Philisca huapi, RAMÍREZ, 2003

RAMÍREZ, MARTÍN J., 2003, The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): A Phylogenetic Revision At The Generic Level, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2003 (277), pp. 1-262 : 183-191

publication ID 10.1206/0003-0090(2003)277<0001:TSSAAA>2.0.CO;2

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Philisca huapi

sp. nov.

Philisca huapi View in CoL , new species Figures 61H View Fig , 93C–E View Fig , 99 View Fig

TYPES: Male holotype from Argentina, Neuquén province, Nahuel Huapi Natl. Park , Puerto Blest, Laguna Los Cántaros, ca. 41°00̍S, 71°50̍W, 30.I.1985, M. Ramírez, 9818, and female paratype from Puerto Blest, trail to Lago Ortiz Basualdo, I.1990, M. Ramírez, deposited in MACN­Ar.

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

DIAGNOSIS: Resembles P. ornata (and oth­ er species not included here) in having anteriorly modified male chelicerae, but can be distinguished by lacking the lateral projections on the male endites and by the long, straight ducts of the female accessory bulbs.

FEMALE (paratype): Total length 5.05. Carapace length 2.10, width 1.48, wider on legs II–III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: I, 1.17/ 1.00; II, 0.98/0.88; III, 0.80/0.90; IV, 1.18/ 1.33. Palpal tarsus length 0.58. Chelicerae unmodified, with three teeth on retromargin, basal one largest. Sternum length 1.17, width 0.88. Spines: leg I, femur d 1–1–1, p 2ap; tibia v 2–2–2; metatarsus v 2bas. II, femur d 1–1–1, p d1ap; tibia v r1–2–2, p 0–1; metatarsus v 2bas, p 1. III, femur d 1–1–1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v 0­ p1–2 or p1­ p1– 2, p and r d1–1–0, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2– 0­ p1 and apical group of hairs, p and r d1– 1–1, d 0­ p1–2. IV, femur = III; patella r d1; tibia v p1­ p1–2, p and r d1–1, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2­ p1­ p1 and apical group of hairs, p and r d1–1–1, d 0­ p1–2. Abdomen length 3.07, width 1.80, spiracle–epigastrium 1.70, spiracle–spinnerets 0.25. Color (fig. 99A): yellowish with grayish brown pattern. Legs with gray spots, patellae with spot on each side, tibiae with several basal spots and pair of apical spots. Margins of sternum and labium dark brown, endites brown. Abdomen yellow with white guanine reticulum, dorsum with park pattern, venter with median band dark brown from epigastrium to tracheal spiracle, two lateral lines of small spots. Anterior spinnerets different from those of males, slightly thickened at bases, without modified hairs. Epigyne weakly sclerotized, median field heart­shaped, ducts of accessory bulbs long, stright, slightly converging. Lateral lobes contiguous posteriorly (but slightly separate in some females, fig. 99D).

MALE (holotype): Total length 6.38. Carapace very wide in front, ocular area slightly protruding, length 2.30, width 1.57. Length of tibia/metatarsus: I, 2.17/1.97; II, 1.77/ 1.63; III, 1.15/1.30; IV, 1.63/1.87. Chelicerae very strong (fig. 99C), with internal superior margins slightly protruding in ridges. Three teeth on promargin, median one very thick, on elevation, other two small; three teeth on retromargin, basal one largest. Endites unmodified. Sternum length 1.13, width 0.95. Spines as in female, except: leg II, tibia v 2– 2–2. III, femur p 0­ d1­ d1 or 0­ d1–2; tibia v p1–2–2. IV, tibia v p1–2–2. Abdomen length 2.77, width 1.53, spiracle–epigastrium 1.30, spiracle–spinnerets 0.25. Base of anterior spinnerets globose, covered by thick, short hairs. Color (fig. 99B): similar to female. Palp (figs. 61H, 93C–E, 99E, F): tibia long, width/length 0.47. Embolus short, flattened, base globose, with longitudinal flat projecting ridge; basal process flattened, rounded. Median apophysis with series of thin branches (fig. 93C). Triangular sclerotized stripe runs from sperm duct to base of median apophysis. Paramedian apophysis wide, curved at tip. Primary conductor triangular, slightly flattened. Secondary conductor small, canal vestigial, limited to tip, ending in longitudinally ridged peak, on rounded projection directed backward; area basal to canal membranous; retrolateral portion wide, thin, elevated.

VARIABILITY: The size of male chelicerae is variable. The lateral epigynal lobes may be separate or contiguous. Spines: metatarsi III, IV, v 2­ p1­ p1.

NATURAL HISTORY: This species makes retreats on foliage. Most specimens were collected on bamboos ( Chusquea spp. ), and they resemble Gayenna americana , also common on the same bamboos. Notably, Platnickia elegans (Nicolet) ( Zodariidae ), which lives exclusively on bamboos (personal obs.), has a similar appearance too.

DISTRIBUTION: Humid southern forest in Chile, from Malleco to Palena provinces; in Argentina only collected in Puerto Blest and Termas de Epulaufquen, two humid Andean passes at the Chilean border.

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: ARGENTINA: Neuquén: Lanín Natl. Park: Termas de Epulaufquen , 9.I.1986, M. Ramírez, 13 ( MACN­Ar) ; Nahuel Huapi Natl. Park : same data as holotype, 23 1♀ 1♀ penultimate ( MACN­Ar) ; same data as paratype, 263 8 immatures ( MACN­Ar), 13 (MACNAr) . CHILE: Región IX (Araucanı´a): Malleco: Monumento Natural Contulmo , 11.XII.1984 – 13.II.1985, FIT, 350 m, S. and J. Peck, 43 1♀ ( AMNH), 19–21.XII.1998, M. Ramírez, L. Compagnucci, C. Grismado, L. Lopardo, 3♀ 13 ( MACN­Ar), 5♀ ( MHNS). Región X (Los Lagos): Osorno: Puyehue Natl. Park : Aguas Calientes, 600 m, 12–20.II.1979, L.E. Peña, 13 ( AMNH), 13– 17.XII.1998, M. Ramírez, L. Compagnucci, C. Grismado, L. Lopardo, 13 1♀ (MACNAr), 2♀ 13 ( MHNS), 500 m, 2–5.V.1988, L. Peña, 13 1♀ ( AMNH) ; 4.1 km W Anticura , 270 m, trap site 663, window trap, valdivian rainforest, 19–25.XII.1982, A. Newton and M. Thayer, 13 ( AMNH) ; 7.7 km NE Termas de Puyehue, 200 m, site 664, window trap, 19–25.XII.1982, A. Newton and M. Tayer, 13 ( AMNH). Chiloe´: Guabún, N Ancud, 13–15.I.1980, L. Peña, 1♀ ( AMNH). Palena: Río Ventisquero, Lago Yelcho , 5– 9.XII.1985, L. Peña, 13 ( AMNH) .

Philisca hyadesi (Simon) , new combination Figures 93F View Fig , 101E View Fig , 102D, E View Fig

Liparotoma hyadesi Simon, 1884: 138 . Ramírez, 1993: 201.

DESCRIPTION AND DIAGNOSIS: See Ramírez (1993). Additional data are provided below.

FEMALE: Palpal claw modified (fig. 101E). Spines: leg I, femur d 1–1–1, p 2ap; metatarsus v 2bas short. II = I or femur p d1ap. III, femur d 1–1–1, p and r d1ap; tibia v 2ap, p 1, r d1–1; metatarsus v 2–0­ r2 and bunch of apical hairs, p and r 0–1–1, d 2ap. IV, femur d 1–1–1, r d1ap; tibia v 2ap or p1–0– 2, r d1–1; metatarsus v 2–0­ r2 or p1–0­ r2 and bunch of apical hairs, p 1ap, r 0–1–1, d 2ap.

MALE: Palp (figs. 93F, 102D, E): tibia long, width/length 0.37, cymbium relatively small. Embolus short, base thick, anterior margin longitudinally flattened, slightly projecting as ridge; basal process flattened, rounded. Median apophysis long, thin, with small branches at base. Paramedian apophysis long, sinuous. Sperm duct with apical/retrolateral loop, approaching base of median apophysis. Primary conductor well developed, wide, slightly flattened. Secondary conductor complex, canal completely absent, area corresponding to canal base membranous; prolateral portion with triangular and flattened projection, and thick, rounded projection directed backward; retrolateral portion thin, projecting as acute peak; additional projection flat, triangular, between both portions.

DISTRIBUTION: Southern forests in Chile, from Cautín, and Argentina, from Neuquén, to Cabo de Hornos; two isolated records from Valparaíso (Quintay) and Petorca (Cuesta El Melón, Ramírez, 1993) might indicate an interesting relict, or a mislabeling (see also Oxysoma punctatum ).

NEW RECORDS: ARGENTINA: Neuquén: Nahuel Huapi Natl. Park , Isla Victoria, IV.1945, Havrylenko, 13 (MLP); Península Quetrihue´, 24.II.1986, M. Ramı´rez, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); Puerto Blest, 7–20.I.2000, L. Lopardo and A. Quaglino, 3♀ (MACN­Ar). CHILE: Valparaíso: 8 km SE Quintay, 33°12̍S, 71°41̍W, 150 m, 17.II.1967, E.I. Schlinger, 13 (CAS). Región Metropolitana (Santiago): Santiago: Bucalemi, San Antonio, 23–24.X.1994, L. Peña, 2♀ 1 immature (AMNH). Región VIII (Biobío): Ñuble: Las Trancas, 1–10.XII.1965, L. Peña, 2 immatures (MCZ). Concepción: Cerro Caracol, Concepción, 28.III.1994, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ (AMNH). Cautín: Monte Verde, Cavahue, 800 m, 30.I–2.II.1993, L. Peña, 13 (AMNH). Biobío: Los Morongos, E Los Niches, 600 m, 17–20.XI.1994, L. Peña, 1♀ (AMNH). Región IX (Araucanía): Malleco: Nahuelbuta Natl. Park, Pehuenco , 37°49̍45̎S, 73°0̍30̎W, 1100 m, 4–9.I.2001, forest with Nothofagus antarctica , Araucaria , and Chusquea, J. Miller, Alvarez, J. Coddington, G. Hormiga , 1♀ (USNM). Región X (Los Lagos): Valdivia: Neltume, II.1987, L. Peña, 2♀ (AMNH); Valdivia, XI– XII.1982, E. Krahmer, 2♀ 1 immature (MHNS 700). Osorno: Puyehue Natl. Park : 19 km E Termas de Puyehue, 40°40̍S, 71°14̍W, 450 m, fogging rotten branch, 30.XI.1994, R. Reschen and C. Carlton no. 188, 1 immature (AMNH). Llanquihue: Correntoso, XII.1969, L. Peña, 13 (MCZ); 8 mi W Puerto Varas, 18.I.1951, Ross and Michelbacher, 1♀ (CAS). Chiloe´: Isla de Chiloe´: 5 km SW Chonchi, 2.II.2001, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ (AMNH), Coihuin (Púlpito 1), 8.II.2001, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ (AMNH), Dalcahue, II.1967, 1♀ (MCZ); Isla Quinchao, Quetro, 19.II.1997, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ (AMNH). Región XI (Ibáñez del Campo): Aisén: Ventisquero San Rafael, III.1953, I. Bernasconi, 13 (MACN­Ar 3682).

Philisca amoena (Simon) , new combination Figures 100B View Fig , 101A, B View Fig , 102A, B View Fig

Liparotoma amoenum Simon, 1884: 138 . Ramírez, 1993: 202.

DESCRIPTION AND DIAGNOSIS: See Ramírez (1993). Additional data are provided below.

FEMALE: Palpal claw modified (fig. 101A, B). Spines: leg I, femur d 1–1–1, p d1ap; metatarsus v 2bas short. II = I. III, femur d 1–1–1, p and r d1ap; tibia v 0­ p1­ p1 or 0­ p1–2, p 0–1, r d1–1; metatarsus v 2–0­ r2 and an apical group of hairs, p and r 0–1–1, d 2ap. IV, femur d 1–1–1, r d1ap; tibia v p1­ p1–2 or 0­ p1–2, r d1–1; metatarsus v 2–0­ r2 and apical group of hairs, p d1–0–1, r 0–1– 1, d 2ap.

MALE (fig. 100B): Palp (fig. 102A, B): tibia long, width/length 0.48, cymbium relatively small. Embolus short, base thick, basal process shallow. Median apophysis long, thin, with basal branch. Paramedian apophysis long, straight. Sperm duct with conspicuous loop approaching base of median apophysis (fig. 102A). Primary conductor small, thin, pointed. Secondary conductor complex, canal absent, area corresponding to canal base membranous; prolateral portion with triangular, flattened projection, covered at basal side by thick denticles pointing forward; this peak placed on projection as in P. hyadesi ; retrolateral portion small, thin, translucent. Anterior margin of secondary conductor with two additional projections: one prolateral, rectangular, curved, with dentate border, other central, triangular.

NEW RECORDS: ARGENTINA: Neuquén: Puerto Blest, 7–20.I.2000, L. Lopardo and A. Quaglino, 1 immature ( MACN­Ar). CHILE: Región IX (Araucanía): Cautín : Monte Verde , Cavahue , 31.I.1993, L. Peña, 2 immatures ( AMNH). Región X (Los Lagos): Valdivia : Valdivia , XI–XII.1982, E. Krahmer, 13 ( MHNS 700 ). Osorno: Puyehue Natl. Park : 700 m, 9.XII.1994, L. Peña, 1♀ ( AMNH) ; XI.1992, L. Peña, 13 ( AMNH) ; Aguas Calientes , 450 m, 11.XII.1981, Nielsen and Karsholt, 1 immature ( ZMK) ; elev. 480 m, 40°44̍S, 72°18̍W, 21.XI.1993, N. Platnick, K. Catley, M. Ramírez, T. Allen , 13 ( MACN­Ar, photo MJR 1417–1418), 13– 17.XII.1998, M. Ramírez, L. Compagnucci, C. Grismado, L. Lopardo, 2♀ ( MACN­Ar), 1♀ ( MHNS). Llanquihue: Vicente Pérez Rosales Natl. Park, Cayutue , road to Calbutue , 19.II.1974, 2 immatures ( UC). Chiloe´: Chepu , 21.II.1992, M. Ramírez, P. Goloboff, N. Platnick , 2 immatures ( MACN­Ar) .

Philisca tripunctata (Nicolet) ,

new combination

Figures 100A View Fig , 102C View Fig

Clubiona tripunctata Nicolet, 1849: 138 (two females syntypes from Chile, no specific locality, in MHNP 4219, not reexamined).

Liparotoma pardalis Mello­Leitão, 1943a: 405 (holotype immature from Chile, Santiago, J. Carbalho coll., in MNRJ, examined). Synonymized by Ramírez, 1993.

Liparotoma tripunctatum : Ramírez, 1993: 198.

SYNONYMY: In Ramírez (1993) the synonymy of L. pardalis was based on the description by Mello­Leitão (1943a); it is confirmed here after examination of the holotype.

DESCRIPTION AND DIAGNOSIS: See Ramírez (1993). Additional data are provided below.

FEMALE (fig. 100A): Spines: leg I, femur d 1–1–1, p d1ap; metatarsus 0. II = I. III, femur d 1–1–1, p 0­ d1­ d1, r d1ap or 0­ d1­ d1; tibia v p1­ p1–2 or 2–2–2, p 0–1 or d1– 1, r d1–1; metatarsus v 2­ p1–2 or 2–0–2, p d1–1–1 or 0–1–1, r d1–1–1, d 0­ p1–2. IV, femur, d 1–1–1, r d1ap; tibia v p1­ p1–2, r d1–1; metatarsus v 2­ p1–2 or 2–2–2, p d1– 1–1 or 0–1–1, r d1–1–1, 0–1–1 or d1–0–1, d 0­ p1–2.

MALE: Palp (fig. 102C): tibia long, length/ width 0.60. Embolus short, base short, thick,

basal process flattened, rounded. Paramedian apophysis elongate, sinuous. Triangular sclerotized stripe runs from sperm duct to base of median apophysis. Primary conductor vestigial, only sclerotized band remains. Secondary conductor without canal, basal area corresponding to canal membranous; prolateral portion with flattened, slightly pointed peak; retrolateral portion elevated, small, triangular.

NEW RECORDS: ARGENTINA: Neuquén: San Martín de los Andes, 40°10̍S, 71°21̍W, 20–21.XI.1988, V. and B. Roth, 1♀ ( CAS). Río Negro : San Carlos de Bariloche , 9: Colonia Suiza, 800 m, 27.IX.1981, Nielsen and Karsholt, 1 immature ( ZMK), 19.IX.1981, 1♀, 2 immatures ( ZMK) ; 22.XI.1978, Misión Científica Danesa, 1 immature ( ZMK) ; Lago Puelo Natl. Park, nr. intendencia, 205 m, Malaise trap, 31.XII–6.I.1998, C. and M. Vardy, 13 ( BMNH / MACN­Ar). Chubut: Lago Menéndez, I.1990, M. Ramírez, 1♀ ( MACN­Ar). Tierra del Fuego: Isla de los Estados, Bahía Crosby, 18.X.1941, no collector, 2 immatures ( MACN­Ar). CHILE: Región IV (Coquimbo): Choapa: Los Vilos , Cariloleu, 11.X.1994, L. Peña, 1♀ ( AMNH) ; Ñague´, 10 km N Los Vilos, Rt. 5, km 236, elev. 40 m, 31°50̍S, 71°31̍W, 13.XI.1993, N. Platnick, K. Catley, M. Ramírez, T. Allen , 1♀ ( AMNH), Región V (Valparaíso): Petorca: Los Molles, Rt. 5, km 188, elev. 10 m, 9.XI.1993, 32°14̍S, 71°30̍W, N. Platnick, K. Catley, M. Ramírez, T. Allen , 13 ( AMNH). Quillota: Cuesta La Dormida (east side), 33° 04̍S, 71°02̍W, 750–1000 m, 20.IX.1966, E.I. Schlinger, 1♀ ( CAS). Valparaíso: Quintero, pitfalls in relict forest, 2.X.1968, R. Calderón G., 1♀ ( AMNH) ; 4.IV.19??, R. Calderón, 1 3 ( MACN­Ar). Región Metropolitana (Santiago): Santiago: Quebrada El Arbol, Aculeo, X.1969, L. Peña, 13 ( MCZ). Región VII (Maule): Talca : Alto de Vilches , 17– 24.X.1964, L. Peña, 23 2 immatures ( MCZ) ; 3 km E Gil de Vilches , 7.II.1992, M. Ramírez, N. Platnick, P. Goloboff , 1♀ ( AMNH, photos MJR 745–747) ; Las Placetas, San Clemente, 800 m, 19–20.XI.1994, L. Peña, 1♀ ( AMNH). Linares: Fundo Malcho, Andes in Parral , 11–20.XI.1964, L. Peña, 23 1 immature ( MCZ). Región VIII (Biobío): Ñuble: Las Trancas, 1–10.XII.1965, L. Peña, 13 1♀ penultimate ( AMNH) ; Las Trancas, 1200 m, 24 –27.XI.1994, L. Peña, 1♀ ( AMNH). Concepción: Curinam , 14.XII.1996, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ ( AMNH) ; Escuadrón , 18.XI.1996, 13 2♀, 18.XI.1996, 1♀ T. Cekalovic ( AMNH) ; Fundo El Manzano , 7.XI.1992, 1♀, 8.XI.1992, 1♀, 22.X.1996, 1♀, 18.XI.1996, 1♀, 23.IX.1996, 4♀, 7.XII.1996, 3♀, T. Cekalovic ( AMNH) ; Mitrihue , 29.XII.1996, T. Cekalovic, 2♀ ( AMNH) ; Periquillo , 22.XI.1992, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ ( AMNH). Arauco: 10 km N Curanilahue, 21.XI.1992, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ ( AMNH). Biobío: N Ralco /Trapa­Trapa, 21– 22.XI.1994, P. Peña, 1♀ ( AMNH) ; W Ralco, Santa Bárbara , 400 m, 22–23.XI.1994, L. Peña, 2♀ ( AMNH). Región IX (Araucanía): Malleco: Monumento Natural Contulmo, 19–21.XII.1998, M. Ramírez, L. Compagnucci, C. Grismado, L. Lopardo, 1♀ ( MHNS). Región IX (Araucanía): Cautín: 30 km NE Villarrica, 1–30.I.1965, L. Peña, 13 ( MCZ) ; NE Villarrica, 16–31.XII.1964, L. Peña, 1♀ ( MCZ) ; Flor del Lago Ranch, Villarrica, Polo Field , 39°12.300̍S, 72°08.367̍W, 282 m, canopy fogging GT Nothofagus obliqua roble, 13.XII.2001, Arias et al., 1♀ 1 immature ( UCB). Región X (Los Lagos): Valdivia: Huachocopihue, 7.III.1965, H. Levi, 23 1♀ 13 penultimate. 1♀ penultimate ( MCZ) ; Isla Teja, 6.III.1965, H. Levi, 13 ( MCZ). Osorno: Puyehue Natl. Park : 26.I.1969, L. Peña, 13 ( MCZ). Llanquihue : Alerce Andino Natl. Park , elev. 100 m, 41°35̍S, 72°41̍S, 23.XI.1993, N. Platnick, K. Catley, M. Ramírez, T. Allen , 1 immature ( MACN­Ar). Chiloe´: 5 km SW Chonchi, 19.II.1997, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ ( AMNH). Región XII (Magallanes y Antártica): Ultima Esperanza: Cerro Castillo, Natales, 13.XII.1960, L. Peña, 1♀ ( MCZ) ; Torres del Paine Natl. Park: near Refugio Chileno, 50°56̍45̎S, 72°55̍0̎W, 400–600 m, 8–9.XII.2000, J. Miller, I. Agnarsson, 1♀ ( USNM). Magallanes: Cueva del Milodón , 28.I.1976, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ ( UC) ; Gobernador Philippi , 29.I.1976, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ ( AMNH) ; Isla Navarino, Puerto Williams, XII.1962 – I.1963, P. Darlington, 13 penultimate ( MCZ) ; Manantiales, 1956, J. Vellard, 1♀ ( MACN­Ar) ; Otway, El Canelo , 18.III.1969, L. Peña, 2♀ ( MCZ) ; Aserradero Río Bueno , 8.II.1959, 2 immatures ,

10.II.1959, 1♀, 1 immature J. Vellard (MACN­Ar).

Philisca doilu (Ramírez) , new combination Figure 101C, D View Fig


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Philisca huapi


Liparotoma pardalis Mello­Leitão, 1943a: 405

Mello-Leitao, C. F. de 1943: 405

Liparotoma hyadesi

Simon, E. 1884: 138

Liparotoma amoenum

Simon, E. 1884: 138

Clubiona tripunctata

Nicolet, H. 1849: 138
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