Tierra ( Isla Robinson Crusoe ): Same data as syntypes, 2 immatures ( NRS) ; Portezuelo trail, 7.IV.1962, 1♀ 2 immatures, Quebrada Damajuana, 5.IV.1962, 13, Valle Anson , Plazoleta del Yunque , 200–250 m, camote side, 1–28.IV.1962, 63 18♀ 10 immatures, Valle Villagra, Portezuelo trail, 400–450 m, 19.IV.1962, 13, B. Malkin ( AMNH) ; Galpón, Valle Villagra, 23– 24.IV.1962, 13, wet areas near Plazoleta , pans, 24–28.I.1992, S. Marshall, 1♀ ( AMNH) ; Plazoleta , Malaise trap, 24 – 29.I.1992, S. Marshall, 13 ( AMNH) .


Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet


American Museum of Natural History














Philisca navarinensis Tullgren, 1901: 228


Philisca ornata

Berland, L. 1924: 435

Philisca navarinensis

Tullgren, A. 1901: 228
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